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It's funny how your almost never born atheist, you become atheist. I personally think the whole religion thing is far fetched. Why cant we just be dead after we die? Why does there HAVE to be an afterlife? Dont get me wrong i respect others decisions, I just don't believe in it, who's with me? I'm going to be some grass fertilizer one day And home to some maggots + worms.

  • 662 Replies
81 posts

And, this is RELIGIOUS argument... That "there is only one feeling of good and bad". They use it along with "everyone is birth believing in God".

81 posts

BTW, I get that atheism is not group. I just wanted to show that you don't need religion to be evil.

3,371 posts

Why must it be assumed. no matter how many times i say it. That only certain parts of the bible are accepted by christians today. we figured out long ago that somethings were bad. and others made it a contridiction. that's the exact reason we don't follow it compleatly. it's not even our guildline. specificly the Ten commandments are. and there are also different types of christians. not all one group. To be christian just means to accept jesus as your savior and belive in the basic concepts. like only 1 God. If you've ever been to my masses i'm sure you will never hear a priest talk about how right it is to kill a non-christian. in fact he'll tell you how wrong it is and then tell you what's right in the bible.

5,552 posts

Why must it be assumed. no matter how many times i say it. That only certain parts of the bible are accepted by christians today.

Because you follow an outdated holy book, which doesn't speak well for any of your other claims?

To be christian just means to accept jesus as your savior and belive in the basic concepts. like only 1 God. If you've ever been to my masses i'm sure you will never hear a priest talk about how right it is to kill a non-christian. in fact he'll tell you how wrong it is and then tell you what's right in the bible.

So again, why do you follow a book that you yourself say is wrong? It's the word of god or it's not, you can't just pick out parts that don't conform to your current belief.
81 posts

i dont know. In my religion classes (too sleepy to check proper name in english) priest said, that Bible is work of many authors, although driven by God's hand. But, as man AND God's work, it contains mistakes.
And poking at Bible is most popular, but makes no sense, because Christianity consists of Bible, and, Tradition, at least that's what i know...

486 posts

I just wanted to show that you don't need religion to be evil.
I know that you don't need religion to be evil, but that doesn't mean that getting rid of religion is pointless. You wouldn't want your children to be exposed to the bad parts of the bible and be taught as facts in school would you? Clearly there is a difference between being fed poisonous words and not. That is why I argue that the world would have been better(not perfect) without religion.
81 posts

and, who says "you can't"? Are there some rules or what? I thought you are AGAINST idea of holy book, and ESPECIALLY the parts about genocide and slavery. Not using them is good thing, I thought?

About religion, who says you need to get rid of it? All you need is CHOICE. My children will just get ethic class instead of religion class. That's all. [sarcasm] you don't need to abolish whole religion to do that [/sarcasm]

3,371 posts

What poison? the only thing i've every learned in church was to love, respect, ten commandments, and turn away from violence. That's really just about it. same lesson said a different way everytime.

486 posts

Why must it be assumed. no matter how many times i say it. That only certain parts of the bible are accepted by christians today. we figured out long ago that somethings were bad. and others made it a contridiction. that's the exact reason we don't follow it compleatly. it's not even our guildline. specificly the Ten commandments are. and there are also different types of christians. not all one group. To be christian just means to accept jesus as your savior and belive in the basic concepts. like only 1 God. If you've ever been to my masses i'm sure you will never hear a priest talk about how right it is to kill a non-christian. in fact he'll tell you how wrong it is and then tell you what's right in the bible.

But there are still christians who wish to infringe on other peoples rights, speaking against abortion and homosexuality. Some denominations of christianity and islamic groups that preach hatred against other beliefs. I know and am glad that there are far more moderate christians today, but the fact remains that religion provides fuel for things we would consider bad.
81 posts

like i said - if you don't want your children to be taught religion in school, - i don't know how it is in your country, but in mine you just go, declare that you don't want your kids to frequent that class, they got to ethic class with different group, finito. There should be always choice, my opinion...

3,371 posts

True. But without it there would be really bad things happening too. If i didn't have religon, i would be a angry, violent, jerk. why? because i get angry way too easily. But in church i was taught to let things go. This goes the same for lots of people too.

81 posts

Awww, thats just their own dislikes, hatred and evil, masked behind "religion". It has NOTHING to do with religion. NOTHING. Homosexuals would be similarly despised even WITHOUT religion...

486 posts

What poison? the only thing i've every learned in church was to love, respect, ten commandments, and turn away from violence. That's really just about it. same lesson said a different way everytime.
I'm sorry if you took my post the wrong way. I don't believe all holy text is poisonous, I meant only the parts of the bible that condone genocide and such. How you wouldn't wan't those taught to your children. Children are very impressionable people.

I don't think that religion necessarily should be wiped out or had to have been wiped out to make the world a better place. I was just saying that the world would have been a better place without religion, atleast in the past, but getting rid of just the vile parts would have sufficed. I have nothing against christians who do not wish to infringe on other people's rights and who preach only love and peace and would like to see this attitude towards religion grow (which probably is).
3,371 posts

oh ok. sorry. I wish those parts were gone too. Christianity used to torture and hurt others. we even scapegoated people. i'm just glad things have gotten better and i hope they continue to do so.

81 posts

They aren't thought to noone. They are found "bad" parts and not teached anymore. That's simplifacation, but this is mostly how it is.

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