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ForumsGamesGeneral Exit Path 1&2 Discussion

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Welcome all Exit Pathers! This is a designated topic to have all types of convos about Exit Path. One of the purposes of this topic is to keep all conversational-type comments away from the game comments and have them here.

Pass the word around!

Thanks guys

  • 2,838 Replies
15 posts

that jump is just a matter of running onto the spring, flowing and then double jump as you near the end. You should run from as far back of the treadmill as you can go to build up your flow and then just hold it once you're in the air

103 posts

Burning down Overflow is the trick. If you got it the bar turns blue either, then make your second jump when your the highest.

I actually wish the EP1 players would be less stubborn morons in terms of depreciating ep2. Yes this game plays out different then ep1. Duh >.<

I know its harsh said, sorry. Those two sentences are meant in combination. I choose the harsh way as its the same way mentioned players are treating the new game. Some complain that it plays out very different. Many are just hating and constantly beating this game for its downs, whilst refusing to see the ups. And few are just jumping on the hate-tripp doing the same. Its not directed to all EP1 players but to those who act like that, to make it clear. I appologize sincerely if your seeing and talking about the good things in EP2 and got offended by the quoted sentences.

On the latency part I agree with rawrr, he did put it the exact same way I was thinking about it. In-game speed adepts to the players. Might get slower the worse the connections are involved, but its evening out the playing field. Which I rather have.
Also it seems like John got the timer glitches fixed. An 8sec route kept giving me those times when executing it the same way. Haven't encountered a glitched timer once so far. Which is good.

wut did john say he would put into the game that he didnt other then 10 mil exp for lvl 80

He also often added, that things might change. So lets be fair.
248 posts

I have question...

is there any difference between overFLOW and normal Flow?

Oh, and I got 12 seconds on Grip

248 posts

Sorry for the double post, but...

There's a shortcut on Tornado. Keep going up the pole through the spikeball to get to the exit near instantly.

46 posts

Oh, and I got 12 seconds on Grip
I got 10 O.o
There's a shortcut on Tornado. Keep going up the pole through the spikeball to get to the exit near instantly.
I think everybody knows that O.o
46 posts

Sorry for double posting, but as im new to quotes :P I just got that all wrong ^.

Oh, and I got 12 seconds on Grip

I got 10 O.o

There's a shortcut on Tornado. Keep going up the pole through the spikeball to get to the exit near instantly.

I think we all know that O.o
46 posts

Not again :/

15,595 posts

wut did john say he would put into the game that he didnt other then 10 mil exp for lvl 80

- EP1 double jump.
- Players whom have lost their EXP in EP1 would get something special in EP2. (This is probably thrown out due to everyone losing their EXP in EP2.)
- Evil versions of some EP1 stages.
- Many more ways to die. (This is obviously not put into the game.)
- Fixing lag. (I remember John mentioning several times that lag would be fixed, it would be to a minimum for all players.)
- More runners being able to play in a room. (The last I saw, he said six, but he changed it.)
- Wall jumping. (Sliding down a wall and then jumping off of it. I'm not sure if this is in the game, but as far as I'm concerned, it isn't.)
- Legacy stages. (These are basically EP1 stages.)
- Once or twice he mentioned a soundtrack for multiplayer.
People who had their XP somehow self-destructed (happened to a few players we have account names for) I'll be giving them something good . Also people who participate in beta will receive a little something something.

Here. Some people who participated in beta did get a flair, however, the former didn't happen.
- Several other things as well, feel free to use the thread search if you want. Here. Simply type in "John General Exit Path Discussion" or something along the lines of that.
- Oh, and don't forget that he had all those months to work on the game, and when it was in beta, it was just a few hours rather than about five days or something like how he mentioned. Nobody who signed up even got an email, he just put it on the website for anyone to play.
You can't expect to find each nook and cranny and intricacy of every map within a week, it takes itme for the true nature of a game to establish itself.

Problem with this is - John used something completely different to build EP2, so don't expect to find tricks, triple jumps, major shortcuts, and whatnot. What you see is what you get. A stage with about two-three ways of completing them. Not how EP1 was - where you could complete the stage in several unique ways.
is there any difference between overFLOW and normal Flow?

You move faster with overFLOW.
566 posts

I actually wish the EP1 players would be less stubborn morons in terms of depreciating ep2. Yes this game plays out different then ep1. Duh >.<

I can definately see your point, but saying it like this will just make people not listen to you, even if you are 100% correct.

Yes some levels are easy and relativ straight forward on ep2.

I very much like the new levels. But there simply doesn't seem to be any viable alternatives. Back in the first game, there was lots of debate over faster routes, even before the double jump (like bottom vs. lower route on Unfriendly Teleporters). Right now, I don't see EP2 giving us meaningful choices in routes.

The phenomenon of Exit path was, that it only took as much finesse and precision to play as the players was demanding himself. Safe routes were easy to repeat. Top time routes were hard to execute and easy to mess up. I give the new game at least the benefit of the doubt to offer the same. It is definately not in this state yet, where routes demands much finesse. It took the first sequel quite some time to get to this state. Same gonna happen on the newest one. At the moment who gets to finish without rewinds will win. Players don't remember maps, not speaking of messing with the map texture to squeeze out some seconds.

I believe this isn't the point why people are upset. Yes, it took the first one a while to get this far, but we didn't need to wait for John to fix the bugs before we could enjoy the game.Explain to me how I'm supposed to enjoy the game (I'm trying really hard you know), when my routes let me fall through the floor 100% of the time when diving. I'm losing to things that are beyond my control and that's kind of annoying.

As for getting a community for the game going, how will you do that? No one has adressed this by now, but the Advanced room is a ghost town. Finding someone there is incredibly rare, which breaks the game, since reaching level 31 means you're locked out of playing the game using the random lobby system and are forced to use private rooms.

This suggests to me that people don't play the game long enough to reach the advanced lobby and drop the game after a short while. This did not happen with the first Exit Path.

At the moment who gets to finish without rewinds will win.

Or the one with the best internet connection, which tends to happen to me more often than it should.

Two things are highly frustrating about ep2 though. First off thats its not worth the effort to make a refined uniplayer run. As hackers and glitchers are uploading random times, destroying the credibility whether a good time is deserved or cheated.

A side-effect of having all kinds of crazy leader-boards.

Second are some glitches that cause you to loose a race. Like dropping through the floor (happens when u dive jump in a fast fashion; solution: jump short above the floor against to avoid this), and getting stuck at a wall (if you flow and keep running against a wall u can get stuck and keep "staying on a invisible floor", is bad when there will be spikes coming out of the wall soon x_X, solution: jump when this happened and avoid the holding action.).

Here's the bottom line: Those shouldn't have existed in the first place. And I don't mean for Beta. A proper testing phase would have been having Beta for sevelral days, followed by a few days of fixing the glitches and THEN releasing gold. Having a beta over a few hours and then releasing the game two days after that is the wrong way to do it.

Rushing the game benefitted noone and resulted in what we're seeing right now.

From johns perspective I would be kind of disappointed of a lot of ppl actually.

Why should he? He promised a boatload of new things too add and talked about potential features to add, none of which made it into the game for the most part, so obviously people will be disappointed. If you aren't going to add things, it's better to just stay quiet instead of giving it needless hype.

That he improved the latency system

No. I myself don't have a perfect connection and I notice it's infinitely worse than the first game. It's always those two scenarios:

- I can play fine but people get a headstart on me and generally move much faster, which means I'm definately lagging on the hosts end. It's so bad that I once was only able to move 20 seconds into the race.

- I can play fine for a few levels and then the lag increases to nearly unplayable. So far this happened almost all the time and even happened when I was testing a private room with both racers being me (two guest accounts essentially)

Private rooms which work perfectly fine

As Matrix pointed out, there are still glitches involved with them.

EP2 is like Claudiodeusest aka CDE already stated hopefully getting a bunch of updates to pass its unfinished state. Then its gonna be a great game, for me at least....

Assuming those actually get fixed. Let's not forget the first game never got fixes for it's multitude of glitches either. Looking at the newest fixes, none of them adress the issues players have with the game and I'm concerned the game will be simply abandoned developement-wise, just like all other games John has made.

It's partly his and our faults. People kept on demanding EP2 to come out. And I guess John decided to rush it out because he might have been worried that the people would just...I don't know get tired. Throwing out the possibilities. But really though, he could've worked on it longer.

And by doing so, he has done more harm than good. There simply wouldn't have been so much hype for it if he didn't announce so many things that never made it to the game.

*Matrix's List*

Old list is old. I did some more searching and added a few more things, here a list of things he hinted at and/or promised to be in the game (in no particular order, and I'll repeat some of the things already mentioned):

- The ability to mute music and soundeffects seperately --> You're only able to mute both or nothing

- Many new ways to die --> Nothing of this way seen in the game (apart from death through differently shaped axes :\\)

- A few new obstacles in the game/new ways to interact with it --> Only poles were added

- 40-50 new stages + 10-20 Legacy stages --> EP1 stages are not included in the game, "dark versions" were hinted at but also not included

- People that lost their EP1 progress would get a present in EP2 --> Never happened and I doubt it ever will (which especially sucks, since I lost the progress of BOTH of my accounts)

- New player skins --> Aren't added to the main release, will be added only to paying exitPASS members

- exitPASS was never hinted at --> I find it especially shady that he never came clean about exitPASS but instead announced all those features that in the end are only accessable by paying. Looking at my screenshots on page 208 of this thread, you can see that he planned to have the private rooms planned as paid content, which is even more absurd.

- Hinting at including the old double jumping method --> No reports of this being present in the game (it might be, but I honestly doubt it)

- More customization options for private room (i.e infinite flow for everyone among other things) --> Never made it into the game

- A play-list of songs to be used in Multiplayer --> Never made it into the game

- Optimizing Multiplayer and less lag --> A lot of player complaints that the lag is worse

- More exp is needed to reach higher levels --> Values have been completely changed, only requiring about 4x as much as the original game (the current level 80, around 400000 exp, would only have been level 28 in thetable he posted)

- Beta sign-ups, SEVERAL delays and empty promises of "Beta invites coming soon" --> Beta instead gets turned into an open beta, which is removed after several hours of play, game comes out a mere two days later; List of beta testers contains doubles

- Hinting at 6 room racers --> Number remains unchanged at 5

Wall jumping

He never actually promised Wall Jumping. He mentioned on his website that he WON'T add such a thing because it seemed frustrating to newbies
103 posts


Your right in many statements. Seeing all this obvious mistakes and the issues overshadowing the gameexperience is that frustrating to me that I formulate things in dumb fashions. Well I am out of this topic so far then....

517 posts

- EP1 double jump.
- Players whom have lost their EXP in EP1 would get something special in EP2. (This is probably thrown out due to everyone losing their EXP in EP2.)
- Evil versions of some EP1 stages.
- Many more ways to die. (This is obviously not put into the game.)
- Fixing lag. (I remember John mentioning several times that lag would be fixed, it would be to a minimum for all players.)
- More runners being able to play in a room. (The last I saw, he said six, but he changed it.)
- Wall jumping. (Sliding down a wall and then jumping off of it. I'm not sure if this is in the game, but as far as I'm concerned, it isn't.)
- Legacy stages. (These are basically EP1 stages.)
- Once or twice he mentioned a soundtrack for multiplayer.

Why does anyone care if he didn't put these things in he never promised them he has just mention MAYBE doing that and how do you know some of this stuff will be added in the future? As I said many times bugs can be fixed and things can be added. Also shut up about which one you like more it doesn't really matter if you like EP1 play it. If you like EP2 play it. If you like both then great play both. I'm done with people arguing there is no need for it. You should not care for a flash game enough to argue about it(remember it's just a game!). Well I'm done posting on this thread until the arguing like little children stops.
15,595 posts

Why does anyone care if he didn't put these things in he never promised them

Read Kenty's post with the updated list. We care because he said he would put them in, he repeated it several times and we discussed them. We were hyped about all these new wonderful things that were going to be put into EP2, however, they were not put into the game.
how do you know some of this stuff will be added in the future?

I do not know, however, taking John's nature into account, it is likely he will not put them into EP2. Remember EP1? How it only got one update them got abandoned? Yeah, I think that will happen with EP2. He updated some things on EP2, just a few minor bugs and one major bug. And from reading his website, it is not likely that he will focus more on EP2. He said he might focus more on some smaller flash games.
As I said many times bugs can be fixed and things can be added

Of course they can, but have fun believing that it will actually happen. If it does happen, good, if it does not happen, bad.
Also shut up about which one you like more it doesn't really matter if you like EP1 play it

Are you mad? It looks that way. Telling someone to shut up about Exit Path when we are in fact in this thread to discuss Exit Path is nonsensical.
I'm done with people arguing there is no need for it.

If you do not like discussions, then why do you bother posting in the thread? This thread is, after all, for discussions.
You should not care for a flash game enough to argue about it(remember it's just a game!).

So, you do not care for EP2? Okay, then why are you here right now? Posting about Exit Path and arguing about it as you are currently doing is hypocritical from what you have said. We talk about Exit Path since this thread is for Exit Path discussions, if you do not like that, then leave. Nobody is keeping you here. If you do not like arguments nor discussions, ignore them, nobody is making you read them. Quit complaining about the thread and either discuss Exit Path or do something else. People are not going to quit discussing Exit Path simply because you are unsatisfied with it.
Well I'm done posting on this thread until the arguing like little children stops.

It looks like you cannot handle discussions. From this statement, we are discussing things in a civilized manner. Do you see us calling each other names in every post? Do you see us posting without anything backing up our statements and/or opinions? Let me answer that for you, no, we are not. We have been discussing things in a civilized manner and have been backing up everything we have been saying. If you do not like, simply ignore it instead of complaining about discussions in a discussion thread. Seems pretty contradictory, right? Yeah, it does.
566 posts

John mentioned having escalators in the new game. I personally can live without them, but he did say.

I KNEW I forgot something. ;P

Yet another thing to be added to the list.

Also, as somewhat of a solve to the lag problem, why not have a matchmaker that matches all the people with lag together, so that the relative speed is the same?

That's not very easy to do, since your ping is very dependant on the host and other people in the room. Meaning, it changes constantly.
27 posts

I like the game.. really fun! that down jump is gold.. maybe it will not last that long (maps seem too easy) but who knows..

Im disappointed about the lag issue.. its far worse. In the bug reports i wrote about making the change of quality with more options, like no background, no flashy teles etc. and maybe just naked, with everything out except the things u need to see... but that seems like too much work.

.. and there are escalators, they are on uni on some maps.. one is on the lvl with the screens snowing in the background and there are two more, i dont rem where exactly.

15,595 posts

I think those are stairs because they don't move your player around like escalators.

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