What is your favorite lord of the rings character? I am currently watching "Fellowship Of the Ring" on Netflix and I want to know what is your favorite character...
Without a doubt, Gandalf. Good character, and seemingly omnipotent. Even when you kill Gandalf the Grey, you get Gandalf the White. Oh yeah, and because magic is awesome.
The giant eyeball. I don't know his name, because I've never really been able to watch any of the movies without falling asleep, but I've always found giant talking eyeballs to be pretty awesome.
Eowin because she is brave loyal willing to fight and the victim of doomed love Faramir because he is humble and does whats right Legolas because he is wise and just plain awsome. I love the scene where he kills the giant elephant and slides down its trunk
faramirs character in my oppinion was one of the most righteous of them all. he also has one of the most PERFECTLY made scenes from the book to the movie ever. when he rides to the ork hideout right outside of gondor. beautiful scene
My favorite Lord of the Rings character? As the ultimate LOTR buff I will say Fingolfin, I mean what a boss, he was the only elf that Morgoth actually feared. You guys can talk all you want about the third age but Back in the days when the Noldor moved to middle earth, that was great! It might not be Lord of the Rings exactly but it is middle Earth and I consider that to be in this category, for those who don't know what I am talking about, read the Silmarillion, it is a must!
My favorite Lord of the Rings character? As the ultimate LOTR buff I will say Fingolfin, I mean what a boss, he was the only elf that Morgoth actually feared. You guys can talk all you want about the third age but Back in the days when the Noldor moved to middle earth, that was great! It might not be Lord of the Rings exactly but it is middle Earth and I consider that to be in this category, for those who don't know what I am talking about, read the Silmarillion, it is a must!
hold up hold up now ima let you finish but technically, that's not Lord of the Rings... that's silmarillion. Totally different things in my opinion. As far as LOTR goes, Gandalf. Just cause he's a total ******
I loved the Nazgul. What's more intimidating than a faceless, black clothed wraith with sword and a horrible ear piercing shriek? and the fact that they ride on giant dragons is cool too.
I loved the Nazgul. What's more intimidating than a faceless, black clothed wraith with sword and a horrible ear piercing shriek? and the fact that they ride on giant dragons is cool too.
You mean the Ring Wraiths. The Nazgul were just beast they rode on. The 'iercing shriek' is the sound that the Nazgul make. They're not really dragons, more like really large bats of death.
You mean the Ring Wraiths. The Nazgul were just beast they rode on. The 'iercing shriek' is the sound that the Nazgul make. They're not really dragons, more like really large bats of death.
ur actually wrong: the "nasgul" as u call them are actually called fell beasts... the nasgul ARE the ring wrathes... they're the ones who make the peircing shriek...
my fav character would prob be gandalf and my fav monster would prob be the mordor trolls... they're the masters of brute force
It's been a long time I haven't seen any of the movies or read any of the books, but my favorite in the movies would be Gimli, Legolas or Aragorn. But for the books, Sam is definitely the best and he is also quite good in the movies