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ForumsGamesGeneral Exit Path 1&2 Discussion

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Welcome all Exit Pathers! This is a designated topic to have all types of convos about Exit Path. One of the purposes of this topic is to keep all conversational-type comments away from the game comments and have them here.

Pass the word around!

Thanks guys

  • 2,838 Replies
15,595 posts

But they are face-less.

15,595 posts

I don't think that I read anything about a lipstick flair. But do you mean like carrying a lipstick thing around like the other flairs, or applying the lipstick? I got a little confused when I last posted because I thought it was going to be the latter.

68 posts

I gotta say, this whole 2-stage flow thing... it's a bit scary. I'm concerned it may ruin the simplicity of the game. Is there any indication as to WHY the current flow system is being changed? I mean, at the moment, we need to be very very careful with flow... Acquire as much as you can, conserve it the best you can, and blow it when necessary (wall doubles, large gaps, etc.). However, the new system seems really complex... Why the hell are we talking about two-stage flow bars, cooldowns, tapping limits, etc., when really, there already are limits in the standard system. You can't flow infinitely atm, unless you play the hacked version (hella fun, imo). Conservation of flow and proper use of flow are some of the most important skills in the game... Just hope it ain't gonna be too complex such that it ruins the simplicity of the game.

349 posts

star wars battleFIELD 2? matrix do you mean star wars battleFRONT 2?anyway weapon flairs would be pretty sweet

1,612 posts

Well, the double jump glitches make the game more difficult, complex and challenging. Without them the game will be more flat in my opinion, so I thought that making the flow system more difficult to use could make the game more interesting.

40 posts

I don't think that I read anything about a lipstick flair. But do you mean like carrying a lipstick thing around like the other flairs, or applying the lipstick? I got a little confused when I last posted because I thought it was going to be the latter.

You post a LOT, GhostofMatrix, haha. I forget who said it, but I think he/she meant that the user is wearing lipstick, so has lips.

Headphones seems nice as well. Any word from John on flair, ever? I searched through the thread, for mentions of flair, and only found him asking questions about it.

More female hairstyles would be nice, but I think some of the other female ideas ruins the feel of the game. Runners aren't really about gender, and skirts would be a TERRIBLE idea imo.
566 posts

From the man himself:

2 flow levels with cooldown at this point, this may change.

So why are you still confused about this? :S

It simply means you can't immeadiatly flow again if you let go of the button. That's all there is to it and solves the problem nicely, since a player unfamiliar with flow tapping wouldn't even notice a difference.

Pardon me being a little picky, but technically sepaking, we already have two stages of the flow bar. It's just that the first "flow stage" happens to be the first 25% of the bar where you can't flow at all.

So does this mean, there'll be a third section of the bar that grants different bonuses (like say even more speed), or that it'll stay the same as before? I'm not entirely sure, but I'd guess John means another level of flow :S

I gotta say, this whole 2-stage flow thing... it's a bit scary. I'm concerned it may ruin the simplicity of the game. Is there any indication as to WHY the current flow system is being changed? I mean, at the moment, we need to be very very careful with flow... Acquire as much as you can, conserve it the best you can, and blow it when necessary (wall doubles, large gaps, etc.). However, the new system seems really complex... Why the hell are we talking about two-stage flow bars, cooldowns, tapping limits, etc., when really, there already are limits in the standard system. You can't flow infinitely atm, unless you play the hacked version (hella fun, imo). Conservation of flow and proper use of flow are some of the most important skills in the game... Just hope it ain't gonna be too complex such that it ruins the simplicity of the game.

If a new flow stage is introduced, all those elements would stay as important. In fact, this would just add another small risk/reward system to it all. Do you use stage 1 flow to get through a difficult section or do you save the flow to get the more powerful version for later? Seems like some interesting concepts to add.

Well, the double jump glitches make the game more difficult, complex and challenging.

No,Yes,Sort of

Without them the game will be more flat in my opinion, so I thought that making the flow system more difficult to use could make the game more interesting.

First of, making something more difficult to use is never a good design idea. Ever. Besides, the way John has been devoloping the game so far, it seems there is more focus on making the game more accesible, yet with more depth to keep the more advanced players interested.

Also, everyone of you that thinks the game will be "flat" just because the double jump timing is removed are looking at it from the wrong angle.

All it did, was alienate the otherwise good players that didn't want to memorise a complex timing for each stage.

What none of you realise, is that being able to double jump whenever you want changes the way you should look at "skill" in the game. From how it seems right now, the one that wins isn't the one with the better timing, but the one that is most creative in finding shortcuts, emphasizing problem solving instead of bland memorization.

Think about it for a second: Now, you don't have to rely on walls to make your double and triple jumps. The game becomes more about, WHEN to use your double instead of being about HOW to use a stages double jump.

TL;DR If you rely on the timing difficulty, instead of having good routes, you'll suck.

Two more things, the first being another suggestion for the game:

Is it possible to add a penalty for leaving mid-race? Right now, lots of people just disconnect when they are about to lose a race (especially those folks going for a &quoterfect record&quot, and since there is no penalty, they're encouraged to keep doing it.

Just awarding a loss when someone leaves Mid-race could go a long way in reducing the disconnectors.

And now to add another piece of discussion: We already know old stages from the first game will return, the question is WHICH ONES?

Speculation gogogogogogogo.
15,595 posts

Why the hell are we talking about two-stage flow bars, cooldowns, tapping limits, etc., when really, there already are limits in the standard system.

There are limits, but not much. On most maps when you accumulate enough flow then you can repeatedly press it until you finish or encounter an obstacle that requires you to use more flow or it takes the flow away.
star wars battleFIELD 2? matrix do you mean star wars battleFRONT 2?

Yes, I make mistakes.
Well, the double jump glitches make the game more difficult, complex and challenging. Without them the game will be more flat in my opinion, so I thought that making the flow system more difficult to use could make the game more interesting.

From my perspective, without the double and triple jumps in Exit Path, then I'd get bored of it quickly. The double and triple jumps allow for more routes on the game so you can mix it up instead of doing the same ones all the time. I agree with the flow system, I'd like the game to be a little more complex and challenging, but as long as it still resembles the first Exit Path I'm fine with it.
I think he/she meant that the user is wearing lipstick, so has lips.

They are faceless, though, so I don't see how that's going to work out.
Is it possible to add a penalty for leaving mid-race?

I agree with you on this. The players who leave mid-race when they lose to preserve their precious record should get a loss added to the account they're playing on.
We already know old stages from the first game will return, the question is WHICH ONES?

Didn't he say that he was going to add all of them back in Exit Path 2? Well, I'd say that marathon is definitely in there since it comes up so very often, John must like that stage.
20 posts

Perhaps, if double jumps won't require timing and practice to master anymore, there will be more situations like on Death wall and Over and Under... Where you spring and try to land carefully on the block the axe is attached to, or spring straight between the saws without touching the wall. Perhaps routes like that will be the new "difficult to master" routes rather than just learning doublejumps.

566 posts

Multiplayer is currently looking like 40-50 stages + 10-20 legacy stages from Exit Path 1.

Ergo, a yet undetermined number ranging from half to all of them.

Perhaps, if double jumps won't require timing and practice to master anymore, there will be more situations like on Death wall and Over and Under... Where you spring and try to land carefully on the block the axe is attached to, or spring straight between the saws without touching the wall. Perhaps routes like that will be the new "difficult to master" routes rather than just learning doublejumps.

Which is why I'd consider DeathWall one of the most skillful stages in the game, since it's actually fairly hard to go for a perfect run.

So in that sense, I'd prefer levels like this.
20 posts

I do enjoy when I get Death Wall, because I like practicing landing on the axes and I feel like I still have plenty of room to improve on that. However I'm terrible enough at Over and Under that I just get frustrated instead of enjoying it most of the time. XD

1,612 posts

Yeah, you are right about double jumps and death wall. But I still think that making the flow a little more difficult to use would make the game better. For example, in EP the characters slides a lot like he's on ice. That makes moving much more difficult, but it still makes the game more interesting, like at the end of the cubey-like uniplayer stage with all those pillars. I remember that it was one of the hardest levels when I played the game the first time, but it was an awesome challenge and it would have been worse and boring if I just had to jump to the next platform without sliding.

29 posts

Has anybody ever gotten all the flairs? Probably , but I'm just wondering.

452 posts

Has anybody ever gotten all the flairs
Yes... Like, months ago. It's really easy to get them, I got them like a week after I started playing the game or something, I forgot.
15,595 posts

Has anybody ever gotten all the flairs?

I got all of them after a week of Exit Path gameplay. That's when I used them. But now I have on use for the, but they're still there.
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