ForumsWEPRWisconsin Protest (2/15-)

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As a native of Wisconsin, and my father being a state worker, I am very proud of how Wisconsin has acted over the past few weeks.

I have done various essays for school on these protest so I know the gist of it.

What it does
This bill strips nearly all collective baragining rights form state workers.
Wisconsin was the first state to get collective bargaining, by doing this Walker is try to erase Wisconsins proud history.

I'll start form the begging of what I know.

On February 14, University of Madison student walked into the rotunda of the capitol protesting the bill Governor Walker was proposing.

On February 15, Multiple schools practiced walk outs protesting the bill.

On February 17, All 14 Wisconsin senators left, delaying a bill that needs a minimum of 20 senators. This sparked debate among the republican senators, sparking outcries among democratic senators. My opinion is that these senators did their job, by allowing democracy to happen instead of letting Walker jam through a bill destroying Wisconsin families.

From February all the way until March, the protest got bigger, reaching over 100,000 people. The weekend that the Tea-Party came there was actually very little violence if any, no arrest were made even past that point. There were very little Tea-Partiers, and at it;s hight about 2,000 tea partiers to the 65,000+ pro-teachers/union.

Dirty Republicans

The scum of the earth republicans did eventually find a way to pass the non- fiscal part fo the bill, as the senate could have any number of senators to pass a non-fiscal bill. These people held a long secretive session in early March, stripping the fiscal parts of the bill and just passing the non-fiscal parts. Soon after this was passed thousands of protestors angrily took to the streets, pounding on Windows and other such things, I don't believe any arrest were made, but it was a very angry crowd of shocked people.

This act took only seconds to pass with a 18-1 vote, the lone nay was R-Dale Shultz, he earlier stated that he would vote against the bill, this action alone sparked the Dirty Republican party to try to oust him from the party.

The bill was also passed in the senate, but denied in the court by the Dane County judge. The Dirt Republican Party also found a way around this, they basically told the Judge to eff-off by writing a footnote that states the bill has to go in affect in 10 days.

There is much, much more to talk about and if this topic gets going I can say much more.

Fun Facts:
Many celebrities supported Wisconsin protestors.
No ads for Walker were run from inside Wisconsin associations.
David Koch funds Walker, what a ****.
Scott Walker was dropped out of Marquette for cheating.
Walker destroyed Milwaukee's economy and jobs just like he's doing now

Look. Walkers a idiot an if you don't think that, get out of America.

Home it it right for the rich to get richer, and the poor to get poorer... It makes no sense.

If you live in Wiscosin, get out to recall your Dirty Republican Senator/Assembly leader. [/b]And Scott Walker in 2012![b]

  • 94 Replies
2,420 posts

The government pays for your health care using YOUR money. The government pays for your education using YOUR money.

The government funds healthcare using my money PLUS the money of the rich.
You created assumptions that the rich will become so powerful that they will take advantage of the poor. You completely ignore competition and assume that all rich people are working together rather than competing with each other. You create a rich vs. poor society that does not exist.

Then explain why during Reagan's presidency, when he deregulated banks, lowered taxes, and cut spending from government programs, during the two recessions that followed, the rich became richer and the poor became poorer.

The reason prices for some products are high is because it costs a lot in resources to make those products. Businesses also want to make a profit so they can expand, pay their workers, pay their bills, and give themselves a pay check. If you want to get ahead in business, you offer the best goods at the cheapest prices. This is how prices lower. Politicians do not have the knowledge of how much it costs to create a good, let alone the cost of paying workers and the bills accumulated through production.

Read my example where it costs $2 to fund education but every company in the industry charges $50. There is nothing there to protect consumers from spending 25 times more than what is necessary to spend.
Taking money from one business and giving it to another does not &quotromote" business. Understand, small businesses are not always run very well. In fact, most of the time they go under because they don't sell a product or service that people want or the business is poorly managed. So here's my conclusion as to why you can't give smaller businesses profit made from big businesses.

Small business promotes competition. Libertarians are, supposedly, all for industry competition. That is why Republicans love small business.
1. There's no guarantee the small business will become successful if you dump money into it. This means that the money put in could very well be wasted.

There is no guarantee, but it prevents monopolies like Comcast and Microsoft.
2. We shouldn't spend other people's money. If you believe a small business will work, you should put the money in yourself or persuade others to put money in. You should not use legislation to take money from big businesses and give to businesses that you personally favor.

Spending money is the only way we can solve the recession. Money that exists but is not being used to spend on is ignorant. All of you are complaining that the government is spending money it doesn't have, but if it spends money that does exist, like the corporation's taxes, then we can solve the problem.
3. Even if a small business does enough to keep from going under, it is not doing so because of it's own profit. It is staying afloat only because they are getting benefits. If a business can not make money using their own profit, they are a liability.

Big business is not giving smaller businesses money, but providing room for smaller businesses to grow.
Why is it hard for small businesses to compete with big businesses? Big businesses work with politicians to create business regulations that smaller businesses can not afford. This is why we need less government in business.

We need government to provide regulations for big businesses, not small businesses.

You didn't really do anything. You created an assumption, which you can't say proves anything. It's like writing a book where you try to prove/disprove something, and all the sources come from other books you have written.

No, all the information comes from the past two years.
If you want to say "This is evidence", you should provide real examples.

I did but you just ignored half of what I said.
Posting with alternate accounts I see.

Yeah, sorry.
Then they die, and life keeps on going. And the rich get richer.

And you promote that? NoName, please say that this isn't what you believe.
The USSR was socialist, are you telling me it would be fun to live there?

Sweden is Socialist. USSR was Communist.

Get your facts straight.
303 posts

And you promote that?

Kind of. Populations only get strong when its weaker members die off.

USSR was Communist.

1977 Soviet Constitution
2,420 posts

Kind of. Populations only get strong when its weaker members die off.

Then there would only be one person on the island.
303 posts

Fine, I'll give in. People working together is good when there are three of them. Unfortunately, there aren't any industrialized countries with 3 people in them. Thus your example is a bad one. You are way oversimplifying the situation.

2,420 posts

Fine, I'll give in. People working together is good when there are three of them. Unfortunately, there aren't any industrialized countries with 3 people in them. Thus your example is a bad one. You are way oversimplifying the situation.

I know I am simplifying it, but Libertarianism doesn't work in the small scale so there is no reason it should work in the large scale.

Socialism, however, works on both scales.
2,420 posts

Libertarianism is lovely, on paper. Fact is, companies would and do try to screw the consumer over. I suggest people read the Jungle by Upton Sinclair. All the abuses he writes in the book are true. It was due to his book that the FDA formed.

Remember the lead contamination in kids toys a couple years back? If the government hadn't made the issue public, toy companies would have swept it under the rug and sued anyone who claimed otherwise.

Let's face it, a free market is one run by greed and the only people who win are the CEOs, everyone gets ****ed over.

You never cease to impress me with your posts.
2,420 posts

Yes. You always have such a strong argument with such little examples. You would be great for a debate team. Short and simple, yet convincing and powerful.

303 posts

I know I am simplifying it, but Libertarianism doesn't work in the small scale so there is no reason it should work in the large scale.

Well going by that logic. Gravity doesn't work on the quantum level, so it shouldn't work on the macroscopic level, right?

Let's face it, a free market is one run by greed and the only people who win are the CEOs, everyone gets ****ed over.

First of, not everyone else gets cussed over. Only those who let themselves get cussed over get cussed over. While the companies do share some of the blame, the consumers do as well.
2,420 posts

Well going by that logic. Gravity doesn't work on the quantum level, so it shouldn't work on the macroscopic level, right?

It still works, but a bit different.
First of, not everyone else gets cussed over. Only those who let themselves get cussed over get cussed over. While the companies do share some of the blame, the consumers do as well.

I really am not in the mood to talk to someone who says cuss. I feel like I'm talking to an eight year old.
303 posts

It still works, but a bit different.

Gravity doesn't CUSSing work on the quantum level. Get your facts straight.

I really am not in the mood to talk to someone who says cuss. I feel like I'm talking to an eight year old.

Resulting to ad hominem arguments I see. How very petty of you Kevin. For clarification the only reason I use that, is because it looks more attractive than those annoying little stars.
2,399 posts

Id say the dems showed no respect for the democratic system by simply up and leaving.

I've said so many times that the reason the Dems left is because of what Walker was doing.

I dont see where this came from at all. Teachers dont look at becoming teachers for money they do it because they like to be teachers. When has teaching ever been a job people look at for raising families under.

Of course they were. Especially when the private worker paid for the state worker's benefits and their pension. State workers pay 0% of their own pension.

Your just restating what I said, whilst adding a fact that makes it even. With what you said is just supporting the idea of Walker vouching for private businesses and destroying unions and state workers. Not everybody can afford a private school.

The more you teach, the more you earn, but making life almost unlivable unless they get food stamps or government help is almost impossible for new teachers.
2,420 posts

Gravity doesn't CUSSing work on the quantum level. Get your facts straight.

It does work, but it works differently. Quantam Gravity
Resulting to ad hominem arguments I see. How very petty of you Kevin. For clarification the only reason I use that, is because it looks more attractive than those annoying little stars.

Not it doesn't. Just use words that aren't censored, like hell.

I also am really not in the mood to talk to someone who does not know what ad hominem is.
2,399 posts

I know this has dissolved from politics to gravity, but please take it to another thread or make another one,I'd rather not have this thread closed.
Rhetorical questions shouldn't be taken seriously.

303 posts

It does work, but it works differently. Quantam Gravity

All of it is theory based. None of the candidate theories have been proven yet.

Not it doesn't. Just use words that aren't censored, like hell.

I'd prefer not to. It's a stylistic choice. And you seek to establish that my point of view is wrong based on what you believe my age is. Thus it is ad hominem.
303 posts

Then don't complain next time you get food poisoning. Or when you get a defective product. OR use a product that, hey guess what, it contains highly carcongenic materials in it.

I certainly won't. If I'm stupid enough to have that happen to me, chances are I deserved it.
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