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ForumsGamesGeneral Exit Path 1&2 Discussion

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Welcome all Exit Pathers! This is a designated topic to have all types of convos about Exit Path. One of the purposes of this topic is to keep all conversational-type comments away from the game comments and have them here.

Pass the word around!

Thanks guys

  • 2,838 Replies
366 posts

I did some research too.

Exit Path history by dates and events more brief analysis about Multiplayer's technique status until Ghosts arrival: 1

04/27/2010 - Exit Path: Beta Signup

05/18/2010 - DoctorG33K (beta tester)

05/28/2010 - Exit Path Out: Go Play

05/30/2010 - Multiplayer' status 'till date.
Pause Glitch already known.
Uniplayer's Time - 6:14

06/02/2010 - Silvan
06/05/2010 - madasahatter
06/07/2010 - UberGir

Grand Masters begin to multiply
Uniplayer's Time - 4:58

06/16/2010 - artemishunt0
06/23/2010 - EddySpagettii
06/23/2010 - KentyBK
06/24/2010 - nelad - Multiplayer' status 'till date.
06/00/2010 - serville64
06/25/2010 - sirvaliant
06/26/2010 - Dodonius
06/27/2010 - championAKS10
06/00/2010 - Zgamer2
06/00/2010 - shadowjk

Players already know about Double Jump.
Early Flow Double Jumps like Marathon, Crossroads and Lunge
07/02/2010 - Multiplayer' status 'till date.

07/01/2010 - NYBG
07/05/2010 - NontroppO
07/14/2010 - fourcylinder
07/16/2010 - CoolRacer
07/00/2010 - NoobSlayer3000
07/00/2010 - Fissera

First Exit Path tournament attempt.
Advanced Flow Double Jumps like Secret Staircase and both Slip and Slide shortcuts.

07/23/2010 - skullandbones656
07/25/2010 - Malkoir
07/30/2010 - MrCoffee
07/30/2010 - SlayerShadow
07/31/2010 - thebluerabbit

Tap Flow became popular.
Zgamer2 and UberGir race each other, spawning two clans that were rivals.
Uniplayer's Time - 3:23
08/04/2010 - Multiplayer' status 'till date.

"Ghosts" - 08/03/2010

08/02/2010 - xRoyalx
08/04/2010 - GhostOfZero
08/05/2010 - SecondPlace
08/06/2010 - Hotfire
08/07/2010 - GrayStorm

"Gamers" - 08/09/2010
08/07/2010 - Uniplayer' status 'till date.

08/09/2010 - Orphee
08/09/2010 - gaboloth
08/10/2010 - Excitement1000
08/16/2010 - FlyingNinza
08/20/2010 - IWillWaitForYou

BigBangKamehameha diaspora - 08/23/2010

08/00/2010 - MusicMan102
08/27/2010 - Duhbers
08/28/2010 - KrissKhan

09/03/2010 - killer1965
09/13/2010 - primaflow
09/14/2010 - GhostOfMatrix
09/18/2010 - Eyon

366 posts

Exit Path history by dates and events more brief analysis about Multiplayer's technique status until Ghosts arrival: 2

"Angels" - 09/19/2010

09/21/2010 - vovan1
09/27/2010 - GhostOfChopper
09/28/2010 - GhostOfMetal
00/00/2010 - BobSands

10/01/2010 - wezzeldurf
10/01/2010 - GhostOfChunky
10/02/2010 - Lithe
10/07/2010 - GhostOfPain
10/10/2010 - Faithpath

"Horsemen" - 10/14/2010

10/15/2010 - Legz
10/21/2010 - lunaticbrat
10/22/2010 - Velocityfang
10/23/2010 - Delysid
10/27/2010 - 1000Words
10/28/2010 - Darwin37
10/00/2010 - AnbuHank
10/00/2010 - epicness

Arrival of smoother and faster techniques.

11/06/2010 - G33KOfArmorGames
11/09/2010 - CeroOscuras
11/12/2010 - rawwr123
11/13/2010 - Whatsisface
11/15/2010 - FeeNoMiNaL
11/15/2010 - RayOfLight

11/14/2010 - Multiplayer' status 'till date.

11/00/2010 - plaer
11/20/2010 - thestuntman
11/24/2010 - Nevin
11/24/2010 - ClaudioDeusEst
11/27/2010 - HulkLogan

00/00/2010 - Gromozeka
00/00/2010 - yck1509
12/03/2010 - Pedro97

00/00/2011 - Rom0982
00/00/2011 - NubaSlaya
03/21/2011 - DonQuick
04/11/2011 - jackoo8080
04/12/2011 - Meditabitur
04/22/2011 - FastSpeed
05/11/2011 - VodkaDrinksYou

"Revived Angels" - 05/15/2011
Uniplayer's Time - 2:27

15,595 posts

Before my GhostOfMatrix account, I had an account called BlueMatrix, I believe. And I played with that during early-mid August, then moved to my GhostOfMatrix account when I became a Ghost.

Well, I see a handful of names there, I'll be sure to add them.

366 posts

Exit Path history by dates and events more brief analysis about Multiplayer's technique status until Ghosts arrival: 3

Multiplayer average higher times through Exit Path life:

scheme's explanation :

First column - few day after Exit Path came out.
Second column - 2 months after Exit Path came out.
Third column - 1 year and 1 month after Exit Path came out.

The numbers stand for seconds.

Sm means - same, Pt means - proto and x means - no information available; related to Exit Path techniques at its core.

x - 12 - 09
x - 09 - 07
x - 08 - 05
Death Wall
Sm - 13 - 09
x - 14 - 09
Front Door
Sm - 16 - 12
Sm - 12 - 10
Fuzz Balls
x - 05 - 04
x - 13 - 11
x - 06 - 05
x - 13 - 11
Over and Under
Pt - 22 - 17
Secret Staircase
x - 12 - 09
Slip and Slide
x - 14 - 10
The Maze
x - 24 - 21
x - 10 - 08
Pt - 12 - 09
Unfriendly Teleporters
x - 18 - 12
x - 07 - 05
x - 08 - 08

Multiplayer techniques in detail until Ghosts appeared:


Death Wall - FlowJump (over saws)
Front Door - First little block and Jump
Funk - Jump (over axes) and FlowJump (from 2dn block)
Over and Under - Fall into hole (from the side block)
Tubes - Jump from first tele to second


Cubey - Jump over gap and Flow through last section
Cubicles - Use of flow
Descending - Flow (over first spike) and Flow through third floor (no FlowTele)
Fuzz Balls - Two FlowJumps
Over and Under - Fall into hole (hitting wall)
Tubes - Fall (to gain flow) FlowJump (over tele)
Unfriendly Teleporters - FlowJump (over spikes) and FastDuck (proto tap)
The Maze - FlowJump (last section over blocks)
Treadmillvania - FlowJump (over 3 saws) Jump (over 2)
Wombat - Jump (over first axe) and FlowJump (when spikes go down)


Marathon - FlowDoubleJump (big wall) and take top path, finish with top
The Maze - Bottom path using left niche
Unfriendly Teleporters - FlowJump (over teles)


Crossroads - FlowDoubleJump (mid path)
Marathon - FlowDoubleJump (big wall)
Lunge - FlowDoubleJump and SpringFlow (till end)


Jumper - Double
Over and Under - Double at the top
Secret Staircase - FlowDoubleJump (big wall)
Slip and Slide - First (pilar) and second FlowDoubleJumps


Descending - FlowJump through teleporter
Treadmillvania - Land when spikes barely went down

Btw; i am using ArmorGames format for dates.

5,340 posts

yes tart we met before we were ghosts. i also met epic before i was a ghost. you 2 were my first friends on AG. and matrix i think excitment should be 1 or maybe 2 generations eariler.

20 posts

I'm very flattered I made your list, Matrix! Yay 5th gen!

20 posts

Oh wow I made a post by Notroppo too! Awesome

366 posts

Exit Path history by dates and events more brief analysis about Multiplayer's technique status until Ghosts arrival: 4

Further analysis:

Few days into Post-Beta races were straightforward with shy use of flow; there is no reason trying to figure out who were the best players because of the embryonic state of the game. The only names i could trace were DoctorG33K, EddySpagettii and d4v1d0.

The first attempts to bend the limits of the game ocurred in those weeks and faster techniques appeared one after another.

One of the first players arising as paradigm was Silvan and probably we owe to him Marathon in 13 seconds. But of course existed a fierce competition represented by nelad, Dodonius, madasahatter and artemishunt0.

By this time Serville64 was turning into a good player and others as well were following their own path to perfection: UberGir, KentyBK and thedo.

Just a month has elapsed and the game has reached a stable point, pros and fans are now common. The general status of multiplayer's technique is almost the same as today in its core and some players dominate it: skullandbones656 (being good enough to be recognized as tester in the events to come), fourcylinder, Zgamer2, Malkoir, MrCoffee and thebluerabbit.

Two months have elapsed, by the time clans were born techniques achieve smoothness and new ones more refined dripped over the next months. New players benefit from this event: Excitement1000, BlueMatrix, vovan1 and NontroppO.

Almost six months have elapsed, Exit Path is turning into an elaborate game and new times are thought beyond the limits long ago established. Players struggling to achieve success: killer1965, Faithpath, wezzeldurf and Darwin37

The game is more popular than ever and thanks to the rediscovery of tricks a new trend causes fervor. Players daydreaming realities: Legz, Lithe, GhostOfPain, CeroOscuras and Whatsisface.

Close to a new Exit Path version, the revival of the affection for a great game spawns more players and ideas like the new FlowDoubleJump that opens a door to the future. After more than one year good players still arrive: Rom0982, FastSpeed and VodkaDrinksYou.


I checked Youtube and ArmorGames accounts to build this chart, and since i used to play a lot between August and December of 2010 i played approximately 65% of the names in the list.

For the rest, i trusted in other lists or because i heard a lot about them.

If you dont realize the list was arranged using the account creation date. I got troubles with some players, they were placed using my own criteria.

Probably the technique's description is not 100% accurate but describes the standard notion about the game in those days.

The history was created using the chart and some imagination, I hope it is correct in its most.

Finally i want to thank all the players and friends i met in the road. A special salute to John creator of this great game.

5,340 posts

Just a month has elapsed and the game has reached a stable point, pros and fans are now common. The general status of multiplayer's technique is almost the same as today in its core and some players dominate it: skullandbones656 (being good enough to be recognized as tester in the events to come), fourcylinder, Zgamer2, Malkoir, MrCoffee and thebluerabbit.

idk about this. the level in that point was very different then today. new routes were discovered every day. also i dont think it was a month. i mean nibel z and me came before that. espacially z
271 posts

Awesome work dude =o

Thanks !

349 posts

lol blue i was your first friend? or do u mean epicnesss?anyways very nice..."thing"(i dont know what to call it..) troppo but why am i in the horseman thing?i was never in that clan O.o and the date u put in 10/00/2010 i think that was around the day i became a ghost..

430 posts

Nope, thebluerabbit, I didn't start on Exit Path til about July, so that time is about correct.

Also, matrix, you should probably remove me from the generations list. I was good back then, but now when I try to race against you guys, I get owned.

430 posts

Sorry for double post guys .

We really need to stop making 2nd accounts... I think half of us who regularly post on this thread have at least 1 other account...

271 posts

I don't got an other account ! =P

One is enough x'

5,340 posts

yes i meant epicnesss. she was my very first friend. actually even before i had an account XD. also, z it doesnt matter how good you are now. think about serville, i heard he got REALLY bad but you would count him wouldnt you? too bad i never got to race him

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