and a great replayability.
That reminds me... And sorry LazyOne, you set me off again
I don't see much replayability in CoD, yeah, there's prestige - I just start over again. I see that as a disadvantage, now I'm rank 1 with weapons and perks I am not accustomed to.
If they had spent that time developing something like a Perk Prestige, where you can level up perks more times (like in Crysis 2) it would be much better. Or simply creating rare and special challenges made for prestige titles etc. 25 Knives midair or a Tomahawk that hits further than 25 metres.
Plus, I would actually love CoD if the makers didn't take themselves so dang seriously. We all know it's unrealistic. We all know it's (or was) fun. Wouldn't it be better to have the soldier beside you who was knifed shout "How does a knife beat that?" as he was attempting to shoot the rampaging dude down.
Bad example. More like a guy saying "I need to heal... no thanks I don't need bandages". I DON'T KNOW! Something! Just... SOMETHING to laugh at instead of screaming "OOOOHHHHHH HEADSHOT OMG OMG OMG NUB I PWN YOU".
Make the campaign funny too.
Say... The time when you need to knife someone in the next game, you run out of ammo and your buddy says "Okay, he's got a gun and we need one to pick them off, just go and knife him."
You say: "How does that work out?"
Buddy: "It doesn't, but it will, go <name>!"
... :P
Seems to me like CoD is getting Chuck Norris syndrome. Hey remember when Chucky got a real nice celebrity status? Right? Remember that time when he made alot of movies? Good. Remember that time the only reason he stayed alive in one of them was because he stared into the attacking bears eyes and it ran off? No?
Some people need to know who they worship.
Simply put, they got a terrible ego from their success - kinda like trolls.
LOL. Can't believe I connected my argument to my comparison I made earlier. Accidentally.
Oh well
- H