ForumsWEPRAnything Religious

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I do not know if this Topic has already came about, but, just in case it hasn't...

Anything Religious?

-Have a question? Ill try to explian it to the best of my ability!
-Have a debate? Ill be glad to converse with you!
-Have anything you wanna talk about? Just come on down!

  • 76 Replies
165 posts

No, because God specifically told them not to eat from the tree of good and evil, so by doing so they were directly disobeying God. When I say they were innocent, I am saying that I don't think that they they fully understood the consequences of their actions as we do today.

4,871 posts

When I say they were innocent, I am saying that I don't think that they they fully understood the consequences of their actions as we do today.

Then why would they listen? Again god clearly should have known how they were going to react, and again he should be the one carrying the blame not every human ever born.
165 posts

Then why would they listen to what? I don't understand. God cannot carry blame. He is perfect and unblemished. That's why Jesus's death on the cross was such a big deal.

3,817 posts

Then why would they listen to what? I don't understand. God cannot carry blame. He is perfect and unblemished. That's why Jesus's death on the cross was such a big deal.

Wait, wait. When Yahweh is perfect, he can't do anything bad. So if we were perfect, how could we take blame?
165 posts

We are not inherently perfect. We lived in paradise and were as close to perfect as we could be, but we were still human.

3,817 posts

We are not inherently perfect. We lived in paradise and were as close to perfect as we could be, but we were still human.

So what is wrong with being human? Why is being human being flawed?
4,871 posts

Then why would they listen to what?

I'm a human and if I'm given an instruction without cause I'm not very prone to listen to it.

I don't understand. God cannot carry blame.

Then why did he order the murder of women and children and then all of a sudden decide it was wrong? Why did he alter Pharaoh's free will when the Jews were attempting to gain freedom and then use free will as an explanation as to why bad things happen? The bible says god cannot carry blame, that does not mean that he cannot.

That's why Jesus's death on the cross was such a big deal.

"Hey, sorry I ****ed you guys over so I'm going to send my son to pay for it. Oh and I'm going to blame you for killing him.
165 posts

So what is wrong with being human? Why is being human being flawed?

Have you ever met a human who hadn't sinned. One who never messed up? I haven't.

I'm a human and if I'm given an instruction without cause I'm not very prone to listen to it.

If the instruction is from another person. But if you were in close contact with God like Adam and Eve were, and then God gave you an instruction, you might. And God did say that if they did eat from the tree you would die. (See Genesis 2:17)

3,817 posts

Have you ever met a human who hadn't sinned. One who never messed up? I haven't.

What about the "Perfect" humans? Adam and Eve? They hadn't sinned, and they were supposed to be perfect. So what happened? Did &quoterfect" Yahweh mess up and make imperfect humans?
1,448 posts

Did &quoterfect" Yahweh mess up and make imperfect humans?

Yahweh? No way!
4,871 posts

And God did say that if they did eat from the tree you would die.

So, he lied? They didn't die, well they did eventually but he wasn't exactly telling the whole truth.

Yahweh? No way!

165 posts

So, he lied? They didn't die, well they did eventually but he wasn't exactly telling the whole truth.

I think that Adam and Eve did die. They died spiritually, and could no longer be with God.

What about the "Perfect" humans? Adam and Eve? They hadn't sinned, and they were supposed to be perfect. So what happened? Did &quoterfect" Yahweh mess up and make imperfect humans?

They hadn't sinned yet, but they had the capacity to make the choice. And nowhere in the Bible does it say that God made Adam perfect.

9,462 posts

There is a lot of talk of why the devil and if he is really almighty why not just make everything perfect. Would you read a super-long book with no plot, excitement, or anything other than people just being happy? Probably not. God is orchestrating a large scale story with the end result being a victory over the devil.

So your saying God is doing all this just to make his story seem interesting?

Now He is restoring us back to perfection in a great adventure.

If as you say in the next quote we were not perfect just close to it, how could we be brought back to a state we never were in to begin with?

We are not inherently perfect. We lived in paradise and were as close to perfect as we could be, but we were still human.

Going back to my original questioning, if god intended to make us less then perfect how could we be to blame for doing something that is less then perfect?

If the instruction is from another person. But if you were in close contact with God like Adam and Eve were, and then God gave you an instruction, you might. And God did say that if they did eat from the tree you would die.

He also kicked them out to prevent them from eating from also the tree of life that would prevent them from ever dying. (Genesis 3:22) And didn't they live for like hundreds of years after that? Sure doesn't sound like dying from eating a piece of fruit to me.
165 posts

So your saying God is doing all this just to make his story seem interesting?

The best way to explain this is to recommend a book. It's the Circle series by Ted Dekker. I explains how God is bringing us back to Himself.

If as you say in the next quote we were not perfect just close to it, how could we be brought back to a state we never were in to begin with?

Okay. So it isn't about human perfection. It is about a perfect relationship with a perfect God in a perfect world. I don't think that man ever was supposed to be, is, or will be perfect. We can be omnipotent or omnipresent or God-like, so we can't be perfect.

He also kicked them out to prevent them from eating from also the tree of life that would prevent them from ever dying. (Genesis 3:22) And didn't they live for like hundreds of years after that? Sure doesn't sound like dying from eating a piece of fruit to me.

They did still die. Before the fall, they might have lived forever, but after, they were now completely mortal.

250 posts

I know right from wrong,

please know wich fruit they ate, of the tree of knowlege of right and wrong. so..

What about the "Perfect" humans? Adam and Eve? They hadn't sinned, and they were supposed to be perfect. So what happened? Did &quoterfect" Yahweh mess up and make imperfect humans?

yes. and you know why? because he was dissapointed in the animals. if you are perfect, you don't make mistakes, and if you don't make mistakes, you'll never invent something new. does this imply that god isn't perfect? well, I leave that to your own interpretation.

He also kicked them out to prevent them from eating from also the tree of life that would prevent them from ever dying. (Genesis 3:22) And didn't they live for like hundreds of years after that? Sure doesn't sound like dying from eating a piece of fruit to me.

They did still die. Before the fall, they might have lived forever, but after, they were now completely mortal.

and this also means that the snake DID lie. he said that they wouldn't die if they ate the fruit, but they did.
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