Well, I was searching to see if this was already made, but the searches didn't show a thread with my idea so here it is. I am making this thread so we can have a typical tavern discussion thread for all things science! Basically, a thread for everything science! Ranging from discussions about laws and theories, scientific debate, breakthroughs, discussion about new scientific breakthroughs, certain scientists/philosophers, and all that good stuff! So go out there and let out your inner science! ;P To get us going somewhere I'll start: what do you think the future holds for technology? I think our knowledge will allow us to overcome the obstacles thrown at us in the future, I mean, we have discovered so much and have come so far!
What is TTICA? this is a General Science discussion, so if it was off topic to the discussion of rare diseases, it doesnt matter because it is still in the realm of general science. What then?!
Please do not "hijack" a forum thread by changing the subject. If you want to change the subject, please start a new message thread. There is a thread in the Tavern ("This thread is about ..." which is run by a moderator, which we allow sudden subject changes. Otherwise, we expect new subjects to be in a new message thread.
Now that I look at it, here's my interpretation of the rule for this thread:
Topics can change, but they cannot be sudden. This means that there should be transitioning between topics.
The question had no transition and was therefore a sudden topic change.
TTICA stands for This Thread Is Currently About and was locked a while ago because it degenerated to basically a chat.
this is a General Science discussion, so if it was off topic to the discussion of rare diseases, it doesnt matter because it is still in the realm of general science. What then?!
Read my previous post. The topic change lacked a transition and was therefore too sudden.
Interpretation doesnt matter. Moderators and admins make the rules and reinforce them, and it is not fair for you to assume that is a sudden topic change, so i will stand my ground with that question until an admin or mod tells me it was wrong to do.