Who created God? I had asked 8 years ago to my first primary school's religious education teacher. The response I got was as I recall, a nothing answer that turned into a change of topic. If 'god' exists, then what created it? (I'm not posting my opinion in the OP as that's never a good way to start open debate).
Efan, God has no creator. In Christianity, God is the eternal source that has always existed. There is no scriptural reference, or word of man inspired by spirit of prophecy, that says that God is a created being.
If God had a creator, God would not be "God". The fact that God is the only force that can create something from nothing is what makes him the creator.
If God had a creator, God would not be "God". The fact that God is the only force that can create something from nothing is what makes him the creator.
If Jesus wanted to, couldn't he create something from nothing? Maybe Jesus created God.
nothing. because if something created god, then he/she wouldnt be god. for some higher power to exist as god, you have to think outside of normal environment, because there was a god, it would not be governed by rules of time. god exists outside of the loop and has always existed. derp. pose better questions
If Jesus wanted to, couldn't he create something from nothing? Maybe Jesus created God.
Ah, that is the flaw. Lets look at what God is. God is one entity, with one mind, that controls 3 different forms(God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit) simultaneously. Therefore, Jesus = God. You cannot create yourself.
Side note following Mage, nothing is every truly destroyed, as well.
But on subject. Efan, these types of existential questions are hard. Our brain wants to work linear with space and time. So, I don't have answer for you, except that, our little brains probably won't understand that for a while.
However, it's early in the morning and one of my old philosophy professors brought this up... I might change the above later on.
god is the human way to explain the unexplainable, today in this century almost everything is explainable except yes that existential questions.
I's called the God of the gaps argument. Basically it states that if we don't know than we know God did it. You get a cookie if you can see the fallacy in that.
According to the facts of this particular existence/universe, everything is created from something. It is factual rule.
IF you acknowledge "god" then knowing he is "all powerful" he exists outside of the system, and therefore time. god exists at the end of time, as well as the beginning. derp. andimnotevenrelgious.
Actually no nothing's created, it's just changed from one form to another.
In our understanding of the universe yes, but that still begs the question how could something have always existed, doesn't everything we know have a beginning?
IF you acknowledge "god" then knowing he is "all powerful" he exists outside of the system, and therefore time. god exists at the end of time, as well as the beginning. derp. andimnotevenrelgious.
The universe started as a singularity. A singularity functions on quantum mechanics, which doesn't always necessitate cause and effect.
But if we stop, and go no farther, why go so far? Why not stop at the material world? ... By supposing it to contain the principle of its order within itself, we really assert it to be god; and the sooner we arrive at that Divine Being, so much the better. When you go one step beyond the mundane system, you only excite an inquisitive humor, which it is impossible ever to satisfy.
The simplest way to avoid an infinite regress is to stop it before it starts. If we assume that the universe has always existed, we don't need to identify its cause.
Even if the universe is not eternal (as the big bang suggests), 1â is still unacceptable because modern physics has shown that some things are uncaused. According to quantum mechanics, subatomic particles like electrons, photons, and positrons come into and go out of existence randomly (but in accord with the Heisenberg uncertainty principles). As Edward Tryon reports:
... quantum electrodynamics reveals that an electron, positron, and photon occasionally emerge spontaneously in a perfect vacuum. When this happens, the three particles exist for a brief time, and then annihilate each other, leaving no trace behind. (Energy conservation is violated, but only for a particle lifetime Dt permitted by the uncertainty DtDE~h where DE is the net energy of the particles and h is Planck's constant.) The spontaneous, temporary emergence of particles from a vacuum is called a vacuum fluctuation, and is utterly commonplace in quantum field theory.
A particle produced by a vacuum fluctuation has no cause. Since vacuum fluctuations are commonplace, god cannot be the only thing that is uncaused.
matter cannot be created or destroyed under normal means. it can, however, be created and destroyed. true it gets converted to energy... but energy is not matter.... therefore through conversion it is either created or destroyed. you might say... well that would never happen... E=mc^2 is just a theoretical equation thought up by that crack pot Albert Einstein. Radioactive elements decay and form energy and therefore lose mass. it turns into energy... it may also sometimes convert to other elements (not sure)... but it does in fact convert into energy and then into nothingness. ;-)
and if you can create enough energy then u can create matter from radiation. just at this point in time, I don't think that is within our realm of possibility... but maybe one day