ForumsWEPRThe Truth Behind the Meat Industry (Warning: Very Graphic Content)

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5,365 posts

Hello everyone. What I am about to show you is what the meat industry doesn't want you to see. I stumbled upon this video yesterday, and I was shocked by its contents. I am surprised that this is going on today. Hopefully, this will come to you as a revelation. I am going to warn you, this video is very bloody and disturbing.

Take a look behind the curtain.

As you can see, this slaughter is going on every day in self-proclaimed "civilized" countries. This has definitely convinced me to try to stop consuming dairy and eggs.

  • 67 Replies
8,256 posts

The ending is cheap and, sincerely, I will not stop eating meat, because I know the meat I eat is not the one I saw in the video. But oh my.. I knew this or similar stuff was happening, but seeing it is freaking awful.. americans, I wish you good apetite..

The workers shown doing all this violence must all have a serious psychological trouble, I wonder if it is induced by their job conditions..

5,365 posts

The ending is cheap and, sincerely, I will not stop eating meat, because I know the meat I eat is not the one I saw in the video.

I am not trying to convince people to stop consuming animal products; I am just trying to expose common practice that I believe to be barbaric.

As for the workers, I am disgusted that people can throw a calf to the ground and repeatedly stomp on its head, throw chicks into grinders, and throw piglets onto the ground to snap their necks.
9,504 posts

Ever see the movie "Food Inc." before? That's what I think about when I see this thread.

The ending is cheap and, sincerely, I will not stop eating meat, because I know the meat I eat is not the one I saw in the video.

The meat you ate may not be the exact cuts that were made in this video, but do you know that any of your meat products weren't created this way?

I don't like what I see, and neither would anyone else, unless their psychology has some sort of liking to it. The fact remains, however, that we are animals as well--we slaughter animals to get our food from them because we are their predators, the consumers buying the meat with money being scavengers. The workers are doing this, because they are promised half-decent wages for little work. The corporation managers are doing this, because they go by the credo: a lot of food; a short amount of time; as little pay as possible.
3,025 posts

I'm not a person for a weak stomach but as soon as I heard the first part about the piglets I had enough and just X'd it.

I'm not going to delve into whether this always happens, where or w/e. Simply because it's meat and meat is better than none in most cases.

No, I'm not being a heartless ******* and saying "It has to be done", because it doesn't, stunning and then killing is a much better way of doing things, and this is pretty absurd.

I didn't even watch the first 5 mins.

I may try and continue watching it at a later date, for now though... I already feel bad enough (not from this video, I just feel pretty bad).

- H

8,256 posts

The meat you ate may not be the exact cuts that were made in this video, but do you know that any of your meat products weren't created this way?

I haven't seen with my own eyes how they're doing it in my country, and surely this sort of things is happening in a lot more places than in america :S. But I have enough trust in my country to know that this sort of things aren't tolerated here, and I have enough trust in our controlling instances to make sure that animals are kept well.
5,365 posts

I don't like what I see, and neither would anyone else, unless their psychology has some sort of liking to it. The fact remains, however, that we are animals as well--we slaughter animals to get our food from them because we are their predators, the consumers buying the meat with money being scavengers. The workers are doing this, because they are promised half-decent wages for little work. The corporation managers are doing this, because they go by the credo: a lot of food; a short amount of time; as little pay as possible.

Yes, we are in fact animals. However, we are gifted with self-awareness and morality. Therefore, I think we should behave in a way so as to obtain our food without death, which is very possible.

The meat you ate may not be the exact cuts that were made in this video, but do you know that any of your meat products weren't created this way?

Hah, very true, Frank. :]

But I have enough trust in my country to know that this sort of things aren't tolerated here...

Wow, it must be nice if you can trust your country, unlike in America. :/
4,220 posts

This is not very common in the real world. I've been to several slaughter houses, and while they are bloody, morbid, and overall fun places to visit, the brutality is nowhere near the magnitude often portrayed in these videos. Why? Because slaughter houses get shut down for such barbarism, and they know they will. Getting shut down is bad for business, so they tend to keep their slaughters as clean as genocide can get.

It happens, of course it happens. We're people. But the simple reality is that clean and dirty slaughtering shows no difference in profit, and the people who work at those places generally like their jobs and know that animal cruelty is bad for said job (and freedom).

Bottom line: Doesn't happen everywhere. It happens, but is not the standard.

1,606 posts

I've seen what they do to animals and it no longer disgusts me. For one thing that "stunning" in actualy a insti-kill. It is a spike that goes right into the head, fractures the skull, and kills the brain.

However, we are gifted with self-awareness and morality.
Ur making us sound like Hitler's chosen, "superior to everyone else with self-awarness and morality" and he turned out to be wrong. Also, ur wrong, if you watched other things about animals like nature shows you would know that all animals have self-awarness and morality not just us. We have to feed alot of people so we (companies) go to the supply and damand aspect and might turn to brutality if it means more food and less money wasted.
If you look at the brutality of what is being done then you also gotta look at how much of a mental toll it takes on the workers there. You have to become immune to the suffering or quit at those factories. So i think it could be done a cleaner way, but it's gonna take alot of law. (btw: what was so bad about the pigs being killed by being swung? if it's done right it's a fast way to kill the animals)
9,504 posts

But I have enough trust in my country to know that this sort of things aren't tolerated here, and I have enough trust in our controlling instances to make sure that animals are kept well.

I commend your patriotism, but it is the citizen's duty to question his/her government. That aside, you believe your government's farms do not participate in slaughter such as this? And then there's the part about imported goods...

Yes, we are in fact animals. However, we are gifted with self-awareness and morality. Therefore, I think we should behave in a way so as to obtain our food without death, which is very possible.

1. We humans created morality. On a natural scale, there is no such thing as morality. Any hungry animal will do as it pleases with its prey, because it is survival of the fittest.

2. You truly believe other animals aren't given self-awareness? Are their brains just sitting there not giving any electrical impulses? Are they incapable of thinking?

3. Obtain our food without death? That works for plants, grains, and dairy. Now, what about my meat? I'm not one to eat inorganic substances passed off as food or meat substitutes. I will have my fine slab of steak, because it is my natural right as a predator (or scavenger) to kill an animal and take it. Because we have a heightened sense of awareness and invented morality, we should forsake our natural animal wants and spare others their inevitable end? Please. Given their chance, we would end up on a platter too.

Heightened regulations for the way in which workers slaughter animals for food may ease the tensions of those that care. However, that means pushing the corporations to spend money to keep the process in check, paying the inspectors more for keeping watch as they "work", and even shutting down some mechanical processes because they were deemed too brutal. This will cause blockage for the corporations because they are not making the money they used to, which forces higher prices on the goods we eat. Not very good, sir. Not very good.
5,365 posts

I've been to several slaughter houses, and while they are bloody, morbid, and overall fun places to visit,...

If I may rehash The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, "So long, and thanks for all the sadism."

Bottom line: Doesn't happen everywhere. It happens, but is not the standard.

Exactly. I know that this isn't every animal processing facility out there; I am saying that this behavior is wrong.

Ur making us sound like Hitler's chosen, "superior to everyone else with self-awarness and morality"...

In fact, we are superior to other animals.

Also, ur wrong, if you watched other things about animals like nature shows you would know that all animals have self-awarness and morality not just us.

You must remember, other animals run on instinct, whereas we have logic. That is the difference.

We have to feed alot of people so we (companies) go to the supply and damand aspect and might turn to brutality if it means more food and less money wasted.

You know, we don't have to feed people by slaughtering animals. Fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains, my friend.

If you look at the brutality of what is being done then you also gotta look at how much of a mental toll it takes on the workers there. You have to become immune to the suffering or quit at those factories. So i think it could be done a cleaner way, but it's gonna take alot of law.

In fact, there is something wrong with being apathetic. Someone shouldn't be able to sort and toss chicks around like they are potatos.

btw: what was so bad about the pigs being killed by being swung? if it's done right it's a fast way to kill the animals

Yes, it is a fast way, but the workers were just battering the piglets against concrete.
1,606 posts

In fact, we are superior to other animals.

I don't see how, can WE predict who's gonna win in the national soccor games? (commenting on the octopus in world cup who died recently) Can WE make honey? Do WE have perfect unison? (both on bees and the last one about all animals cept us) Do THEY get distracted with posting on AG and not do homework? (commenting on myself)
You must remember, other animals run on instinct, whereas we have logic. That is the difference.

What about fight or flight? What about language? What about curiostity? Those are all major things that we have BUILT into us and they are all infact instincts.
You know, we don't have to feed people by slaughtering animals. Fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains, my friend.

I will never go with that, ima meat person, I'm even allergic (no joke) to all fresh fruits and vegies so what do i snack on? I usualy eat meat for a snack and i'm not giving it up.
In fact, there is something wrong with being apathetic. Someone shouldn't be able to sort and toss chicks around like they are potatos.

People will do what they have to if the job requires it. There would be alot of people who would gladly take ur spot if you don't wanna get paid for doing some rough work.
Yes, it is a fast way, but the workers were just battering the piglets against concrete.

Like I said before, it's what the job requires u to do.
4,220 posts

If I may rehash The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, "So long, and thanks for all the sadism."

Now I'm hungry . . . time for chicken.

Exactly. I know that this isn't every animal processing facility out there; I am saying that this behavior is wrong.

Any normal human being would agree. Not much of a debate in that! :3
9,504 posts

What about fight or flight? What about language? What about curiostity? Those are all major things that we have BUILT into us and they are all infact instincts.

A little tidbit of info here, language isn't part of our animal instincts. It is something that only the most intelligent of species are able to invent. Language isn't an inherent characteristic, autonomic or controlled, that instinctively helps us survive in the wild. scratch that last part of the sentence, I guess language can help in a way. My point still stands that we invented language--it isn't something that humans are inherently born with.
1,606 posts

A little tidbit of info here, language isn't part of our animal instincts. It is something that only the most intelligent of species are able to invent. Language isn't an inherent characteristic, autonomic or controlled, that instinctively helps us survive in the wild. scratch that last part of the sentence, I guess language can help in a way. My point still stands that we invented language--it isn't something that humans are inherently born with.

But don't all animals have their own language? Yes we have to pick up the lingo of the language but we're not standing around not knowing what that other person is thinking or feeling so launguage is not "invented" by us.
5,365 posts

I don't see how, can WE predict who's gonna win in the national soccor games?

Lol. The odds of 5 soccer games being predicted is 1/32. Those odds don't seem that hard.

Can WE make honey?

Nope. We have no need. With our intelligence, we have farming.

Do WE have perfect unison?

What is perfect unison?

Do THEY get distracted with posting on AG and not do homework?

No. However, with your intelligence, you have the choice to focus on your homework; you simply choose to post on AG.

What about fight or flight? What about language? What about curiostity? Those are all major things that we have BUILT into us and they are all infact instincts.

Yes, we have these instincts. However, like Frank said, language is an invention, not an instinct. Anyway, we not only have the instincts, but we can choose to act on those instincts or not.

I will never go with that, ima meat person, I'm even allergic (no joke) to all fresh fruits and vegies so what do i snack on? I usualy eat meat for a snack and i'm not giving it up.

People can live without fruit and vegetables. Like I said, grains and nuts too. Also, you said fresh. So if it is not fresh, you can consume it?

People will do what they have to if the job requires it. There would be alot of people who would gladly take ur spot if you don't wanna get paid for doing some rough work.

So according to you, it is ok to beat, toss around and kill animals, and feel nothing?
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