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ForumsGamesGeneral Exit Path 1&2 Discussion

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Welcome all Exit Pathers! This is a designated topic to have all types of convos about Exit Path. One of the purposes of this topic is to keep all conversational-type comments away from the game comments and have them here.

Pass the word around!

Thanks guys

  • 2,838 Replies
15,595 posts

Are you sure, Rawwr? I saw some names on EP2 in the early levels that didn't get repeated.

3 posts


40 posts

This game is a massive letdown. But I'll donate 10$ for all the fun EP1 gave me.

Can someone take a picture of all the flairs? I'm especially interested in head flairs.


40 posts

Actually, if you think about it, this is a really good game with definite room for improvement. Some of you guys played EP1 for thousands of hours and penetrated many of the tricks and special paths it had to offer. Majority of AG doesn't care, and to them, uniplayer is all they'll play, and it's a solid game. Some parts were frustrating for me, especially the double jump, but any game designer won't make a game targeting 30-40 hardcore gamers, (less than 1% of people who will enjoy the game) but the middle 30-70%. I for one did enjoy the story, (I kinda wish the power plant was powered by corpses of runners and you run through, etc). How amazing was Exit Path 1? All the small things were cherished (double jumps, flow tapping, wall/corner glitches) it was literally perfect. You all were expecting the same game, just new levels, campaign, more flair, less lag, better graphics, new traps, overall, the exact same thing but much better. That's pretty unrealistic expectations. I had them as well, and there are an inordinate amount of glitches, but oh well. A flash game multiplayer mode which is EXTREMELY precise without lag or glitches FOR FREE ain't going to happen. Deal with it.

40 posts

Or, John needs help with multiplayer mode. Krin is one of the best programmers, maybe ask him to look your stuff over? The multiplayer needs work, a lot of work.

103 posts

Some thoughts to Scarlett and the general whining of the EP1 players:

I actually wish the EP1 players would be less stubborn morons in terms of depreciating ep2. Yes this game plays out different then ep1. Duh >.<

Its stupid to whine about the differences instead of embracing them. All Time double jumping, dives, and the mix up of those opens a lot of moves. Also I see online that the slopes aren't explored yet by anybody. You can whether grab or skip them.
Yes some levels are easy and relativ straight forward on ep2. But do you guys actually remember Zipper where keep mashing shift and jump at three special points, to get best times all the time o_O. Or fuzzballs which is jumping and flowing 4 times to pass in 4 seconds. Or jumper where the haredest part is getting to second floor, then you just run straight till finish.
The phenomenon of Exit path was, that it only took as much finesse and precision to play as the players was demanding himself. Safe routes were easy to repeat. Top time routes were hard to execute and easy to mess up. I give the new game at least the benefit of the doubt to offer the same. It is definately not in this state yet, where routes demands much finesse. It took the first sequel quite some time to get to this state. Same gonna happen on the newest one. At the moment who gets to finish without rewinds will win. Players don't remember maps, not speaking of messing with the map texture to squeeze out some seconds.

Two things are highly frustrating about ep2 though. First off thats its not worth the effort to make a refined uniplayer run. As hackers and glitchers are uploading random times, destroying the credibility whether a good time is deserved or cheated.
Second are some glitches that cause you to loose a race. Like dropping through the floor (happens when u dive jump in a fast fashion; solution: jump short above the floor against to avoid this), and getting stuck at a wall (if you flow and keep running against a wall u can get stuck and keep "staying on a invisible floor", is bad when there will be spikes coming out of the wall soon x_X, solution: jump when this happened and avoid the holding action.).

From johns perspective I would be kind of disappointed of a lot of ppl actually. Nobody is appreciating that he put up some large new maps. That he improved the latency system (in my opinion lag is less of an impact on ep2;even high pings move decently well; I saw few ppl moving like a slow balloon which was at least one person per room in EP1), Private rooms which work perfectly fine, adding a whole lot of more uniqueness to players through tons of flairs+colour change+2*handware, making a new uniplayer with a decent story and a great map line up(imo), adding a veto system so you can avoid to overplay a map or play it every third time, adding skill servers to minimize the gaps and frustration between experienced players and newcomers, providing all the mentioned stuff for free and just your pleasure if you so desire.... well at least I appreciate all this things that certainly did cost a ton of time to implement/create.
EP2 is like Claudiodeusest aka CDE already stated hopefully getting a bunch of updates to pass its unfinished state. Then its gonna be a great game, for me at least....

15,595 posts

this is a really good game with definite room for improvement.

Only if John cares enough to update the game often, or just make one big update with most of the bugs/problems fixed.
A flash game multiplayer mode which is EXTREMELY precise without lag or glitches FOR FREE ain't going to happen.

Obviously not. But it is wise to polish a game before releasing its full version. Honestly, beta should have been up for about five-seven days. If he did that, people could have reported a lot of bugs/problems within the game and he could have possibly fixed them before releasing the full version of EP2. John rushed the game.
I actually wish the EP1 players would be less stubborn morons in terms of depreciating ep2.

Not sure what you are trying to accomplish by insulting people based on their opinions on a flash game. I guess I could label people who actually consider EP2 the best flash game uneducated imbeciles. Ah, however, I am not someone who takes joy in insulting people based on their opinions, unlike some people. I understand your discontent with some EP1 players who simply thrash EP2, and I might even know who you are specifically talking about, however, you should simply ignore them for their blatant bias. If they cannot give reasons as to why they dislike EP2 so much, then they are just another person jumping on the hate wagon.
Its stupid to whine about the differences instead of embracing them.

How? It's now considered stupid to think you're getting something mentioned a while ago, but it turns out completely different? How would you feel if someone told you they were going to give you a full glass of water when you're dying of thirst, but they only give you a teaspoon of water? You'll most likely be whining.
From johns perspective I would be kind of disappointed of a lot of ppl actually.

If I was John, I would have simply kept beta up longer, and fixed most of the bugs/problems before I released the game. It is best to polish up a game before posting it rather than posting an unfinished game. I understand he makes a living off creating games, however, I am not sure how much money he will receive from EP2 since it is not as expected. If he would have waited longer and polished the game up, I am sure he would have gotten more positive feedback about the game and would have more people purchasing exitPASS. I know for a fact, if it was how I imagined it would be, I would donate him some money. But I am not going to pay money for a few challenge levels and some flairs.
Nobody is appreciating that he put up some large new maps.

I appreciate the new stages. However, I am disappointed in most things about EP2 since it is an unpolished flash game. It is not how I, and many others expected it to turn out. It is a completely different game and does not even feel like EP. From how John described it over the past few months, it sounded much better. Most things have changed in the game and we did not even get notified about it, so you should understand the discontentment about this game.
That he improved the latency system

To me, this is absurd. From what I have played and whom I have played, most people lag in the game. Even in many threads, people are complaining about lag, and even at Ghosts chat people complain about lag. With all the things he added to the stages and how the hosts automatically lag, it did not reduce lag very much. If you have a great Internet connection, of course you will not have lag. However, if you do not have a top of the line Internet connection, it is likely you will have lag.
Private rooms which work perfectly fine

Private rooms are great. However, sometimes they do not function. I posted about this a few pages back, or in another thread. Often when I attempt to enter a private room, it throws me into another room. So no, they do not work perfectly fine.
EP2 is like Claudiodeusest aka CDE already stated hopefully getting a bunch of updates to pass its unfinished state.

If he actually considers updating it rather than abandoning it, it will turn out well. From its current state, it is not enjoyable to a lot of people.

From what John mentioned of ranks about a month ago, he stated that it will take quite a while to actually get to level eighty. About ten million EXP, if I recall correctly. But you see people getting there in a matter of two days, that is something I am disappointed in. I thought it was going to be more like people who actually go the extra mile to stand out will get there, however, anyone can get there by playing the game for a few hours in about two days. There are many other things I am disappointed in, if you care to read them, you can look a few pages back.
15 posts


Yeah I've just been massively busy so I kinda quit for a while.

I just found your generation list. I was actually playing as a guest in generation 1, and made my lordmirakon account in generation 2 (this was perhaps my best period in exit path, at this point I could actually have even battles with zero et al)

I then quit for a while in 3rd gen just because i got over it and then rejoined 4th gen as grandmastermirakon. I then quit for the aforementioned reason, but am now back as exit path 2 has been released (i'll be playing infrequently as a guest though, I'm just too busy to be regular now unfortunately).

There were also players like LuisFR and PerrythePlatypus who were also really good but don't necessarily get the same recognition.

Anyway, to make this long post even longer, I've played a bit of ep2, and tbh it looks very good. However I'd just like to focus on some 'negatives' so to speak just to see if they'll be addressed.

1. The gameplay seems a bit slower. I'm not sure if I'm just experiencing more lag, but the gamep[lay doesn't seem to have the same 'flow' (pardon the pun) as ep1.

2. Collision detection with axes at times seems a bit dodgy. Again i'm not sure if this is attributable to lag but sometimes I'd be a fair distance from an axe and it'll register as a hit. It's particularly frustrating when sometimes no matter how high the axe is, you can't slide underneath it because even if yor character fits it may count as you being hit.

3. Whilst its good to have more variety in levels, some of them don't have enough alternate paths, its very much a matter of everyone taking the same route, which leads to less diversity in gameplay.

4. There are times when I join a room and it says 'Awaiting Host' and no matter what I do, nothing happens. This is actually quite frequent.

However these are minor niggles in what is otherwise quite a good experience.

288 posts

i think there are positives and negatives to it

better graphics
more flairs
new lvls and traps
custom rooms
lag is evened out, eveyone has little bit but no1 has an insane lag that makes them go at a snails speed
better programing overall, if it wernt for glitches it would be amazing

release was rushed
more glitches
i was looking forward to always working on getting a new lvl
the refresh glitch, i mean i dunno how many people told him to fix it, pause glitch is still there two btw
easir to hack, its been released for half a week and theres already been two hackers

Ovarall its an alright game, it deserves to be on top games but isnt there because people compare it to ep1 or look at glitches in it, i mean the beta had a better rating :/ it at least deserves sumthing in the low 9s, its going to be completely forgotten about in like 3 weeks

15,595 posts

Uh, what do you expect? We get promised things, then we get something entirely different. It didn't turn out to be what we thought it would be, and it isn't much different from EP1. It's essentially the same as EP1, but with some new things such as private rooms, stages, and graphics. It didn't get anything else John said he would put into the game. Well, any important things. It doesn't deserve that. It's far too buggy to be considered a top game, and it's only been out for half a week. It only has about 400k plays and is rated 8.9. As for the forgotten part, it isn't our faults it's like that. I still haven't rated the game yet, nor have I added it to my favorites. I'll wait about a week or two to rate it and think about favoriting it.

288 posts

wut did john say he would put into the game that he didnt other then 10 mil exp for lvl 80

15 posts

as someone who played exit path from close to when it first started, I have to agree with faithpath. People need to give EP2 a bit of time. Believe or not, most of the shortcuts and interesting matches took time to happen on the first one as well. In the beginning very few people knew the corner jump trick for instance, now everyone does. You can't expect to find each nook and cranny and intricacy of every map within a week, it takes itme for the true nature of a game to establish itself. Yes I agree that at the moment EP2 races lack the pace and breakneck speed of its predecessor, but as people become more acquainted with the maps, i see the speed picking up in the future.

1,285 posts

I cant seem to make this long jump, its in the court place after you fail at getting to food suplies.

5,875 posts

Obviously not. But it is wise to polish a game before releasing its full version. Honestly, beta should have been up for about five-seven days. If he did that, people could have reported a lot of bugs/problems within the game and he could have possibly fixed them before releasing the full version of EP2. John rushed the game.

It's partly his and our faults. People kept on demanding EP2 to come out. And I guess John decided to rush it out because he might have been worried that the people would just...I don't know get tired. Throwing out the possibilities. But really though, he could've worked on it longer.
I actually wish the EP1 players would be less stubborn morons in terms of depreciating ep2.

That's not nice. Exit path players do have the right to criticize Ep2. It actually helps John. He can realized he was weak at this point or strong at that point. And he can fix his problems.
2. Collision detection with axes at times seems a bit dodgy. Again i'm not sure if this is attributable to lag but sometimes I'd be a fair distance from an axe and it'll register as a hit. It's particularly frustrating when sometimes no matter how high the axe is, you can't slide underneath it because even if yor character fits it may count as you being hit.

Yeah, sometimes I see with my own eyes, I know I didn't hit that axe or [inserts any other type of trap]. Apparently those axes are...sensitive I guess that's the word.
better programing overall, if it wernt for glitches it would be amazing

I'm sure every game has their ups and downs. But he should patch up all the major glitches and make it more difficult to hack.
it at least deserves sumthing in the low 9s, its going to be completely forgotten about in like 3 weeks

Unless he amazingly makes a great come back with a outstanding update that will bring people back to the game. I think the rating should be where it is. Players are pissed off at the glitches and stuff that they can't even win.

For me, lag is evened out like rawwr said. It looks fair.
I still haven't rated the game yet, nor have I added it to my favorites. I'll wait about a week or two to rate it and think about favoriting it.

I don't rate games anymore. Because it will stay at 666. Anyway, I favorited it. It does need improvement. But it's not that bad. The game deserves some credit.
5,875 posts

I cant seem to make this long jump, its in the court place after you fail at getting to food suplies.

Yeah, I had trouble with that one too.

[/i]Assuming you are talking about the buzzsaw pit lvl Flow before you hit the spring the half way through press space.-mrtrippy[i]

Try that. It might work if you time it right. Good luck.
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