ForumsThe TavernHow safe is your City/Community?

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15 posts

Just interested to see what some people have to say.

I live in Moscow, and apparently we have one of the highest murder rates per 100,000 people in the world, but i really dont see it, ive never been robbed or assaulted, the only thing you need here is a spine and youll be completely fine, if you walk looking as small as you can and scared though id steer clear from many parts of the city... Sure it has its dangers but what major city dosent?

  • 76 Replies
15,595 posts

I'm pretty safe in this neighborhood I live in. It's gotten worse in two years though. I remember last year some teenagers broke into the house next door to ours and gave the old lady there a heart attack. Sadly she died that night at the emergency room. She was a nice lady. Use to bake me and my brother sugar cookies.

Right now though. I'd say it's eh... Nothing really bad happens, but we're moving soon.

100 posts

The only criminal we have around is one D Paul, and he's a moron.

644 posts

It is very safe in the neighborhood and city I'm in. Most of the cities around the one we're in are safe as well.

250 posts

well, in three years, three people were killed in my village. no worries though, for two were ***** by the same person, (behind bars now.) and one was killed by his psychotic brother. my bike was stolen once, but nothing else... wait one broke in in a house, one building burnt down.

there are several thousend inhabitants in my village. so I don't worry.

169 posts

I live in Istanbul. Its mostly a safe city, the best is where the cops are doing their duties where I live.

3,415 posts

I live(d) in Tel-Aviv, Israel. Not only is the city in ISRAEL and surrounded by military bases, but it is the major city in Israel and so is VERY well protected.

Even though (Like new york) it has parts with crime and etc, it is extremely safe.

@Deathhopper, since when is lebanon secure? I thought we guys give you guys hell there... Or do you live far from Mt. Hermon?

AKA, Har Hermon, ×"ר ×-ר×××, جب٠اÙØ´ÙØ®

3,224 posts

Grew up in a rough part of Hackney East London. Lived on the so called 'murder mile' as it has been dubbed by the Metropolitan Police. I've seen a lot of robberies and a few stabbings, but as they say, the crime rate is only high when it happens to you, which fortunately it has not.

It's funny really. I've since moved to a much nicer part of West London, where I've met people who are amazed at this stroke of luck, and who've themselves been robbed many times. I think it just comes down to blind luck how safe your city is or area is in terms of who you happen to bump into on a night out.

294 posts

I live in a town with a lot of dog owners and ofcourse dogs. Three of my neighbors just in front of our house each have a dog of the same breed. One time when my mother asked me to buy soda across the street so I went out wore my slippers and went out to buy soda. When I reached the store there were two dogs which the owners didn't bother chaining them even though these dogs seem to chase and bark at people and maybe even bite. I didn't mind them until I walked back home. I already had walked around 30 ft away from the store and the dogs, then they barked at me. Out of panic I ran to my house because it's only around 5 blocks away. The two dogs chased me barking loudly and they managed to catch up to me. I thought I was gonna die when I tripped and broke the bottle of soda. The dogs went back, scared when the bottle of soda broke. I went back home with a pale face and my mom treated my wounds from my arm which I used to protect my face from the ground when I tripped. WHAT AN EXPERIENCE O_o

421 posts

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, hardly any crimes, mainly pick pockets who'll cut your hands if you don't have money D: Happened to me once, but i had money, so he let me go :P that's the only crime here i guess.

2,074 posts

I live in Howard County, which is in Maryland, and it claims to be one of the richest counties in America. But after living here for three years, it seems like the poorest. But I guess it's pretty safe here. But I also live close to Baltimore. It's dangerous there, since there are a bunch of crimes there and stuff.

896 posts

I live in Kansas and no I don't live on a farm. But yeah suburbs in my region are pretty low in crime. Although there was a shooting in a big mall recently, but that was a few miles west of my city.

5,340 posts

i live in no where :P. its a really small city so no one worries about bombs. and talking about people in the city... i think its pretty safe too.

585 posts

I live in Canada so already you know that you have a safe community. I live in London,Ontario, Canada and the community I live in is near stores, supermarkets and away from the downtown were most of the violence occurs. Lately there has been biker gangs burning down washing centres but luckily nobody has gotten hurt. Also there was a person who robbed 3 or 4 banks in a single day. But fortunatley I do not live near were this is happening in London. Good thing we have a good police department and has caught those criminals. I also live near elementary schools. In my community there is no violence just maybe the odd grafiti on the schools. I am so grateful that I have a good community to live in because I always hear on the news how there are bad events happening all over the world. Like in Egypt and Libya wear the people are rising up to the government becasue they know there government is not right. So right know there is not very much places there that are safe for the people of that city or country. All in all I feel like I have chosen a good community to live in and I am never afraid to have a walk outside at anytime. Also the residents in this neighbourhood are all friendly and many of them have young children. So I know realize that I am very fortunate to have this awesome community to live in.

1,673 posts

Ummm thats a lot of bolded text...

Anyway I live in a Ohio in a subarb pretty close to Columbus called Dublin. IMO It's a pretty safe place to live in, I've never heard of any terribly unsafe/violent things happening.

I live in a town with a lot of dog owners and ofcourse dogs. Three of my neighbors just in front of our house each have a dog of the same breed. One time when my mother asked me to buy soda across the street so I went out wore my slippers and went out to buy soda. When I reached the store there were two dogs which the owners didn't bother chaining them even though these dogs seem to chase and bark at people and maybe even bite. I didn't mind them until I walked back home. I already had walked around 30 ft away from the store and the dogs, then they barked at me. Out of panic I ran to my house because it's only around 5 blocks away. The two dogs chased me barking loudly and they managed to catch up to me. I thought I was gonna die when I tripped and broke the bottle of soda. The dogs went back, scared when the bottle of soda broke. I went back home with a pale face and my mom treated my wounds from my arm which I used to protect my face from the ground when I tripped. WHAT AN EXPERIENCE O_o

Lol a lot of times I have to steer clear of unattended dogs without a leash when I'm outside. They don't look that threatening until they bite you. Next time if one comes close I'll kick it xD
160 posts

i dont know if any of you know northwest houston but its pretty bad
just the other day my mom's radio was stolen

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