can someone help me with my texture pack I made a chest texture and in game it has a flashing line in between the top and bottom half and don't know what is causing it so if someone knows how to fix it can they tell me so I can sort it out.
Btw I instaled iConomy and some other mods, none of them say they need permisions, but none of the mods work with / commands or displaying text, anyone know if I need permisions or did I instal it incorrectly?
you dont need permissions, and you have to go into the iconomy config file and enable it and other options
I'm going to make a fast food franchise. It's gonna be completely chicken. I made a trap that is a chicken tube and in there I put some Ocelots, so they can kill the chickens. Then I go down and collect the chicken. And then I'll cook it and pretend to sell it to the villagers. :3
You could also build your own building for you fast food place and rig up some dispensers to shoot the chicken/pork/fish/apples/mushroom stew at people. - I'm also (in survival mode because that's the cool and legit way to build things) building a huge tree-top village in a jungle biome. It will sort of look like an ewok village. I might be able to post a picture in a few days once it's finished.
you dont need permissions, and you have to go into the iconomy config file and enable it and other options
I already went in there a couple of times and read everything quite carefuly to see if I needed anything turned true and the defults all looked good to me.
I'm building my DREAM! A Bedrock Temple. I have Glimmar's Steampunk texture pack so the bedrock looks like obsidian. And also, the netherrack texture looks like flowing water. It's cool. Also the different wood is cool, too.
Has anyone wanted to make a parody of a song and make it like Minecraft? Like "TNT" and "Form this way", and stuff like that? Well, I honestly have. I kinda wanted to make a parody of Katy Perry's "E.T.", and it would be about fighting the EnderDragon.