ForumsWEPRWisconsin Protest (2/15-)

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2,399 posts
As a native of Wisconsin, and my father being a state worker, I am very proud of how Wisconsin has acted over the past few weeks.

I have done various essays for school on these protest so I know the gist of it.

What it does
This bill strips nearly all collective baragining rights form state workers.
Wisconsin was the first state to get collective bargaining, by doing this Walker is try to erase Wisconsins proud history.

I'll start form the begging of what I know.

On February 14, University of Madison student walked into the rotunda of the capitol protesting the bill Governor Walker was proposing.

On February 15, Multiple schools practiced walk outs protesting the bill.

On February 17, All 14 Wisconsin senators left, delaying a bill that needs a minimum of 20 senators. This sparked debate among the republican senators, sparking outcries among democratic senators. My opinion is that these senators did their job, by allowing democracy to happen instead of letting Walker jam through a bill destroying Wisconsin families.

From February all the way until March, the protest got bigger, reaching over 100,000 people. The weekend that the Tea-Party came there was actually very little violence if any, no arrest were made even past that point. There were very little Tea-Partiers, and at it;s hight about 2,000 tea partiers to the 65,000+ pro-teachers/union.

Dirty Republicans

The scum of the earth republicans did eventually find a way to pass the non- fiscal part fo the bill, as the senate could have any number of senators to pass a non-fiscal bill. These people held a long secretive session in early March, stripping the fiscal parts of the bill and just passing the non-fiscal parts. Soon after this was passed thousands of protestors angrily took to the streets, pounding on Windows and other such things, I don't believe any arrest were made, but it was a very angry crowd of shocked people.

This act took only seconds to pass with a 18-1 vote, the lone nay was R-Dale Shultz, he earlier stated that he would vote against the bill, this action alone sparked the Dirty Republican party to try to oust him from the party.

The bill was also passed in the senate, but denied in the court by the Dane County judge. The Dirt Republican Party also found a way around this, they basically told the Judge to eff-off by writing a footnote that states the bill has to go in affect in 10 days.

There is much, much more to talk about and if this topic gets going I can say much more.

Fun Facts:
Many celebrities supported Wisconsin protestors.
No ads for Walker were run from inside Wisconsin associations.
David Koch funds Walker, what a ****.
Scott Walker was dropped out of Marquette for cheating.
Walker destroyed Milwaukee's economy and jobs just like he's doing now

Look. Walkers a idiot an if you don't think that, get out of America.

Home it it right for the rich to get richer, and the poor to get poorer... It makes no sense.

If you live in Wiscosin, get out to recall your Dirty Republican Senator/Assembly leader. [/b]And Scott Walker in 2012![b]

  • 94 Replies
17 posts

It is mind-blowing how biased this is.

2,150 posts

I'm assuming this is about the governments trying to get rid of labor unions... I consider myself a libertarian/ independant, so I really don't support the recall of labor unions. Their there to protect workers' rights. But there really is no need to be insanely biased

4,220 posts

This article is . . .

. . . Stupid.

Don't get me wrong, it's their civic duty to stand up for what they believe in, but what you just said . . . wow.

If I had any faith in humanity left, I would say this sucks. Seeing as I don't, you just gave me one more reason to commit ritual suicide.

Especially this part:

My opinion is that these senators did their job, by allowing democracy to happen instead of letting Walker jam through a bill destroying Wisconsin families.

A) How the hell does this destroy your families? By not letting you not do your job? Tell me how this makes sense?

B) If the democratic process involves going AWOL to avoid a bill you don't like, thus making your entire election a pointless, costly, and pathetic waste of time, then this is a country that deserves to die. They are paid to do their job, now they aren't doing it (and definitely not helping the law be stopped), they deserve to be fired and barred from congress. I can't just leave a job because I don't like the bananas on the wall.

get out of America.

No thank you. I'll stay right here.

Look. Walkers a idiot an if you don't think that

Idiocy is balancing a budget and stopping corruption. I officially love idiocy.
5,043 posts

All 14 Wisconsin senators left, delaying a bill that needs a minimum of 20 senators. This sparked debate among the republican senators, sparking outcries among democratic senators. My opinion is that these senators did their job, by allowing democracy to happen

How is it a democracy if someone avoids voting as a means to get what they want?

I don't have much of an opinion since I need to go through the ins and outs of collective bargaining, something I haven't really done yet.
2,399 posts

It is mind-blowing how biased this is.

You expected me to tell both sides of the situation?

How the hell does this destroy your families? By not letting you not do your job? Tell me how this makes sense?

It's not that the bill itself is destroying families, it's Walkers budget that is. Cutting medicare, social security, pensions, benefits... ect.

If the democratic process involves going AWOL to avoid a bill you don't like, thus making your entire election a pointless

Yes, it si unreasonable to leave on a bill that you don't like, but when the governor of the state does not listen to you or allow a forum, you should have the right to do something, and a bill of this magnitude...

get out of America.

No thank you. I'll stay right here.

Probably shouldn't have typed that.
3,437 posts

You expected me to tell both sides of the situation?

It would have been a pleasant change of pace instead of fearmongering and hatemongering, and basically using the same old system again and again. It gets boring after a while.

My opinion is that these senators did their job, by allowing democracy to happen

In my opinion democracy is nothing but a very elaborate form of tyrrany that gives people the illusion of choice. In America you get a government running your life, or big business running your life. Either way someone is telling you how to live. In Canada we get Conservatives (dictator Harper), Americanization (Ignatiif), or the unpopular socialist party the NDP (Layton the village idiot) of course I suppose we can count in the Quebecois who want to separate Quebec, and the Green Party that is eco friendly, but really, neither of them particularly matter in the grand scheme.
5,043 posts

It's not that the bill itself is destroying families, it's Walkers budget that is. Cutting medicare, social security, pensions, benefits... ect.

Doing this will lower taxes, allowing families to keep more money.

Sounds like the poor and middle class will actually become richer! As for the rich, they will probably also save some money, but the goal isn't to make the rich poor, but the poor rich.

The only people losing money are the monopolized government systems.
2,399 posts

Doing this will lower taxes, allowing families to keep more money.

It doesn't help if your a teacher, loosing $3,000+ a year. Schools are loosing $500 a student. This is just Walker to make everybody peons in working for private companies. My school alone has 17 teachers and staff retiring, thats only of about 100 staff. Where will we replace these teachers. Wisconsin will easily become the worst state to live in!
4,689 posts

Oh boy as a another Wisconsin native I gotta say get over it democrats. Maybe if your senators had stayed to fight the bill instead of running the republicans wouldn't have been able to pass it. Instead now all you resort to is anti-walker protests and threats to recall senators.

2,399 posts

I don't even want to have an argument with someone as idiotic and ignorant as you. You know nothing about what this actually does.

Walker has a majority, he doesn't need to listent to he democrats... Do you actually think that this is bipartisan? This is the closest thing we've seen to a dictatorship. We can't fight the bill if he just tries to slam it through with his majority by taking the vote in literally seconds.

3,437 posts

I don't even want to have an argument with someone as idiotic and ignorant as you. You know nothing about what this actually does.

Okay, so argue with the rest of us, however, don't start insulting people just because they share their opinions. Frankly I support his opinion. I'm not one for Republican ways, but, running away from the problem is NOT a solution.

This is the closest thing we've seen to a dictatorship.

Ask any republican in a Democratic run state and they'll tell you the same thing.
4,689 posts

Hmm so apparently ending our enormous deficit is actually bad? Its only a couple billion dollars.

2,399 posts

Hmm so apparently ending our enormous deficit is actually bad? Its only a couple billion dollars.

Tax the rich.

All Republicans are doing is giving tax cuts to the rich I.E. David Koch, and forcing the middle class to pay off the debt.
4,689 posts

Yes lets raise taxes even more in Wisconsin. That just encourages businesses to come here!

1,448 posts

Wisconsin was the first state to get collective bargaining, by doing this Walker is try to erase Wisconsins proud history.

Look - Tradition is not automatically "right."
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