ForumsWEPRIs religion bad?

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295 posts

I was just about to go to sleep so I was taking my nightly dump where I do a lot of reflecting.

I started a thread a couple days ago called about atheism and it started a debate. I myself am a die hard atheist but I was just wondering is religion even all that bad?

I mean maybe some people just need that cushion, maybe they cant accept their fates? I would like to hear from you why religion is so bad. Is it halting progression? Is it dumbing us down, what do you have to say?

  • 296 Replies
170 posts

Religion is merely a way for a small group of people to control the masses. I don't believe in it and I can see through its lies and bullcrap.

Okay, so what's the alternative? Atheism? Does that make you smarter? Also, when was the last time (in the United States) that a religious leader controlled the masses.
170 posts

Well...yes it does. Religious people get all most of the times, there are exceptions of course.

Please tell me the proper reaction to people who are trying to attack your personal beliefs system, other than just running from them, which would, on this board, be either non-participating or just excluding atheists. The former is avoiding new ideas, the latter is excluding people and starting a flame war because someone decided to be a hypocrite.
All of the above is 100% sincere, not sarcastic.
170 posts

Then how come people doubt this? How come when I open a historical book it's not like....i don't know....In it? I mean this is an even bigger event then world war 2 in a sense. It would be even bigger then the invention of the weal or a Pharaoh king.

For the same reason you doubt it now: you haven't seen it, and it sounds unrealistic. And what would your reaction be if it was in there? You'd probably want to sue the publisher for threatening your religious freedom.
41 posts

I won't say it's bad, I won't say it's good. All have their benefits, and all have their negative points and sometimes bloody pasts. =w= I'm Buddhist, yet I know Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, etc. have all served important parts in history, and they all teach valuable morals.

14 posts

Religion is both bad and good.

To individuals, religion can be very good. It gives them hope and optimism. It clears any ideas your not sure about and explains things. No matter what religion, it gives you a way of life, even atheist.

The way that it is bad, of course, is war. So many ways going on right now and many in history have been about religion or even religious holy land. Back in history religion was very corrupt in the sense that religion and polatics were intertwined.

So yes, religion in a way is both bad and good.

8,256 posts

Besides, in my opinion, science has no decent explanation for the universe.

That's your opinion. My opinion is that science's explanations are pretty decent and make sense, but religion's explanations is just about magic and god-did-it-somehow. I'm personally not satisfied by that as long as there's a better explanation.

I know how (supposedly) the Big Bang was the entire universe in a small particle. But where did that come from? And what about other dimensions? What about those? How did they come about? I'd like to know, and all I can find are things that say that alternate dimensions are just there, but they'd still be empty, unless an multidimensional wormhole opened up (somehow) and spat out an entire universe for no apparent reason. I just don't get it. SOMETHING had to come from SOMEWHERE. But every time I find out where it came from, I need to find out where that came from, and so on. Where does it end

The fact that you don't get it doesn't mean it isn't true. Also, who says we are ready yet to explain everything? This is just about what science is, finding out the next step and the other and the other etc. But you have to start somewhere.

I have another question. How does a part fish, part land creature switch from scales to skin?

It didn't just go *poof*. It never does. The first animals with four limbs where fully aquatic animals living in shallow water, using the legs to better move on the ground in the water. Only after a long time did some get strong enough to painfully crawl on land, and it needed some other time until they got strong enough to walk a bit. Also, early tetrapod had no scales, not even the fully aquatic ones.

And how does a scale switch to the feathers that allow birds to fly?

Well, they could have first gone longer, and then stand out a bit etc. Also, it isn't said that proto-feathers were used for flying; they probably were there for isolation, and maybe after that, also for attracting females. Then, some climbing reptiles with feather-like scales used them to either glide down from, or better run up trees (look up for example microraptor). And it developed further on and further on, until today.

And what sort of environment might prompt a creature to leave the ocean? Could it escape predators, all of whom also moved to land?

New ecologic niches are always taken over as soon as possible, yes, to escape predators, or simply to reach unused ressources and not having to share with others anymore.

And why haven't people evolved another arm, or an exoskeleton? Those would be nice. Or wings?

Because we don't need them, and never did? Also we have no three-armed ancestor, and a mutation with three arms, if it could survive, would not necessarily have an advantage.

How does one "try" to evolve? Is that possible?

Er.. no. Remember, it's not a conscious process, and one individuum can't evolve; it's changes between generations, and is a result of mutation, selection, genetic drift and migration. That takes some time, depending on reproduction and mutational rates, until changes assert themselves (for example, bacterias have very high reproduction and mutational rates, allowing them to quickly adapt to new environments)

And how did the first animal form its skin/scales?

Maybe, something like added layers of, say, epidermis? I don't really know though.

I don't want to answer the rest because I'm a bit tired and it's late, but I get the impression that you put something like a will on evolution, which is absolutely not the case. And it doesn't happen like *poof*. I'm sure Mage and others will also answer some questions, surely better than me, but if not I'm getting back to this tomorrow.
3,671 posts

I'm a christian and i think being a christian isn't a religion its a way of life but, lets say for the sake of the topic it is a religion there are different thing because there are those "territorial Christians" that basically want to dominate the world by building their churches every and thats bad because we are forcing you and the only way for some one to become christian or any other religion is to accept it in their hearts

So, "religion" isnt bad but, i think its how to people execute it is the problem and take it for example some terrorist not all are Islamic and they blow themselves because their bible says it is holy but, obviously they are taking it literal. In the christian bibe it says we must die to ouself but, we dont kill ourselves what it means is that we have to let go of things precious to us like our friends or connection to the old us. So, again religion good, the way some people translate it bad

3 posts

God invented the universe, he invented science, he invented evolution, he even invented random guys in banana suits screaming at hobos at time square.

I don't think religion is bad, though, having more than 1 religion is bad.

Why can't we all just get along?

1,322 posts

People often cite all of the wars and death that came out of religion. I seldom see these people acknowledge all of the good that has come out of it. Not all... but a lot of people I know who claim to be Christian go on mission trips and give to charity all the time. Its said that Christians have killed millions... I would say that by now they've helped more than were harmed. ...but I have not any numbers or statistics to prove it. all that to say that particular argument against religion should either be viewed as void or actually as a pro for the religious (since the + is arguably > than the - )

5,552 posts

Why can't we all just get along?

You do realize that the fighting comes from religious quarrels over very miniscule points right? No atheist is going to go crusading because they think some god wants them to or they think it's their land given to them by their god, if they do that just shows they have a bloodlust. So really, religion just adds yet another reason to go out and do harm in the end.

As for everyone who believes because they think, "If I do believe and there is heaven i'm good, but if there's not I won't know so oh well" I ask you, how do you know you're even believing in the right religion? It's not an either/or decision, there's many many many different religions.
8,256 posts

People going to missions is, for me, a double-edged sword. Of course they help the people where they go, but using this as pretext to christianize as much as possible is something I despise.

Yet one thing I like about religions, is some of their bigger buildings. A well-built church or mosque can be something beautiful.

38 posts

religion is not bad i think it's good it gives you motivation the times when you need it and it something to look after

315 posts

You do realize that the fighting comes from religious quarrels over very miniscule points right? No atheist is going to go crusading because they think some god wants them to or they think it's their land given to them by their god, if they do that just shows they have a bloodlust. So really, religion just adds yet another reason to go out and do harm in the end.
I really like the way South Park portrayed the end of religion. Even though religion had been destroyed, society, which had created vasts amounts of new technology, were quarreling about what to call atheists. Although South Park is just a vulgar cartoon, it does have a point because even if religion is destroyed, humans will always be able to find some tiny flaw to fight with each other about.
3,817 posts

religion is not bad i think it's good it gives you motivation the times when you need it and it something to look after

Yes, religion, motivating normal people to be Nazis and Crusaders since the birth of humanity!

I really like the way South Park portrayed the end of religion. Even though religion had been destroyed, society, which had created vasts amounts of new technology, were quarreling about what to call atheists. Although South Park is just a vulgar cartoon, it does have a point because even if religion is destroyed, humans will always be able to find some tiny flaw to fight with each other about.

Of course humans will always fight. But taking away one of the biggest reasons to fight, religion, and then you have much less fighting.
3,523 posts

Religion can be bad but it gives people strength at times. Sadly, I don't have the full power of it. I truly wish that I had no doubt in religion.

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