To start out the post with something vague to allow for more wide away, were to the souls of none human animals go, if they were to exist? Heaven and hell are apparently only for humans do the the "original sin", so are animals who did not participate doomed to the same fate?
If animals do not have souls, then were does there personality come from? Going back to the example of dogs, some are energetic, some are calm, and actually pretty much as different as humans. This would of course, make since that there is no such thing as souls, but not if there is.
Then, if beasts go straight to paradise, then why does the god not extend the same kindness to humans?
it would be weird if animals go to hell, because they can't be hold responsible for their deeds. but I think personally that if someone REALLY realises that he/she was wrong, that everybody can go to heaven, even after being death for a while. only the ones wo are not in the book of live are lost for ever. and in my interpretation, only death and hades are thrown in the lake of fire for sure, for all human, animals and even plants live.
Oh really? Why does your religion think animals are of lesser beings? What makes them lesser than us, when clearly some animals are far better developed than us in some aspects? And how do you know their entities do not care where they go? That is in a sense "speaking for them". How do you, or your religion, know how their plans go?
Ask a christian. I'm not religious. My grandmother, specifically, thinks humans are 'above' animals. She's very... old fashioned in her way of thinking.