ForumsWEPRQuestion for Christians- All dogs go were?

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To start out the post with something vague to allow for more wide away, were to the souls of none human animals go, if they were to exist? Heaven and hell are apparently only for humans do the the "original sin", so are animals who did not participate doomed to the same fate?

If animals do not have souls, then were does there personality come from? Going back to the example of dogs, some are energetic, some are calm, and actually pretty much as different as humans. This would of course, make since that there is no such thing as souls, but not if there is.

Then, if beasts go straight to paradise, then why does the god not extend the same kindness to humans?

  • 64 Replies
3,817 posts

*throws up bible* IT'S A MIRACLE! jk
No I nvr once seen a bored animal. Maybe because i always play wit em or they are always engaged by something, but i nvr once seen it happen.

Then you own a pet, correct? Then observe other "side effects" of souls, examples cats purring, a dog wagging its tale, or the opposites like a dog putting its tail between its legs and whimpering. I assume you have at least observed one of those circumstances?
1,606 posts

Then you own a pet, correct? Then observe other "side effects" of souls, examples cats purring, a dog wagging its tale, or the opposites like a dog putting its tail between its legs and whimpering. I assume you have at least observed one of those circumstances?

Correct i do own a pet but i never seen him purr I think he is broken or something lol. All he likes to do is play and he uses purring to get me to come close to him and he'll then attack me. So correction to first sentence i have heard him pure but never out of pleasure.
3,817 posts

Correct i do own a pet but i never seen him purr I think he is broken or something lol. All he likes to do is play and he uses purring to get me to come close to him and he'll then attack me. So correction to first sentence i have heard him pure but never out of pleasure.

Then that is a different personality of my old cat, another "side effect" of souls. You do at least get the concept that most cats purr when happy?
9,462 posts

I guess because (speaking in a way i think a preist will think) god made the animals as tools for our survival and our leasier(can't spell).

Then why are there animals that not only have no use to us, but can be harmful to us?

No I nvr once seen a bored animal. Maybe because i always play wit em or they are always engaged by something, but i nvr once seen it happen.

Tan one (left) displaying boredom.
Bored Dog Mom
1,322 posts

I think i'm going to respectfully back out of this thread. Its difficult for me to take some of this serious. and there are too many questions that i don't know the answers to. If there's a particular subject that someone would like me to visit or revisit then just drop me a comment and i'll see what i can do... till the next thread... laters

3,085 posts

And herein lays the downfall of religion. It doesn't have all the answers so you have to paper over the cracks in your knowledge. Science seeks to fill those cracks with it's long, hard process of study and reasoning - religion usually ends up saying 'god(s)didit' and moving on.

1,322 posts

>_> i have visited this on a different thread already... science does not disprove a deity... it only proves a potential pathway by which said deity may have acted if said deity exists. Can you tell me that a supposed "all powerful" being wouldn't be able to work through the scientific laws of the world he created to accomplish any means he wanted?

i would think that science and a possible diety would be independent of each other (unless said deity were using those laws to reach his means as stated)

i saw that you posted... and ur generally somewhat condescending towards people who hint at theistic beliefs so I figured you may have said something w/ regard to my post... so i revisted instead of going elsewhere like i said i would... and i was right :-/

1,813 posts

Then you own a pet, correct? Then observe other "side effects" of souls, examples cats purring, a dog wagging its tale, or the opposites like a dog putting its tail between its legs and whimpering. I assume you have at least observed one of those circumstances?

It's hard for me to conceive such an abstract concept as ''soul''. As humans, we believe we have souls, we believe we have something special, something transcendental that goes beyond the bounds of flesh and organic reactions. I've trouble believing in things like ''soul'' and ''spirit'', so don't talk to me about animals having souls. Joy is not the sign of a soul, joy is the sign we are conscious, and consciousness results from the organic activity of our brain; we can't conceive death properly because of this ''soul'' issue; we want to convince ourselves that there is an afterlife, because ''there can't be nothingness after life for a consciousness that is aware it is living''.
My opinion is that we die; since the brain decays, we are no longer able to be conscious. To me, death's like that; a disappearance, no after, no reincarnation. Might as well be the same for animals right?

3,085 posts

>_> i have visited this on a different thread already... science does not disprove a deity... it only proves a potential pathway by which said deity may have acted if said deity exists. Can you tell me that a supposed "all powerful" being wouldn't be able to work through the scientific laws of the world he created to accomplish any means he wanted?

You surely don't intend to use that as your argument? I could point to an erupting volcano, using your idea, and say that there's an invisible giant under the earth moving tectonic plates and controlling lava flow.
3,817 posts

What is with all the random people posting? Sky, if you have been paying attention you would know that I am an atheist attempting to state that by Christian's definition, either animals have souls and get a free path to heaven, which should be extended to humans as well, or they go to hell thus making a cruelty, or they don't have souls meaning souls are not necessary for all the functions that Christians claim they are, or they don't exist. If you have been paying attention, fallen, you would know that I lean tw the last, that they don't exist.

10 posts

Haven't you ever seen that movie;

All Dogs Go to Heaven?

1,606 posts

Haven't you ever seen that movie;
All Dogs Go to Heaven?

Yea but that was a movie not real life. lol sad ending
1,606 posts

Then that is a different personality of my old cat, another "side effect" of souls. You do at least get the concept that most cats purr when happy?

Yea i guess i do but i nvr actualy seen it. Only in movies have i ever seen it. In movies they also show people stopping bullets wit bare hands.
1,813 posts


Don't vent at me like that; disregard the first part of my speech. In any case, it wasn't ''random'' at all; this is an internet forum, and the conclusion of my post was directly tied to the thread's topic. Don't act as if this is your place :P.
Consider that I'm on your side rather than bursting at me like this; I'm sorry for not reading the sole page where you stated the original idea of you development, but admit that when reading this page alone from bottom to top, it really does seems like you're pleading for animal souls.

In any case, I'm sorry ^^.

3,817 posts

Don't vent at me like that; disregard the first part of my speech. In any case, it wasn't ''random'' at all; this is an internet forum, and the conclusion of my post was directly tied to the thread's topic. Don't act as if this is your place :P.

Well it is common cutesy on the internetz to read the OP before posting....
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