ForumsWEPRDoes Religion Blind

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My friend and I got into a conversation the other day, and he left me with the statement that Religion blinds people. He never explained what that meant, but I still want to know; based on your guys experiences, does Religion blind? And if so, how does it blind? Does it blind you from accepting all reality, or just another reality that you don't want to face?

Please try to be insightful.

  • 169 Replies
922 posts

unexplainable and we can't the stuff

****, the we and the can't shouldn't be there. and the 'have' should be a 'haven't'
9,462 posts

believing, tha is what 'believing' is. if it would be proved it would be 'knowing'.

believing is to accept something as true. I choose to believe claims with evidence backing them. Religion does not offer this. That is blindly believing something. Worse yet is believing a claim that has been disproven. Something that happens frequently in religion.
922 posts

Something that happens frequently in religion.

evidence, please.(and what religeon is that?)

Worse yet is believing a claim that has been disproven

well, god has not been disproven.

That is blindly believing something.

but that doesn't blind you. unless it is believing in extremism.
922 posts

Why does it have to be religion? Why can we just read books, as books and take what moral lessons we can from them?

I have it, there would be so many different ideas and books that it would become extremeley chaotic, no-one would agree with anyone and it would be really not very fun.


1.Religion helps to regulate our conduct and behaviour in society by providing a set of morals and value-system for human existence.
2.Religion guides our actions in life, putting a check on criminal tendency in human nature.
3.A true religion will ensure peaceful co-existence,love and harmony among human beings.
4.Religion keeps our feet firmly planted on the ground even when our heads are up in clouds because of fast-moving technology resulting in hectic and stressful lifestyle.
5.A true religion gives you a clear conscience while performing an action or taking a difficult decision,like resorting to arms in self-defence or in war. if this means making you think it was a good thing that you did then I dont agree. if it means it doesn't make you guilty then I agree.

6.Religion ensures balance in a life where negative social influences can be increasingly disruptive,immoral and corruptive for the mind.
7.As a science of self-improvement,religion offers a therapeutic and success-oriented lifestyle,a victorious way of life.
8.Religion prevents deterioration of the mind due to dehumanization and desensitization caused by highly mechanized modern living,thus providing stability.

9.True religion is the manifestation of mercy[I'd say love] - Godâs mercy for His Creation and manâs mercy towards his fellow-beings and environment(Creation).
10.Religion prevents us from being carried away by the tides of the times,because a true religion has an eternal value-system.
11.True religion protects the human rights of everyone and prevents their violation.
12.True religion ensures social justice,equality and security for all its adherents.
13.True religion ensures a happy,holy,healthy mind in a healthy body.i
14.True religion provides for good governance of society and good care of its citizens.

So, there you go. bold I don't agree with and italic I dont really understand. I don't like the way it critisizes techlnology. It has made the world more fast-paced but it also makes it easier to do acts of kindness. It also says something about people distrusting the church nowadays, which I fully agree with. That has made religeon more unpopular.
9,462 posts

evidence, please.(and what religeon is that?)

Just for some examples Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Scientology.
Any religion that claims prayer has an active function really.

well, god has not been disproven.

I wasn't referring to god, I was referring to accepting claims such as a literal global flood, or Native American Indians were Jews.

but that doesn't blind you. unless it is believing in extremism.

Blindly following something isn't being blind? What?
922 posts

Just for some examples Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Scientology.
Any religion that claims prayer has an active function really.

literal global flood

where in the bible does it say it was global. The guy who wrote said 'world' because he didn't know about the entire world existing. The entire world to him was the country where he was and the neighbouring ones.

Native American Indians were Jews.

WTF?? what religeon says that, because not christianity.

Blindly following something isn't being blind

blinding you means, stopping you from seeing some aspects of the world, society and other stuff. For example if I believed that there are dragons 500 billion light years away from us, would that stop me from exploring the world and finding out new stuff.

I quote Nurvana from earlier in this thread:
It'd be interesting to ask people like Mendel and Pasteur whether religion blinds.
922 posts

Any religion that claims prayer has an active function really.

Has prayer been disproven? It also help to unload your troubles and worries, your problems and think about them personally. You can pray something like:

God, I have a problem, i think it is because of this and that. I don't know what to do please help me.

obviously that is very generalised but it does help, I can tell you it does help, and christians beleive god helps too. give me any thing that says that christianity is a bad thing and I can show you that it is not true.

oh and on the note of the flood, I'm not so sure about it being literal, but I know the beggining of the world according to the bible is not literal. And I could could show you how it's not literal. Can I?

*amazes at himself for knowing so much about christianity at the age of 13*
5,001 posts

I have it, there would be so many different ideas and books that it would become extremeley chaotic, no-one would agree with anyone and it would be really not very fun.

That's why we have laws and governments set in place. Religion not required.

blinding you means, stopping you from seeing some aspects of the world, society and other stuf

That is the very definition of religion blinding someone. Those that blindly follow religion are blinded by it.
922 posts

****.. awww..

I correct my self:

For example if I believed that there are dragons 500 billion light years away from us, would that stop me from exploring the world and finding out new stuff.

? question. That would not stop me.

That's why we have laws and governments set in place. Religion not required.

where do most governments in the very source get their rules from...
2,520 posts

it's called belieiving in something

Your parents never hugged you did they Manny?
922 posts

[quote]it's called belieiving in something

Your parents never hugged you did they Manny?[/quote]

ok, I won't take that as an offence. But it is way off-topic.
9,462 posts

1.Religion helps to regulate our conduct and behaviour in society by providing a set of morals and value-system for human existence.

Establishing a set of morals and values can be accomplished without religion. I would even say having an absolute moral standard can even be detrimental.

2.Religion guides our actions in life, putting a check on criminal tendency in human nature.

I guess that explains how the criminal element in prisons are almost completely non religious. (most criminals are religious if your not getting the sarcasm here)

3.A true religion will ensure peaceful co-existence,love and harmony among human beings.

That eliminates most if not all religions, given religion has been one of the main reasons for people fighting in wars throughout history.

4.Religion keeps our feet firmly planted on the ground even when our heads are up in clouds because of fast-moving technology resulting in hectic and stressful lifestyle.

LOL, What? If I'm reading this right is this saying it's good to just believe in unfounded and often demonstrably false claims because people can't quite keep up with advancements in human knowledge?

5.A true religion gives you a clear conscience while performing an action or taking a difficult decision,like resorting to arms in self-defence or in war. if this means making you think it was a good thing that you did then I dont agree. if it means it doesn't make you guilty then I agree.

I'm not sure removing the feeling of guilt for having to do something repulsive is a good quality to have.

6.Religion ensures balance in a life where negative social influences can be increasingly disruptive,immoral and corruptive for the mind.

Again religion not needed and it would seem having the ability to reason is far more effective.

7.As a science of self-improvement,religion offers a therapeutic and success-oriented lifestyle,a victorious way of life.

Not only is this not qualitative statement religion isn't a science.

8.Religion prevents deterioration of the mind due to dehumanization and desensitization caused by highly mechanized modern living,thus providing stability.

Yet again religion not needed. This also get's into the claim of an absolute moral standard religions often use. Just because something doesn't fit into that neat little package it often get's deemed as such whether it is or not. In fact some technology I would say allows us a greater connectivity to our fellow humans.
Another thing this one and #4 seem to suggest technology=bad.

9.True religion is the manifestation of mercy[I'd say love] - God�s mercy for His Creation and man�s mercy towards his fellow-beings and environment(Creation).

Which is based on an unfounded assertion of the existence of such a deity, many religions have a (or many) god/s that do not show mercy or do so in an arbitrary way. This requirement also eliminates religions such as sects of Buddhism which don't have deities. Finally by the definition of religion it does not require a deity just a set of beliefs and observances to follow. So any of these with "a true religion" that doesn't cover those requirements is just flat out wrong.

10.Religion prevents us from being carried away by the tides of the times,because a true religion has an eternal value-system.

As stated earlier an absolute moral system can be detrimental. This absolute morality has stood int he way of scientific break throughs that could help millions, kept people enslaved for centuries longer then should have, and pushes for laws that oppress people in a number of other ways.

11.True religion protects the human rights of everyone and prevents their violation.
12.True religion ensures social justice,equality and security for all its adherents.
13.True religion ensures a happy,holy,healthy mind in a healthy body.i
14.True religion provides for good governance of society and good care of its citizens.

Like how it's done so for homosexuals or black people. (refer back to #9's reply)
#13, There are many who would point out how religion is as some put it "a mind virus" I'm not sure how believing in unproven, unfounded, and false claims promotes a healthy mind.
2,520 posts

Why, that list is the page for the first google results for 'how religion helps society' I deemed those reasons too poor, as they were vastly open to interpretation.

922 posts

I guess that explains how the criminal element in prisons are almost completely non religious. (most criminals are religious if your not getting the sarcasm here)

They are messed up and follow the religeon not how youre meant to. Similar to extremism.

I would even say having an absolute moral standard can even be detrimental.

Relative moral standrds for some things then.

That eliminates most if not all religions, given religion has been one of the main reasons for people fighting in wars throughout history.

that's because people were not accepting the fact of other religeons, and instead of doing what you should(by religeon), which is send missionarys to to talk to people about god. Justifying war with religeon is wrong. it is not what you are meant to do.

LOL, What? If I'm reading this right is this saying it's good to just believe in unfounded and often demonstrably false claims because people can't quite keep up with advancements in human knowledge?

I said I don't agree with/understand that one.

I'm not sure removing the feeling of guilt for having to do something repulsive is a good quality to have.

Well, I think you have to confess that you did some thing wrong and then you have the right to feel not guilty. But tou have to understand that what did was wrong. the guilt can make you crazy some times. I can tell you are real life story about that. = proof

Not only is this not qualitative statement religion isn't a science.

I said I don't understand/agree!!!!

In fact some technology I would say allows us a greater connectivity to our fellow humans.
Another thing this one and #4 seem to suggest technology=bad.

Dude, have you read the whole of that post? I said I don't ******* agree!!!!!!

All the moral stuff- i think a mix of abslotue and relative is best
9,462 posts

where in the bible does it say it was global. The guy who wrote said 'world' because he didn't know about the entire world existing. The entire world to him was the country where he was and the neighbouring ones.

This is really just you trying to justify it through your own interpretation. There are many Christian denominations (you know the religions) that do claim it is talking about a global flood, even if your particular religious view of it does not.

WTF?? what religeon says that, because not christianity.


blinding you means, stopping you from seeing some aspects of the world, society and other stuff. For example if I believed that there are dragons 500 billion light years away from us, would that stop me from exploring the world and finding out new stuff.

No it wouldn't stop you from exploring the world. However it would be blind to just accept the claim dragons exist 500 billion light years away without anything to support such a claim.

It'd be interesting to ask people like Mendel and Pasteur whether religion blinds.

I wonder how many if these people such as the above mentioned would still be religious if they were exposed to the mountains of evidence and how well we can explain the world around us today.

Has prayer been disproven?

Prayer has been put through blind studies and has been found to have no significant effect, even as a placebo.

Has prayer been disproven? It also help to unload your troubles and worries, your problems and think about them personally. You can pray something like:

God, I have a problem, i think it is because of this and that. I don't know what to do please help me.

This is nothing more then just sitting down relaxing and working out the issue yourself. In fact just relying on this can lead you to wrong conclusions.

oh and on the note of the flood, I'm not so sure about it being literal, but I know the beggining of the world according to the bible is not literal. And I could could show you how it's not literal. Can I?

Really doesn't matter, many religious denominations do make the claim that these and other events are literal events and as such is requiring the belief in disproven claims as true.

where do most governments in the very source get their rules from...

So your saying religion is require for morality? please explain why piranha don't kill each other.
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 29)
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