ForumsWEPRDream Argument

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He who dreams of drinking wine may weep when morning comes; he who dreams of weeping may in the morning go off to hunt. While he is dreaming he does not know it is a dream, and in his dream he may even try to interpret a dream. Only after he wakes does he know it was a dream. And someday there will be a great awakening when we know that this is all a great dream. Yet the stupid believe they are awake, busily and brightly assuming they understand things, calling this man ruler, that one herdsman â' how dense! Confucius and you are both dreaming! And when I say you are dreaming, I am dreaming, too. Words like these will be labeled the Supreme Swindle. Yet, after ten thousand generations, a great sage may appear who will know their meaning, and it will still be as though he appeared with astonishing speed.

Prove that we are awake. Do et.
  • 68 Replies
9,504 posts

Try staying up for a couple weeks straight, see what happens.

The quoted passage that is obviously an article sounds like a crier. Stupid, you say? I'm insulted. I know my physiology very well, thank you very much!

27 posts

Just try the light switch, it doesn't work in dreams, the light stay as it is (don't ask me why) - checked! XD
Also u can try to read something - its very difficult to read in dreams almost impossible - you can try to see what the time is on a digital clock and u will have the hard time figuring that out - it has something to do with non working parts of the brain while you are a sleep. I have practiced lucid dreaming one time and this was the clue that helped me figuring out if it was a dream or real

922 posts

lucid dreaming

what was it like? cos I sort of did. I realised I was dreaming and then I suddenly woke up. fail
27 posts

I had many fail attempts and a few really good experiences. I think you could realize that your dreaming in a couple attempts but the tricky part is to hold on to the awareness that you are dreaming. Its sort of exhausting to do that, after some sessions i would wake up like i was running all day, and u cant really put your whole awareness into it. I had very good ideas for what to do into the dream but when im inside i can only think of flying or once I transformed my looks (but i dindnt do what i had in mind) and thats it. But with practice i think you can achieve much more.

1,573 posts

Prove that we are awake. Do et.

Prove that we really dream and dont just enter another level of reality... doo eet!
73 posts

Don't listen to Confucius. The guy is full of lies. Moral responsibility? Free will? Justice? We don't need 'em.

5,001 posts

If we are all dreaming, then why are we all limited by the same forces? I should be able to overcome any sense of the physics we know in 'reality,' and take off from the ground and fly.

1,573 posts

Don't listen to Confucius. The guy is full of lies. Moral responsibility? Free will? Justice? We don't need 'em.

We should travel back in time and duff him in.

If we are all dreaming, then why are we all limited by the same forces? I should be able to overcome any sense of the physics we know in 'reality,' and take off from the ground and fly.

Maybe different realities have different rules. e.g. x-factor spawns millions of pounds for certain people even though the contestants are usually devoid of musical talent. They are defying the laws of physics methinks. Mind you auto-tune helped em.

Or perhaps, rather more seriously, we are still constrained to different laws depending on our dream/reality. Iv never flown in any dream. I sometimes feel like a lead weight. In dreams the conciousness literally lets go of alot of preconceptions and shows unfiltered thoughts. Also the brain cannot tell the difference between a dream and reality.

I have no idea what this all means tbh. But I mean it.
2,027 posts

I never remember any of my dreams, yet I remember what I did yesterday. That's proof enough for me.

5,001 posts

Munky, I need you to rephrase what you mean. I got lost.

Mogwai, that is just infinite regress. The act of just waking up each time (regardless if you remember a dream or not) isn't really proof that it isn't all a dream. You could just be 'dreaming' within this dream-reality we are in right now.

1,322 posts

honestly.... i don't control what happens in muh dreams... and all of those "do this so therefore u prove it stuff" never happens in my dreams... once or twice i realized i was dreaming... and promptly woke up.

guess my dream experience is cheating me :'(

whatever characteristics of my dreams that have come to be in any particular dream (laws of physics... usually stay coherent throughout the dream... so if i can fly.. then i can fly... if i can't fly... then i can't fly. maybe i'm dreaming a real world experience... and i'm stuck w/ real world physics :'(

1,416 posts

*spins a top*
Okay, we're good.

I should be able to overcome any sense of the physics we know in 'reality,' and take off from the ground and fly.

You can, if you're THE ONE.

Alright, enough movie references.

If I'm dreaming, then I must be highly intelligent. Because if this is just my dream, then all people are just figments of my imagination. Which means that I have single handily come up with every scientific breakthrough, written every book, can speak every language (but can't understand every language... odd), painted every painting, etc.

But then, why am I (that is, my main consciousness) so much less intelligent than the aggregate intelligence of the characters in my dream? Why do I have to study so hard for a genetics exam when I wrote the text book? Even if my character's intelligence is all part of my subconscious, shouldn't some residual knowledge float through to my main consciousness?

For instance, if two of my dream characters are conversing in Chinese, shouldn't I be able to at least partly understand what they are saying, given that all of China is populated by my dream characters?

Some might say that China does not exist, and that Chinese is just gibberish spouting from my subconscious. However, I can use google translate or whatever, and consistently translate Chinese into English. Which means that even though I can't understand Chinese, people in my dream can. And, furthermore, I have created a system in my dream that indirectly lets me understand Chinese (because google translate is also part of my dream).

So, what is more likely: that in my dream I created a language I cannot understand, or that I'm just not dreaming.
13,701 posts

prehaps your dream has a diffent language then english. as for the numbers, i dunno.

77 posts

If this is a dream only one of us is real making the dream. I know I am real as I think therfore I am. You are just a fragment of my imagination who I have made act but you do not think. This works both ways as you know you are real but I could just be controled by your subconscious.
As I know I am real just as you know you are real (if you are real) and only one can be real it hurts my head.

2,027 posts

There is no spoon.
The following quotes are from the movie The Matrix, and I took them from Wikiquote.

What is real? How do you define real? If you're talking about what you can hear, what you can smell, taste and feel, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.
Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure it was real? What if you were unable to awake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world, and the real world?

Oh, and here's another Matrix quote I copied from IMDB.

Cypher: You know, I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize?
[Takes a bite of steak]
Cypher: Ignorance is bliss.

Sorry for the quotes, but I felt they were somewhat relevant
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