I would rather we have free health care, it's not a big deal what either of us would rather do. What is a big deal is what is best for our nation.
It's not free health care. It's take everyone's money and give it all away and when you're out of money print more bills or take more money from the abled care.
15 minutes away from my house is a College full of individuals from the East Coast that with plenty of money that they didn't earn; most of their parents didn't earn it either.
So you have a right to their money that their grandparents earned them? So selfish.
America is a country full of old money, to many people have money simply because they're grandparents did for me to buy that simply being wise is the reason for economic disparity. America has some of the lowest income tax rates of developed countries and yet we're not the happiest country in the world, Denmark is, a country with an income tax rate above 40% and the 16th highest GDP in the world. What about there health care?
Americans aren't willing to give up most of their paycheck for socialized care. Therefore the healthcare system won't work in America. Unless you believe America should become socialist, your point is moot.
The state is, or at least should be ours.
These words are rubbish. If I'm being forced to pay taxes so the state can take care of me, it isn't mine because I have no control. As simple as that. Denmark's government does not belong to the people, the people belong to the government.
I could let them run free but provide them with food and water whenever they needed it; this isn't an issue of freedom don't make it one.
It sure as hell is an issue of freedom! You'll let the dogs run free? You'd hunt them down if they never return! If you didn't then the dogs would have a choice, something we won't have if we're being forced to pay for national health care.
Newsflash, Obama has cut taxes.
Yet he's spending more money than ever. The government makes their money from the taxes we pay. Obama is only creating more debt and after he is out of office the value of the American dollar will either decrease or our taxes will increase once again.
The thing that people don't get is to cut taxes we have to cut government programs; you know the teaparty doesn't really gasp that concept.
Evidence you know nothing of the tea party and what their goal is.
Assassins have to kill people so they make a profit or else they go broke, money isn't an excuse to ignore other human's survival. This is why the government has to step in, so people with diabetes can get the insulin they need and so everyone with a pre-existing condition can survive. American nationalism is alive and well but only if it includes killing Muslims, you would think we would have some pride in how we take care of our old, sick, and less fortunate.
You don't know how to be kind. You're nothing more than a manipulative servent to the state who's idea of helping the poor is pointing a gun to everyone's head and forcing them to be kind.
You don't understand how business works, so don't tell me insurance companies should stop caring about money, because YOU HAVE TO MAKE A GOD **** LIVING. That's the ****ing point of a business! That's the point of having a job! If health insurance companies covered everyone, they would go out of business!
This will increase taxes *gasp* but so what?
You contradicted yourself when you said Obama cut taxes by admitting that taxes will rise again.
I'm no longer paying for medical insurance
You still are in the form of taxes.
It's like saying, Buy this book for 10 dollars and if you pay 20 dollars we will throw in a free book. You aren't paying for insurance directly, but you're still paying through taxes!
calculate the net loss of money don't just look at the taxes and cry foul.
I don't want to pay more taxes for sick people and get nothing in return of the taxes I am paying. I don't plan on getting sick. If I do have cancer, I shouldn't have the right to make the healthy miserable by taking their money.
Haha, oh no wait you're being serious. Human life is worth more than anything.
No, it's not. Human life is NOT worth more than happiness and the well being of other human beings. People die, get over it.
As long as it's not insurance go for it.
It's not there because it's going into taxes.
So after his term he gets to control it all? Conspiracy theories that have no motive are so yesterday.
I'll forgive you for calling it a conspiracy theory because you obviously can't comprehend what I said.
I said he wants a state controlled monopoly. I didn't say he would control it after his term. Do you know what it's called when the state is providing the only available health care? It's called a monopoly. That's the road we are heading down.
Probably so my sister doesn't die. I'm assuming here that the gun is similar to the one in Arizona and the victim represents someone with government healthcare that's going to get the best medical care possible?
Way to relate two nonrelated subjects to create a false justification to support your point.
You're willing to steal from other people to keep your sister alive? That's morally sickening.
The idea is similar to that of social security
Social security is a failure and a waste of money.
you pay into a system and for the majority of individuals what you pay is what you get back out (excluding the impoverished and wealthy).
Then what's the point of putting in if you get back the same amount?
Why is it okay to steal from the rich and the wealthy? Oh, by the way, most of the "rich and wealthy" who lose money are middle class.
No - that's not the point. The point is that it's economically inefficient whatever that minority is. It's the principle of it - that you will have inefficiency; thus by doing this, the government is recognizing that X (healthcare) is an absolute good, and that they should decide for the entire population what they should get (healthcare), which could prevent them from getting something else they want by choice (a new computer, or whatever they value - whatever they see that will make them "happy" (here, hapinness is defined simply as "what people pursue"). Thus there is no "gain" at all by using universal healthcare - there is only an inefficiency. You can no longer argue for it as a good system, because of this idea (and if you were to say that it is a form of redistribution, then it would not be the ideal, still, since money itself is more handy for that purpose, as it has a wider variety of uses and is a standard unit. We can debate redistribution another time...
Well said.