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ForumsGamesGeneral Exit Path 1&2 Discussion

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Welcome all Exit Pathers! This is a designated topic to have all types of convos about Exit Path. One of the purposes of this topic is to keep all conversational-type comments away from the game comments and have them here.

Pass the word around!

Thanks guys

  • 2,838 Replies
15,595 posts

[sarcasm] But it's true. I really do love to argue with people about everything on the Internet. I also like to insult people when I lose an argument because I have nothing else to do and I must insult them to make myself feel better about myself. I also have to judge people because I am so perfect in every way and other people are not. I really really do love coming into threads doing those things, and on top of that, I have to tell people to stop being so serious even though I'm serious. [/sarcasm]

Now then, is there any word about the tricks in Exit Path 2? By that, I mean is John going to be taking out the things such as the sticky glitch, and fixing the maps where you can get above them?

25 posts

I don't think the sarcasm tags are working? Maybe it's because of all the 600 word essays on the other pages? IDK. That's probably it.

288 posts

i think he means there's 2 lvl's of flow, ones faster than the other, but takes longer to charge, and the by cooldown he means like evertime u press flow a metre will go up and if u press it enough that the meter fills completly u will have to wait for it to go down, like some of the guns in halo/battlefront

15,595 posts

i think he means there's 2 lvl's of flow, ones faster than the other, but takes longer to charge, and the by cooldown he means like evertime u press flow a metre will go up and if u press it enough that the meter fills completly u will have to wait for it to go down, like some of the guns in halo/battlefront

Oh, I see what you mean now. It'll definitely be different from what it is now. But since it'll resemble the weapons on those two games, I think that I'll get used to it and like it.
20 posts

I would really prefer to keep the flow tapping. It isn't like its that difficult of a mechanic to master and there are cases when holding flow is better.... (like when trying to flow over a wall XD). I don't know how long of a cooldown would be "too long." So, if Flow tapping IS removed, I hope to see at least a system where if you turn flow on and off a certain number of times (say like 3 or 4) in a short period of time it then gives you a cooldown, not every time you turn off flow. It sometimes is useful to turn it off just for a second to perform certain manuevers.

20 posts

That, or just set flow to take a second to start regenerating after you turn flow off, like a delay before it starts charge again?

2 posts

exit path is one of the best games on armor games

452 posts

exit path is one of the best games on armor games
I think it's the best on AG :P.
25 posts

Tapping could cause the flow to be disabled/jam. Like on games like COD.

33 posts

LOL nekkkid. Great success!

Again, I don't care too much about people that haze me, but seeing that they can just be muted, and mods will perm actual users with screen shot evidence, it doesn't matter. This will probably be my last post on the site (meaning it won't be) but please add some pretty flairs, and Matrix, don't be so serious.

15,595 posts

Son, if you can't handle discussions, then don't try to engage in one. It's that simple. Let the big boys handle it.

I would really prefer to keep the flow tapping. It isn't like its that difficult of a mechanic to master and there are cases when holding flow is better.... (like when trying to flow over a wall XD). I don't know how long of a cooldown would be "too long." So, if Flow tapping IS removed, I hope to see at least a system where if you turn flow on and off a certain number of times (say like 3 or 4) in a short period of time it then gives you a cooldown, not every time you turn off flow. It sometimes is useful to turn it off just for a second to perform certain manuevers.

From how you just described it, I'll like this way.
15,595 posts

Adding into my post: If you don't want a serious discussion, don't post about one, if you want one, then learn how to properly discuss something with another individual instead of attempting to insult a person when you have lost. It's so simple, you see the discussion Kenty and I had? Well, read over it and you might learn a thing or two. This is what you basically did: *quotes Matrix, Kenty, and Nekkkkid* *inserts wall of text for each* *sees that they responded to my post* Hurrrrr Then you think to yourself that I lost the discussion, so I guess that I'll just ignore it and tell a person in the discussion to stop being serious even though I'm serious. Durrrrr Yeah, lrn2discuss properly is what I'm trying to say to you, basically since you obviously don't know how to handle discussions well.
If you are incapable of taking a discussion serious, then go to a forum where they don't have serious discussions. Maybe a My Little Pony : Friendship is Magic forum will be better suited for you, or better yet, if you want to be like Nekkkkid and try to derail a good thread, 4chan(specifically /b/) will be a good place for you where they act like Nekkkkid all the time.


exit path is one of the best games on armor games

I'd say it is. It's on the home page of AG, and it has a very high rating. People like it.

About the flow tapping: It really isn't difficult to learn.
When the flow is over the line, you simply keep tapping shift or space to conserve it and finish the levels quicker.
If it's anything like the guns in Halo where it's a cool down process, then I don't see a big problem with it.
You'll still be able to tap the flow, I think, you'll just reach a limit for doing so.
1,612 posts

I think flow tapping ruined the gameplay a little. In most cases it's like having infinite flow, you just tap it without thinking, so it's like not having it at all. But without flow tapping you would have to be careful to not waste it, to accumulate it, and to use it in the right places. I'm sure that would make the game more interesting.

In my opinion, the best way to avoid flow tapping would be losing instantly a big amount of flow when you start pressing, then losing a little amount for each second you keep pressing. So if you tap it you would lose the big amount every time you tap, so tapping would waste all your flow much faster than holding it.
Another way would be to wait some time before starting to regenerate flow when you release the key, so in the small amount of time between a tap and the other it wouldn't be able to regenerate enough.

15,595 posts

I think flow tapping ruined the gameplay a little. In most cases it's like having infinite flow, you just tap it without thinking, so it's like not having it at all. But without flow tapping you would have to be careful to not waste it, to accumulate it, and to use it in the right places. I'm sure that would make the game more interesting.

I think that without flow tapping that the game would be a tad more difficult since many experienced players are used to it by now. But you don't flow tap everywhere, it's just on most parts of the level. There are spots where you can't flow tap and you have to use the whole flow bar to double/triple jump at certain spots.
In my opinion, the best way to avoid flow tapping would be losing instantly a big amount of flow when you start pressing, then losing a little amount for each second you keep pressing. So if you tap it you would lose the big amount every time you tap, so tapping would waste all your flow much faster than holding it.
Another way would be to wait some time before starting to regenerate flow when you release the key, so in the small amount of time between a tap and the other it wouldn't be able to regenerate enough.

Would definitely be a different system and more difficult to learn, to me. Again, though, if it's anything like the weapons in Halo and Star Wars Battlefield two, then I'll be fine with it, I suppose.
40 posts

I echo the lipstick flair idea, that sounds neat. So does the cat idea!

Showing 1696-1710 of 2838