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ForumsGamesGeneral Exit Path 1&2 Discussion

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5,001 posts

Welcome all Exit Pathers! This is a designated topic to have all types of convos about Exit Path. One of the purposes of this topic is to keep all conversational-type comments away from the game comments and have them here.

Pass the word around!

Thanks guys

  • 2,838 Replies
109 posts

Did they make a new version?

344 posts

@Faithpath I've been watching videos of Exit Path Multiplayer for weeks now. It's like when coaches sit in the locker room watching highlight reels to understand what happened... what works and what doesn't. I see where people die and where people live, it's all really interesting to see.

Obviously you've played enough of this game from watching these videos :P.

103 posts

Obviously you've played this game a lot from watching these videos :P.

Fixed :3

The simplicity combined with the freeroom that some mechanics offer made it so much fun that I still play a couple games every day. Thats just my but I favorize it often even against Sc2 and some other games.

Btw.: If your interested to see the current Uniplayer as a vid then let me know. Its gotta be privat but you got my e-mail. The current Unirun was a collaboration with Ghostofzero. Woulndt been possible w/o him...
1,558 posts

My God. The color scheme for EP2 is amazing. I love the lights.

156 posts

Question: Does EP2 have a leveling system? And if so are there specific unlocks to leveling or is it pointless like in EP1?

566 posts

After trying really hard to come up with a question that hasn't been asked yet: I remember you saying that the people that lost their stats will have some sort of nifty little bonus.

Any idea what that'd be yet? Gives me another thing to possibly look forward to :P

349 posts

i wonder if there will be eno colors instead of the normal ones in ep...

1 posts

Hey, could you make a cake as a hat?
I thought that would be funny to have :3

1 posts


I just read your blog post - thanks for the updates. I'd love to see a feature where the game displays a "ghost" of your fastest run through the course. This would give you a great way to figure out the best paths and offer you realtime feedback on how you are doing relative to your old best.

P.S. - I love finding creative ways to break things if it isn't too late for the beta...

15,595 posts

Moved to General Exit Path Discussion thread.

Now DO tell how you'll make the differentiation. Even if you *earned* most of your stats, you could still bring them down with whatever else you do on the game (tricks etc.).

You can't. But for Faith to say they don't matter is absurd because if you've earned them then they should matter. I'm sure that everyone with over two-four million experience points would care if their stats suddenly vanished. It isn't easy getting that many points. And it is very difficult to get there by playing newcomers/less experienced players.
This is Exit Path 1. Going by the general reception of this thread, it's entirely possible interest will be back for EP2. Not to mention you can always start over again.

I don't know, what if they don't even know about Exit Path 2, they haven't been around in a while. Well, we'll see when it comes.
Everything falls apart, if you make the distinction of "earning stats" and "oh well they are good but did other things". A ranking can only be objective if it's the same for everyone, so the trick players are either "bad players" or the stats don't matter. There's no real way around that.

Tricks players are generally good because they have to know how to play each level well so that they can do those tricks.
566 posts

You can't. But for Faith to say they don't matter is absurd because if you've earned them then they should matter. I'm sure that everyone with over two-four million experience points would care if their stats suddenly vanished. It isn't easy getting that many points. And it is very difficult to get there by playing newcomers/less experienced players.

But they DON'T. I mean really it's just a number. Besides, what's the point in *stats matter* when there's no way to prove the stats are earned in the first place?

Not to mention, I doubt you were anything other than slightly annoyed when your starts got reset. Hell, -I- got my accounts reset too. BOTH of them. Do I care? No. Sure I was mildly annoyed, but nothing more than "My stats are gone. Oh well.". I doubt Faith would care much either.

If you get to the point where you'd care so much about your stats, I think you should stop taking it so seriously. Kinda reminds me of the guest who leave mid-race to preserver their precious record.

Also, it's even EASIER to get Exp from newcomers since you'd win every race anyway and therefor get more points (Not that I'm suggesting to actually DO that, but it wouldn't be hard at all).

I don't know, what if they don't even know about Exit Path 2, they haven't been around in a while. Well, we'll see when it comes.

Obviously, all the tournament participants know of the game, so that's an obvious start. Not to mention it wouldn't be impossible to just start over from scratch. If I WERE to start building it up again, I'd wipe the member list anyway, to get an overview of who is still active. Obviously I'd re-enter the still active ones. Or I'll just get Raz to come back, whichever comes first. ;P

Granted, I'm taking an optimistic approach to this.

Tricks players are generally good because they have to know how to play each level well so that they can do those tricks.

See, I'm not debating that. But you cannot use their stats to objectively rank them, since they'll be lower than everyone elses anyway.
15,595 posts

But they DON'T. I mean really it's just a number. Besides, what's the point in *stats matter* when there's no way to prove the stats are earned in the first place?

The way to prove it is to play against a great player. It doesn't necessarily prove that you got your stats like that from playing great players all the time, but it does give the idea that you deserve those stats since you are so good. Lemme see, from what I've played, Zero and Faith have never quit matches. And Zero is a great player, as Faith is, but Zero's stats are slightly better. So he earned them.
I doubt you were anything other than slightly annoyed when your starts got reset.

Yeah, I was annoyed. The most I did was send an email to an administrator about it then left it at that. You shouldn't care a whole lot about the stats, but it's good to have them there because it keeps track of your progress.
Also, it's even EASIER to get Exp from newcomers since you'd win every race anyway and therefor get more points (Not that I'm suggesting to actually DO that, but it wouldn't be hard at all).

Odd, I thought you got more points from playing against more experienced players. But those newcomers will be quitting frequently because it isn't fun to just sit there and lose every match and not being able to even see the full level. So with that, them quitting, calling you a cheater, not giving kudos, it'll be a slow process. While playing more experienced players like Zero usually does, and many others, you'll get kudos and win frequently.
If I WERE to start building it up again, I'd wipe the member list anyway, to get an overview of who is still active.

I read on Zero's profile that Raz hasn't been around. And there is some talk about who will replace him if he doesn't come back. Well, I'm still a member of the thing, so I vote you to take that. This isn't really the place to vote upon that, but if I don't see you at the Ghosts chat, then there's my vote.
But you cannot use their stats to objectively rank them, since they'll be lower than everyone elses anyway.

Depends on the person, everyone at Ghosts chat know each-other well on Exit Path and know their playing habits. But I guess that isn't something to count in because it's basically saying that everyone else with lower stats are worse.
566 posts

The way to prove it is to play against a great player. It doesn't necessarily prove that you got your stats like that from playing great players all the time, but it does give the idea that you deserve those stats since you are so good. Lemme see, from what I've played, Zero and Faith have never quit matches. And Zero is a great player, as Faith is, but Zero's stats are slightly better. So he earned them.

Isn't that was Faith was trying to say? ;P
Yes, stats can be somewhat of a reference but in the end, to ultimately prove it, players have to play against each other to properly rank them. I believe this is where he was initially going with his "run quality" argument.

Not to mention people obviously improve over time. I still remember when Faith was just a slightly above average player. Now he's pretty darn near the top. With that in mind, stats aren't absolute in that they obviously change over time. If Faith were to start over from scratch, he's ratio would be very different. I think your current stats are proof of this too.

Odd, I thought you got more points from playing against more experienced players.

I was mostly talking about the base experience, which I believe is fixed, but I admit I forgot to put kudos into the equation. Thinking about it, the absolute fastest way to gain Exp would be this:

- Have a full room
- All people except you start at Level 0
- They give you all the kudos (since they frequently level, there's more kudos to go around)

Of course, this scenario happeneing for more than a few races tends to be veeeery unlikely.

I read on Zero's profile that Raz hasn't been around. And there is some talk about who will replace him if he doesn't come back. Well, I'm still a member of the thing, so I vote you to take that. This isn't really the place to vote upon that, but if I don't see you at the Ghosts chat, then there's my vote.

This is true, he hasn't really been on AG or the chat for that matter. But he still plays on our Minecraft server (somewhat infrequently, but he still does), so believe when I say I'm trying to get him to make some sort of comment on the whole leadership thing.

People still seem to be somewhat attached to the group in general and I can somewhat see their points, but I don't wish to completely force myself on them. But till Raz returns (even for just a while to clear it up), I'll try to act on that small position of mine (I AM appointed second-in-command after all ;D).

But yes, the final decision isn't something to be decided on these boards.

Depends on the person, everyone at Ghosts chat know each-other well on Exit Path and know their playing habits. But I guess that isn't something to count in because it's basically saying that everyone else with lower stats are worse.

Wouldn't you agree that this is yet another thing to take into account besides just the stats?
15,595 posts

Isn't that was Faith was trying to say?

Not sure, when I started the discussion about it, it was when I was tired, and I mentioned in a post somewhere that I may have misunderstood things that he or you were trying to say.
Not to mention people obviously improve over time. I still remember when Faith was just a slightly above average player. Now he's pretty darn near the top. With that in mind, stats aren't absolute in that they obviously change over time. If Faith were to start over from scratch, he's ratio would be very different. I think your current stats are proof of this too.

Yep, before my stats got erased and when I was a newcomer to the game I lost a whole lot of matches. I lost way more than what I won, but I never quit matches with people that were better than me. in the end result of me practicing a lot and playing if often, I got my stats around 8,000 matches played with 6,000 wins. I'd say that's pretty good for just racing and throwing tricks around every now and then on my account. But yes, if a good player got their stats erased, then you just race with that fresh account then you'll have a great win ratio. Same thing with Malkoir and his R0Y account.
Wouldn't you agree that this is yet another thing to take into account besides just the stats?


What I've been trying to get through with this discussion is that stats do matter if you've earned them, but obviously, there isn't a real way to tell if someone has earned them. But if the player is great at racing and stays in the room with other good players, then it's most likely that they earned those stats. It's there to keep track of progress, you're racing progress that you've been working for. If the stats weren't there, then the game would be difficult to navigate through. Looking for good players would be more difficult, and racing would be bad because of it.
566 posts

To just use two quotes from Faith:

They don't make good races. They don't reflect your skill. They are a good seeding hint yes but thats it.

.In the end your run quality and your enjoyment in EP (EP2 maybe) counts

So basically, yes they do have some sort of purpose, but they aren't what makes you a good player.
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