I don't like Minecraft because there is no plotline and I just got bored in the first few seconds.
Minecraft requires patience and imagination, patience to gather all the resources and imagination to know what to do after you get those resources. Btw anyone know a good and non time consuming way to get bonemeal? I would go hunting but at night is when I mine and I don't want to randomly get ambushed.
ok well i looked on google and someone who worked for Xbox i think they said "Xbox ambassedor" or something like that, anyway he and other people said that most arcade games are released on wednesdays
I'm going to make a fast food franchise. It's gonna be completely chicken. I made a trap that is a chicken tube and in there I put some Ocelots, so they can kill the chickens. Then I go down and collect the chicken. And then I'll cook it and pretend to sell it to the villagers. :3
Well I have made a fully modded bukkit server in the past few days, got all the coolest mods like the portal mod, and then today 1.2.4 comes out...
It'l prolly be a week until all my mods are updated.
Btw I instaled iConomy and some other mods, none of them say they need permisions, but none of the mods work with / commands or displaying text, anyone know if I need permisions or did I instal it incorrectly? (1.2.3 version of minecraft and latest craft bukkit which still would work with 1.2.3, i say this because I don't know if they already updated)
can someone help me with my texture pack I made a chest texture and in game it has a flashing line in between the top and bottom half and don't know what is causing it so if someone knows how to fix it can they tell me so I can sort it out.