ForumsWEPRDream Argument

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He who dreams of drinking wine may weep when morning comes; he who dreams of weeping may in the morning go off to hunt. While he is dreaming he does not know it is a dream, and in his dream he may even try to interpret a dream. Only after he wakes does he know it was a dream. And someday there will be a great awakening when we know that this is all a great dream. Yet the stupid believe they are awake, busily and brightly assuming they understand things, calling this man ruler, that one herdsman â' how dense! Confucius and you are both dreaming! And when I say you are dreaming, I am dreaming, too. Words like these will be labeled the Supreme Swindle. Yet, after ten thousand generations, a great sage may appear who will know their meaning, and it will still be as though he appeared with astonishing speed.

Prove that we are awake. Do et.
  • 68 Replies
2,420 posts

I have read every post in this thread. I understand them.

Clearly, you do not understand what I am saying.

Let a be reality. Let x be dreams. Both are variables.

a = b

x = y

How do you know that a isn't b but is really y and vice versa?

Let's give a and b some values.

a = 3


b = 4

But, what how do you know that

a = 3

and that

b = 4? You don't. You assume that a is 3 and b is 4 but you really have no clue. Forget the limitations and all the garbage but approach it from a more logical point.

How do you know that b isn't 3 and a isn't 4?

9,504 posts

From that standpoint, I don't and we don't. However, a has characteristics that x doesn't and vice-versa, which leads me to believe they are how they are. You do not sleep into reality and wake up in a dream. That's not how our minds work.

2,420 posts

However, a has characteristics that x doesn't and vice-versa, which leads me to believe they are how they are. You do not sleep into reality and wake up in a dream. That's not how our minds work.


What if

|a + 6| = 3


|b + 6| = 4

What are the different characteristics?
1,448 posts

Let a be reality. Let x be dreams. Both are variables.

But reality isn't "variable" at all. Reality is a constant, it isn't manipulated, but it is independent of what we think. It is what it is, and it can't be anything else - it does not vary and it cannot be two things at once.

and also, what are b and y?

Let me ask you something? How can anyone know (for certain) anything without assumptions?
2,420 posts

How do you know dreams can't be manipulated and reality can be manipulated? Try to think out of the box.

6,800 posts

Maybe you are the master of your own world and created your own set of laws.

I think, therefore, I am. You think, therefore, you are. If I'm the 'master' of my own world, then I could do anything I wanted. I would be 'god', and yet I'm hendered by the same limitations as everyone else. What 'all powerful being' would knowingly strip himself of all power, and for no reason?
1,573 posts

How can anyone know (for certain) anything without assumptions?

We cannot. Everything is based on what we try and test to be true. Doesnt mean the results are not influenced tho. I walk the line between the two modes of thought i.e. we are all real and very much here and also that we cannot know anything for sure, so I make do with what I have. We cannot prove gravity but we can test it and that is (has to be) proof enough as it is also tangible and repeated. As is the limitation of light switches in a dream. That is a property of reality is it not? Limitations.

I would be 'god'

The same as every other molecule in the universe then. In this way we are not individual.

Also we cannot know where anything truly is because we dont actually have the ability to pinpoint is precise atomic structure. Its everywhere at once. Thats pretty freaky if ya ask me.
2,420 posts

How do you know that

x = 4

and not

y = 4?

116 posts

dreams are, like previously said; infiltered thoughts, chemical reaction while you sleep.
there's a funny fact about dreaming, the part where you see your dream doesn't last for the holl night actually its like minuts.(can't remember the actual length).
i partly agree with both sides of the argument.

sometime in life there are some events that make you think your dreaming (in the possitive or negative way) example:
+(possitive arguments)
*an actor appointed governor WTF?
*people actually trusting in the things they are told or promesses, despit the fact that they were fooled times and times again.
-(negative arguments)
*while awake everything seems clearer.
*it feels real(i know it isn't much of an argument but we are living beings we feel the world around us)

In conclusion , it's much like life after death you can't know for sure, if you have doubts!

2,886 posts

Well, an interesting question about sleeping or dreaming is do you die when you sleep? If so, does that mean what you are actually experienceing every night is the after-life? Aside from that, dream elements seem to be based on what you like or what you know. Sometimes you have characters you like or hate a lot who revist your dreams over and over or you have certain things you can do in dreams, your so-called "dream powers". I personally have a very open opinion on what dreams really are or how they come to be. I remember when I first got the N64 game "Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time", I thought about it all the time. In fact, I thought about it so much I could hear the music without it actually having to play anywhere (in real life, mind you) and I constanly dreamed about it. I would see characters like Link or Ganondorf constantly or replay thorugh the game at certain intervals and so on. After I beat the game, that stopped cause I got bored of it or whatever, but it was the fact you could think about something so much that you experience these things in your dreams like that. I have many experiences of lucid dreaming and I remember a lot of dreams I have. I am always aware of the dream, even if I don't seem to think so, because I can feel my eyes IRL, and they always "feel" closed in the dream. I also get inspiration from dreams, like ideas for movies or possible inventions, so I find that dreams can be useful too. Time is pretty much an illusion in a dream, so it always seems shorter than it actually is, especially if you have a Lucid or "wet" dream.(or BOTH!) The most interesting aspect of dreams is sometimes it feels like characters in your dreams are real, so you wonder "Is this a real person who I'm sharing my dream with?" I cannot truly say if I have ever shared a dream with someone or not, since no one I know will confirm it in any way...(like if they remember certain details from the dream) The laws of a dream can vary widely, depending on things we may not be aware of, like some force of will that governs our dream-self. They say that we only use a very small percentage of our brains, but what about the un-used portions? Do we connect with the parts of our brains we don't use when we sleep and dream? You really think about it, and there seems to be a lot of unanswered questions about dreams, like how they actually form or wh we may dream about certain things. Then there is how things IRL affect things in the dream, like if I sleep anywhere but a bed, there is usualy no sound in the dream, very strange effect...

4,097 posts

Well, an interesting question about sleeping or dreaming is do you die when you sleep?

What are you talking about? Sleep and death have very different definitions. Sleep is a reversible period of unconsciousness, whereas death is irreversible.
2,886 posts

Well, I heard somewhere that we are set to die daily when we sleep, or something like that, IDK. It seemed very strange to me, but I agree, death is supposed to be permenant and it does seem kinda odd if it were to be a common experience. I'm really not much of an expert on this kind of thing. I don't have scientifically reinforced facts that prove what is true or false about sleeping and dreaming or anything like that. I find this topic about dreams very interesting, but it seems like a lot of people can't even remember their dreams, and it kinda makes me wonder why. Why is it that some people remember dreams, yet others don't? Does it have something to do with intelligence and consciousness, or is it based on some kind of neurological thing? In my opinion, it could very easily be both, thoughts on this?

39 posts

Well, in my country...

Sleep is what we call... "The Beaut of Death"


-In belief, the Vietnamese Buddhas believed that sleep is death, but in beaut. (Beaut means Beautiful) In scientific, it's not true, but for religious belief, it's true. They say you have to sleep, if you don't sleep for 3 days, you'll die.

I don't know, but that's how it goes.... :P

626 posts

If you dont sleep for three days (without taking drugs) your body pretty much just shuts down and makes you sleep :P

386 posts

The reason some people don't remember their dreams is because of when they wake up. When you sleep, you cycle between NREM and REM sleep. Which is Non-Rapid-Eye-Movement, and Rapid-Eye-Movement. NREM is catagorised in three stages. N1, N2, and N3. At N3 and REM steep, you dream. Your sleep cycle goes like this,

N1 - N2 - N3 - N2 - REM. So you go like this. Sleep - Sleep - Dream - Sleep - Dream And then it repeats. Therefore, you're only dreaming for 2/5 of your sleep. If you wake up during N1, or N2, you don't remember your dream. If you wake up during your dream, you remember it, because your subconcious is still thinking about it. This is why your dreams slowly fade away as the day goes on, as your subconcious stops working as vividly. People don't remember their dreams because they wake up at the wrong time.

I might be mistaken in the sleep cycle, but that's basically how it goes.

@Squidbears, you can go more than three days without sleeping. You can go your whole life without sleeping. Sleeping is for your mind. Your body gets energy from it's food, as long as you have food, your body has energy. You sleep so your mind can process information. If you rest your mind (Meditation, or just chilling in a silent area.) your mind processes the information. Thus, you can stay awake your whole life, it's just easier to actually sleep.

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