Why exactly?
The Health Care Bill will put the US in even more debt. Bush got us in debt, and we elected Obama to get us out of debt. Health care is going to create more debt and higher taxes. There are many reasons why people like me don't want to pay more taxes or health care.
1. Health care entitlement programs in the past have always been more costly than predicted.
2. Regular insurance companies must refuse people so they can make a profit. Oh no, I said
profit, such a
dirty word! Let me rephrase. Insurance companies must refuse people so they don't go into debt which results in them going out of business.
3. You are being forced to pay for health care at risk of becoming a federal criminal.
So these are 3 of many reasons why not to support health care.
I don't think that it has been in effect long enough for it to have been deemed a threat to the American public.
Here's the problem with test driving the bill. You can't wait too long to repeal the bill. When it starts to fail, you can't simply get rid of it. The bill will force people to become dependent on the state. This makes it nearly impossibly hard to repeal the bill, even if the bill is proven to be failing.
I think that part of the reason that the Republicans are angry is because they aren't known as the Grand OLD Party for nothing.
I hate referring to republicans as the Grand Old Party because it implies that old ideas are faulty purely because of their age. This is flawed thinking. You must look at the content of the ideas before determining if they are outdated or not, and you determine if they are outdated by comparing it today's technology and social norms, not through assumption.
"It is recession when your neighbor looses his job, it is depression when you lose your job, and it is Recovery when Barrack Obama is kicked out of office."
I actually found that to be quite funny.
That is the type of people that the president is trying to be nice to and work with. He got many opinions from Republicans when originally writing the bill, but it got butchered when it hit the Democratic Majority of the Senate.
Lying is nothing knew when it comes to politics, but Obama is a ridiculously huge liar and he's constantly soft soap talking his audiences down with promises of hope and change to hide his real agenda to create a more state dependent nation.
I remember when Obama was running for president. He became popular because he claimed that he would not pick sides as president. As soon as he became president he has actually shrugged off most of what many republicans have said.
The money we pay into National Health Care will literally be a tax. However, Obama does not consider it a tax. Why? This way, he can tell everyone that he is going to decrease taxes while increasing the amount of money they end up paying. When someone says "I thought you weren't going to increase taxes," he will reply "I didn't, that extra money you're paying is health care."
Obama was being interviewed and he claimed National Health Care is not a tax increase.
Interviewer: I don't think I'm making it up. Merriam Webster's Dictionary: Tax, a charge usually of money and posed by authority on persons or property for public purposes.
Obama: *laughs* George, the fact you looked up Merriam Webster's dictionary, that the definition of tax increase, indicates to me that you're stretching a little."
In a professional debate, this reply would be completely unacceptable. Obama is manipulative and the whole "trying to help people" is nothing more than a front. I mean, he might honestly be trying to help people, but I can say the same for Bush and every other president.