I have been sick since yesterday, stuck in bed all day yesterday, and have only managed to reach my computer do to the help of modern medicine. So now it is a proper time for the "Whence Commith Evil?" thread.
So were does "evil" come from? And I am not speaking for human evil, I am speaking for natural disasters, sickness, and other things that are "evil" but not caused by humans. Why would your god create that? And if it wasn't your god who created it, who was it? And why doesn't your god simply stop it? And if your god is for some reason unable to stop disease, then why can modern medicine stop what your god can't? And if your god causes it, then why can modern medicine stop it? Is medicine more powerful than your god?
maybe because he's saving up his godly mana for judgment day. Cause raising the dead agian must take like more than a million mana points. Plus that would make everyone be sure he existed instead of having belivers he would only have knowers.
But he should have an infinite amount of mana points because he is the dungeon master....
oh maybe (goin a bit too far into da game world) he has ghost mode but the char is still in heaven so that's why he can't make it dissapear like when ur shooting a bullet, it only goes a certain distance be4 it falls.
But he can move an infinite amount of spaces because he's the dungeon master....
I thought it held knowledge but the knowlege was kinda like pandora's box in a way.
Did God tell Satan to kill them, albeit in such a way?
In my knowlege i have of god's and devil's relationship the devil is like the anti-christ and dey don't work together. I was just listing that as a second possibility instead of my previous one.
Another question. Why are you dodging these questions?
Plz list the one's i'm dodging so maybe i can dodge em btr or give an answer that satisfies u.
But he can move an infinite amount of spaces because he's the dungeon master....
But he should have an infinite amount of mana points because he is the dungeon master....
But even the dungeon master has some weaknesses and that is why the main character always wins, even though he dosen't have unlimited mana and unlimited spaces. God saw that and instead chose to pick the power player "god" which has no direct weapons and has to always do things indirectly. Except for the two moves which both can only be used once "jesus" and "jugment day". Then you can switch games to stratagie games where you have to buil a monument to end that game. Those momuments take alot of resources and men.
I thought it held knowledge but the knowlege was kinda like pandora's box in a way.
It essentially contained both knowledge and sin, though it baffles me how Adam and Eve didn't commit the first sin but their son did when he didn't bite into the apple. Ah well.
Plz list the one's i'm dodging
God's omnipotence is basically the only one that's being covered and it also covers the motive for his questionable methods. We've been going at this for a couple pages and there have been only "maybe" answers that get sent right back. It's okay to say "I don't know". Scientists say that 400x more than they say "I do know".
God's omnipotence is basically the only one that's being covered and it also covers the motive for his questionable methods. We've been going at this for a couple pages and there have been only "maybe" answers that get sent right back. It's okay to say "I don't know". Scientists say that 400x more than they say "I do know".
But you can't say "i know why" because you would have to prove it, and since we can't prove it there has only been theories about what could be the case. His motive is by a bible's way of speaking "always purposeful" so it can only be the case that whatever he does is not random but first thought out.
If there is no possible way to prove God's methods, then why do you follow the religion? Why does anyone follow the religion? Are they insecure? Do they follow anything that makes them feel good? Are they sheep? Do they know they follow the deity that created sin and uses it irrationally? Why do the sheep follow the evil man? If there is a purpose for people dieing before their time, via God's Will, then why in blazes must he do so in such a manner? These "maybe" answers are just guesses.
then why do you follow the religion? Why does anyone follow the religion? Are they insecure? Do they follow anything that makes them feel good? Are they sheep? Do they know they follow the deity that created sin and uses it irrationally? Why do the sheep follow the evil man? If there is a purpose for people dieing before their time, via God's Will, then why in blazes must he do so in such a manner? These "maybe" answers are just guesses.
alot of questions there and my answer is i'm with you on that one and I don't follow god, right now i'm kinda in the middle. If you looked at my profile you would see i am as i call it "undecided". And aren't they sheep? isn't that what god says? that he is the sheperd and everyone is sheep? And i think religion dose make people feel good i know that when i used to follow i always felt good that my positive actions were being taken a note of by someone who sees everything.
Well, considering this is already 6 pages deep and I have moments before I'm signing off for the day, I have to ask. Is it necessary to have a god with evil? Can't evil be a subjective view against good? Basically, what have we labeled as truly evil?
Well you would look at what is labeled as "veinial sins" those arer the ones that are considered truley evil. The only exception is killing in self defence.
I would say if there was a god, omnipotent, he would have the power to do things as painless, swift, and caring as possible. Maybe even appear to the man/woman and say "hey, your time on Earth is nearing an end. I will give you 24 hours to say goodbye before leaving" would be nice.
Not raging fires, dismemberment in a car accident, or torture. If he was also omnipotent, couldn't he stop the horrible catastrophes from happening? If he didn't want those to die in the disasters, he would either stop the disaster from happening or take all the people and move them to safety. Come to think of it, why have disasters at all? Why not just eliminate the conditions to have one? No tornadoes would be nice.
Not raging fires, dismemberment in a car accident, or torture. If he was also omnipotent, couldn't he stop the horrible catastrophes from happening?
Well since the christian religion is all about beliving that would make everyone know of him and there would once agian, be no belivers but only knowers and if you know of something you might try to overpower it. As for premeditivley preventing the people from being there that is something that could be possibly done while still following the bibles rules.
would say if there was a god, omnipotent, he would have the power to do things as painless, swift, and caring as possible. Maybe even appear to the man/woman and say "hey, your time on Earth is nearing an end. I will give you 24 hours to say goodbye before leaving" would be nice.
There's a joke on that if you would like to hear it, but that would be a little off topic so yea a little warning i think could be done, but what if the person started running all over the place tryin to prevent it? People get despret when they're about to die. Or they could be even mor depressed then the would have been knowing death is eminent.
[/quote]Come to think of it, why have disasters at all?[quote] It would be nice if we didn't have any disasters so i'm with you on that one.
if god is there then yes i think he would be everywhere and he would be a god but sometimes he has to make sacrifices i guess i'm sayin
God having to make sacrifices would negate his omnipotence. You previous statement of "he's too far away to make it just dissapear and if he dose then there would be law sutes to do." would negate his omnipresence.
In the scenario of the fire, if God wanted these people to die at that time he could cause them to drop dead painlessly before the fire hit them. If it was unintentional that these people got caught up in the fire he could have protected them from burning while everything around them did. To make any argument otherwise would negate the very properties you have ascribed to this deity.
maybe because he's saving up his godly mana for judgment day.
Again you place limits on your limitless deity.
Plus that would make everyone be sure he existed instead of having belivers he would only have knowers.
Again a religion treats knowledge as a negative thing. Belief doesn't have to require that it be blind. Even if he showed up and said "Here I am" we would still be free to follow that evidence and believe or not. Another thing, beyond poor arguments for why this deity doesn't just show himself like he did constantly in the Bible, I see nothing indicating this deity does put much stock in free will.
I thought it held knowledge but the knowlege was kinda like pandora's box in a way.
Whole thing with the fruit of knowledge and doubting Thomas would be two examples. I also often see comments like those I replied to above arguing how blind faith is some how better or more beneficial then knowing.
was it for the knowledge gained that they were punished or was it for the simple reason of they didn't do what they were told?
i'm not sure if thomas was there during the supposed miracles of Christ... but if Christ was in fact real and Christ did in fact do something to the effect of what's written then he cured people of maladies and did other inhuman feats. then i would think thomas would've possibly had knowledge enough to know that such a claim as another such miracle manifesting in the act of Jesus coming back to life would be possible.
in a similar but not really but then again kinda scenario (maybe i'll get my point across ).... a person puts a card under a book and has another person tell him which card they think it is under the book. But before hand he tells that person that it is the queen of hearts and will always be the queen of hearts no matter how many times I do this with you. I will not lie to you. (both have been lifelong friends and person 1 has never lied to person 2) They go through with it multiple times... then the person says.. "we'll do it again, but this time if u guess right I'll give you 100 dollars.... and person does and gets 100 dollars. Person one then says double or nothing to person 2... person 2 accepts... person 1 puts card under book, but this time before person 2 answers his attention is caught by someone else (person 3....never met the guy in his life)behind person 1 mouthing "he switched it with the ace of spades".... so person 1 removes book and it is in fact the Queen of hearts".... and person 2 loses the 100 dollars he would've had... person 1 says "so you would doubt me after all we've been through and I've never once lied to you.... even after my promise?"
I would argue that Thomas... whether fictitious or real would of had enough information on the parameters (abilities...i think i worded it right) of Jesus Christ real or fictitious to have believed that Jesus had risen from death just as much so as those who had supposedly witnessed the holes in his hands and feet firsthand.
i know... that was a horrible disgusting example... it doesn't mirror the situation at all. its the closest I could come to thinking of a scenario with the same concept i'm trying to express. its probably why i refuse to be an english major and/or a christian studies major.
i don't know if someone paraphrased all of those and the contexts are way off or not.
from reading it... it sounds as if by eating the fruit of the tree that not only would adam and eve gain knowledge but they would lose immortality (if they had it) and then be mortal... only if you interpret "day" as the time period definition rather than the moment definition.
it may be that the specific moments you mention had other factors at play rather then just "seeking knowledge"... but then again it may have never happened like you're suggesting