It's funny how your almost never born atheist, you become atheist. I personally think the whole religion thing is far fetched. Why cant we just be dead after we die? Why does there HAVE to be an afterlife? Dont get me wrong i respect others decisions, I just don't believe in it, who's with me? I'm going to be some grass fertilizer one day And home to some maggots + worms.
so because of some people and events my religon is viewed as bad?
How about this. Can you name what beneficial things that your religion has done? I can think of millions of deaths, a lot of hatred, and a lot of negative things. Every event in history where your religion touched it seems turns to a burning hole in the ground.
Well, IMO idea of calling abstract thing like religion RESPONSIBLE fro something is... weird. I mean, it's religion, it IS SET OF BELIEFS! Someone can do bad things in its name, but how can you blame social abstract for that? You can't BLAME religion... There are evil people, who use different means for their purposes. Patriotism can be turned into nationalism, and nationalism into racism and xenophobia; similarly, religious people can be turned into radicals, but you can't tell that it is religion responsible...
THAT'S... MOST... FALLACIOUS... ARGUMENT... I... EVER... HEARD... IF YOU ARE NOT HORRIFIED YOU ARE HORRID PERSON?! <<calms down>>ah, it's trolling. It must be. Please, tell me youre sarcastic or trolling...
Well, IMO idea of calling abstract thing like religion RESPONSIBLE fro something is... weird. I mean, it's religion, it IS SET OF BELIEFS!
Religion is a set of beliefs that can easily be manipulated to control people, arguably their purpose, which of course causes conflict. Or can you think of a different reason for the Crusades? To take over some *fertile* desert land extremely far away, where you even have to have a small army of armed guards to even be able to reach? To kill some random people? To get some of your men killed? Religion was a driving force in the Crusades, there was really no other decent reason for it. The only other reasons where to get the young, troublesome, men out of the country, which was really pointless.
Someone can do bad things in its name, but how can you blame social abstract for that? You can't BLAME religion
So you can't blame racism, an abstract set of beliefs, for something like Hitler's killings? Racism is also a set of beliefs, which causes things. Or do you deny this?
ere are evil people, who use different means for their purposes
Good people do good things, bad people do bad things. But for a good person to do bad things, that takes religion.
Patriotism can be turned into nationalism, and nationalism into racism and xenophobia;
All abstract sets of beliefs, which you state we cannot blame.
similarly, religious people can be turned into radicals, but you can't tell that it is religion responsible...
Why not? You just named off another set of beliefs, xenophobia and racism, which also can be used to control people. How is religion any different?
well i can think of charity donations. and it helped me personally be a good person. i have anger problem and without my religon i would be in serious trouble now. Also there have been pleanty of bad atheists. 1. Alfred kingsly 2. Napoleon bonaparte 3. Than shwe 4. Kim jong Il 5. Jeffery Dahmer 6. Jim jones 7. Benito mussolini 8. Mao zedong 9. Pol pot 10.Joseph stalin
You spelled his last name wrong. No clue who that is, but he isn't showing up on Wikipedia.
Napoleon bonaparte
He isn't an atheist, and what makes him bad? He was a deist.
And, we all know atheists can be bad people. The difference is that you don't see Stalin giving a speech "We will do this in the name of our god" or something similar. Atheists don't do things in the name of atheism, while Christians do.
The thing can't really group Atheists together like that. It's pretty much who you are is who you are, if they are a bad person then yes, but they aren't that way because of some belief they hold. THAT is the main thing I have against religion.
I don't think so. I think that people are good or bad based on how their own moral code. People who believe christianity is all being nice and loving your neighbor...honestly, they don't know their own faith.
Pretty much here's how I see it "making" people good. The person wants to change, and thus looks for guidance, and since religion is so prevelant, that's something they encounter. Then most religions teach how you should be nice and kind and what not...unless they are not of your own religion, in which case it's your duty to convert them, and in most cases destroy them. It's all in the Bible/any holy text.