ForumsWEPRDream Argument

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He who dreams of drinking wine may weep when morning comes; he who dreams of weeping may in the morning go off to hunt. While he is dreaming he does not know it is a dream, and in his dream he may even try to interpret a dream. Only after he wakes does he know it was a dream. And someday there will be a great awakening when we know that this is all a great dream. Yet the stupid believe they are awake, busily and brightly assuming they understand things, calling this man ruler, that one herdsman â' how dense! Confucius and you are both dreaming! And when I say you are dreaming, I am dreaming, too. Words like these will be labeled the Supreme Swindle. Yet, after ten thousand generations, a great sage may appear who will know their meaning, and it will still be as though he appeared with astonishing speed.

Prove that we are awake. Do et.
  • 68 Replies
1,356 posts

Read dragonfire and Jet smoke. That stuff will screw your whole perspective on dreaming.

9,504 posts

I like how Kevin just pops in, gives us an incited passage, and doesn't respond afterwards.

I'm going to continue on with my response, since it was a little short. Thoroughly debunking, but short. As Asherlee pointed out, if we are *truly* in a dream, then we shouldn't have any limits or regulations to our bounds. Furthermore, since I now entertained the thought and "realized" this is a dream, I should be able to manipulate my world to fit my wishes, right? As a dream, your world is only limited by your imagination. Why couldn't I make my glass of koolaid limitless? Why is the poster on 4chan not a scratch-and-sniff picture? Why can't I turn into a Super Saiyan and fly? Why can't I dive into my pool and not be affected by breathing in water? Wait, nevermind, it's frozen that's why. Err, disregard the last one.

And why are others bound to the same regulations as me? Shouldn't I be vastly superior than they, my figments, to the point of erasing them when I wished, unless I give them elastic privileges? Shouldn't they do as I command? And why, since I'm so superior, can I not force the manager of the gentleman's club down the street to make it One-Dollar Night?

And why is it that I can perceive all 6 senses perfectly and without fail or interruptions. See, my REAL dreams make it thoroughly difficult to perceive, aside from hearing and sight. And no, I won't make any innuendos or double-ententres about that. The higher-ups will find me if I do XD

In dreams, we have unlimited capabilities, yet are also limited. Reality is a sheer opposite experience. This, to me, is how I know that when I'm tapping away at the keyboard, I'm really tapping away at the keyboard.

1,356 posts

Why is the poster on 4chan not a scratch-and-sniff picture?

Why Would ANYONE want to scratch and sniff ANYTHING from 4chan?
1,606 posts

Just try the light switch, it doesn't work in dreams, the light stay as it is (don't ask me why) - checked! XD
Also u can try to read something - its very difficult to read in dreams almost impossible - you can try to see what the time is on a digital clock and u will have the hard time figuring that out - it has something to do with non working parts of the brain while you are a sleep. I have practiced lucid dreaming one time and this was the clue that helped me figuring out if it was a dream or real

I never tried reading in my dreams but maybe reading can only NOT be done in the dream WITHIN the dream? And I can turn on and off lights in my dreams but whenever I do I see something that I don't wanna see so I like to keep em untouched.
Also the brain cannot tell the difference between a dream and reality.

I can tell the difference usualy because eiter the quality of the world is really bad or everyone is acting differently than normaly in my dreams.
I think that we could be dreaming because I sometimes think I wake up from a dream but I just transfered to another dream so that can be the case always it's just that this one is the defult setting (a little nerdy sounding).
[/quote]Which means that I have single handily come up with every scientific breakthrough, written every book, can speak every language (but can't understand every language... odd), painted every painting, etc. [quote]
I made the internet XD! Haven't you ever been surprised that somethig happens in your dream? That means that your subconsious made it without you noticing so what if that happened with everything?
172 posts

Everyone should just watch Inception and The Matrix Trilogy. Dreams you say mmmmm.........*stares into oblivon*

4,689 posts

Cant you tell that you are dreaming if you try to read something? Im pretty sure the side of the brain that controls that has no part in dreams thus all you read is nonsense.

9,504 posts

Why Would ANYONE want to scratch and sniff ANYTHING from 4chan?

You're missing my point, Jaza_m. Whatever my wishes are, I'm *supposed* to be able to manipulate my world, since we are *obviously* in a dream. But the fact of the matter is, I can't. The lucid dream argument is, once I realize I'm in a dream but haven't slipped away from the world, I can do ANYTHING I can put my mind too. I experienced a long, 2 hour lucid dream of me and another 2 people exploring an underground city of gold that had the technology of the 22nd century. This is a BIG end of the spectrum, since the average dreams aren't supposed to last this long. Point is, I discovered I dreaming, so I manipulated nearly every aspect of it, while still keeping the central theme of "exploration".
481 posts

Clearly I am most definitely not dreaming. The Falcons would have won against the Packers. And I would have forgotten to wear my pants to the superbowl.

146 posts

Just because i rock, dosen't mean I'm made of stone

1,448 posts

We cannot "know" anything about whether we are dreaming or not - perhaps we are watching some movie in which you actually believe you are the main character; we cannot know. However, we have one weapon which should help us make a safe assumption.

Occam's razor states that the idea that is the most likely is that which accounts for all the facts using the fewest new assumptions. Thus, if we can explain our world using the laws of physics, and there are no contradictions, then that is the most likely hypothesis.

9,504 posts

We cannot "know" anything about whether we are dreaming or not - perhaps we are watching some movie in which you actually believe you are the main character; we cannot know.

Would you like to try my proposal in page one about staying up for 2 weeks straight and seeing what happens? :P

The credibility of a dream does not need laws of physics to figure out whether it's real or not, rather you can use your sinseneural functions and common sense to explain. We've already established the fact that, while in a dream, we are technically able to manipulate every aspect of said dream, with no negative consequences albeit. Hearing and sight are exceptions, but have you ever tried to smell, taste, touch, or even balance correctly in a dream? I couldn't. I would imagine myself, 1st and 3rd person, running around in my realm, but I couldn't be able to feel my footsteps on the ground or even balance myself running--it would just feel like I'm floating in a particular direction. These physiological fallacies are clear-cut reasons why a dream is a dream and, when we get out of our dream, the other side is reality.
1,573 posts

if we can explain our world using the laws of physics, and there are no contradictions, then that is the most likely hypothesis.

I like this very much. Its pretty much what I live by although I do have lil fantasy moments reasonably often as well.
1,573 posts

Sorry for the double post I just saw this.

Munky, I need you to rephrase what you mean. I got lost.

Dreams could be an alternate dimension where different rules apply and the world is made up by the ego. Explain this. Why are there so many similarities in a dreams state like noone can turn on/off lights.

What I REALLY think this means is that we have alot more to learn about the human brain and what goes on at the atomic level. If its all electronic impulses then surely we could track memories down no? There would be a storage of dreams, memories, smells, muscle memory etc. I dont believe we have found anything yet and am most interested to see when we do (because we will)
6,800 posts

There is no logic in dreams: I can just as easily lift off the ground and fly, then the next moment fall through the ground to the center of the earth. If we are dreaming, then how come every object and organism is bouund by the same laws, everywhere, at all times? Of course, I could be dreaming up all of you, but this leads me to my next point:

'I think, therefore, I am.' Every Human thinks, and this proves that they have higher intelligence, and a concious. So there are 'equal' to me, just as I am 'equal' to them. As they have their own concious thought, and I have no control over them, than they can do just about anything they want, as long as they fall under the parameters of physics. (see first paragraph).


1,633 posts

In dreams, you have the ability to manipulate the environment (lucid dreaming). Where as in this world you lack the ability to move stuff or teleport.

Although, we all could be in a guy's dream like Inception.... lol

Showing 16-30 of 68