ok call of duty was nice, still is nice kinda. but its getting to be a bit much. they come out with a new game EVERY year it seems, and its getting kind of old. the whole FPS fad thats been happening lateley is getting out of control. i say we boycot call of duty so they can actually take time to make a good game and not just fire them out of there ***** every 6 months. cause honestly they are making way to much money for what they are producing
Unfortunately I think the future is next - Please god not another ww2 game either!
i second that, thats why i never bought waw...
tbh i iv stoped buying the cods, there good games and all but each ones the same as the last, you could pick up any cod and be back into your usual playstyle by like the 2nd game, it gets boring being exactly the same after a while....
The only reason Cod is "Coming a little tooo muvh" is because it is addictive.WaW was big,so was MW2 and now theres Black Ops.Face it,there are more CoDs to come whether you like or not.Addictive games are awsome.
For the record. Addictive is a term for people with little willpower from what I've seen (I know that's not always the case). I was freakin' 9 when I played WoW and when I came off it it was normal. Nothing different whatsoever and I was pretty hyped up on it. I quit twice and there was very little I lost. Infact, I gained. CoD is not addictive, the people who are addicted to it aren't, it's just that they want to play with their friends and if one doesn't feel like it it doesn't matter because other's do, and that happens to many people I'd imagine. Just that not all of them feel it at the same time (mostly due to their incompetent nature - you know, aside from screaming into the microphone). To sum it up, it's not addictive, it's the nature of playing with friends that... well, not even that is. That's just an untold "rule" amongst these people. (I'd know, especially since half my school is drugged up on the game).
Addictive games are awsome.
Yep. Definitely. WoW certainly was, but the funny thing was it wasn't the game that took me off it in the first place, it was the paying part.