Unfortunately I don't think I can cover everything that's gone on here. I might break me record in lengthy posts if I covered everything I wanted to here.
You want to talk about logical fallacies? I'm coming at you with facts and information according to the Bible, when you're slamming it based on opinion.
It's not opinion, I provided a series of videos that you and anyone can review and look up the information for yourself. You can start with the counter arguments put forth in the review. Don't just take what either is saying you can look these things up for yourself.
Christ had to be sacrificed because, not only was it a prophecy of the coming messiah, but this was God's law. In ancient times, the Jewish would sacrifice their purest animal (usually a goat, I believe). The atonement of sins can only be repaid by the spilling of blood. Since humans are God's most precious creation, the human sacrifice, the spilling of the blood of a sinless man was the only thing to was away sins.
As I said this is sick, twisted, and barbaric.
There is a passage in the bible which says a day of the LORD is 1000 years of man, and a day of man is 1000 years to the LORD, or something like that, so there is really no telling when God made the Earth
Even taking this into account the time given is far to short. The 6,000 year date was figured by adding the years those in the Bible lived with the 7 days being literal. now if we figure those 7 days equate to 7,000 years this gives us an age of 13,000 years. Even if we give the max number of 12,000 years with the added 7,000 we only get the still far to young age of 19,000 years.
No where in the bible does it say the Earth is flat
It states the Earth is a circle. There are other Hebrew words that can be used to denote a spherical object rather then the one used for circle, which even in Hebrew denotes a flat surface. Thus according to the Bible the earth is flat.
This is where Evolution comes into play. Did you know Darwin himself was actually a Christian? read the end of his book.
the creationists "superevolution" is not how evolution works, and Darwins religion has nothing to do with his findings.
Minus light, and including vegetation and animals, the Earth took about five days to create, but look at the statement above.
Given our 1day=1,000 years plants were created on the 3rd day (3,000 year mark) the sun was created at the 4th day (4,000 year mark). Plant life would not have been able to survive that long without sunlight. Not to mention without the gravitational forces of the sun we wouldn't have a planet. Was God standing in for the sun for a few thousand years (our time) while he was making all this? If so he did things rather backwards considering making the sun first would have been far easier as it lays the ground work for the rest of the solar system.
The total number of children that Adam and Eve had isn't actually recorded, and populating the Earth is kind of what we do.
We would find virtually no genetic diversity if all humans started from just two people 6-10 thousand years ago. for example the cheetah has experienced a bottle neck with far greater numbers and as a result they have virtually no genetic diversity between them.
Skin color changes are simply due to climate, sun exposure, and the clothes they wore.
Genetics is the biggest factor in determining skin color. So yet again starting from only two people and having a large diversity of genetics determining a variety of skin color doesn't fit together.
Because you don't believe in him. Why should he show you any compassion and love even though you are convinced that he doesn't even exist?
Maybe because of this? "I have come to the conclusion that God is there and he loves his people, and Christ died for my sins. Atheist, Muslim, I don't care what you are, God still loves you."
It seems you can't even stay self consistent.
Every thing you said is completely based on opinion. can you prove the bible is not true?
-The genetics of all of humanity starting from just two people is inconsistent with observations of the human genome.
-The creation of the Earth and planets before the sun (regardless of what a day means) goes against the physics of the solar system.
-A global flood would not be possible given there isn't enough water on the planet for it. Not to mention we yet again run into the problem of genetic diversity among species being dwindled down to such low levels.
-It claims demons not microscopic organisms are the cause of illnesses
-it claims the creation of every animal, which doesn't even fit your "superevolution", let alone what we actually observe.
-The Bible is even self contradicting.
Just to name a few.
There is plenty of evidence out there. You just have to look for it, when you provide me evidence against God, then I will provide you with evidence for him.
Your the one claiming existence so it's up to you to provide the evidence for that existence. If something doesn't exist there will be no evidence of it's existence.
the Big bang. A massive super- explosion that is said to have created the entire universe.
It was a massive expansion of the universe not actually an explosion.
Well, who created the Big Bang?
No one, this is like asking "who makes it rain?", or "who makes earthquakes?" just as you don't need a who for these we don't need a who for the Big Bang.
then just by some slight chance, this planet is at the exact distance from the sun, the exact shape it needs to be, with the exact elements that we need to survive, with exact climates, etc. You're going to tell me that just kind of... happened?
Considering the number of times that dice got rolled it would be very odd if we were the only ones, So all this happening at least once isn't that hard to believe. Further more we adapted to fit the environment not the other way around. So it's a bit like being amazed at say a chocolate bunny fitting the mold it came out of. So really this is backwards thinking.
Look at human beings. We are extremely intricate creatures with complicated systems for running this complex machine we call a body. From the circulatory to the very DNA. You're going to tell me this happened, but how?
We evolved, as we did we became more and more complex. We can see this in the fossil record, as we move up through the geological layers we fine life becoming more complex. The process of adding new genetic material is largely the result of gene duplication and mutation.
There had to be a creator, anything else just makes no sense. And if there is a creator, and we are his creation, He's going to want us to act a certain way.
he wants us to act a certain way then gives us free will so we can and will act differently, your God is an idiot.
Well, the old way didn't work, so he started over again with Noah and the flood, but people still were sinners, so he sent his son to teach us how to live, and to make sure we could get into Heaven no matter what, he had his son bear the weight of our sins upon the cross to take our punishment.
So even after giving it a second shot he still couldn't get it right huh? So in his not at all cruel way had someone killed so he could forgive us?
I gave you proof over and over again... It's called "A Case For..." The entire series by Lee Strobel, but you've all shot that down on some bullcrap.
That's what's called an appeal to authority, and we shot it down as some bullcrap.
You all are insanely closed minded.
Funny how you say this and this.. "I will continue believing what I want, and no one is going to alter that."
I say good day to you hypocrite.
Anyway this all does illustrate another issue of religion. it seems to blind us and reduce our ability to think critically. It seems to discourage such behavior, not allowing us to see anything beyond "God did it" even when there are other answers.