ForumsThe TavernEulogy for TTICA

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12,319 posts

Several users have called TTICA the awesome thread. In case you're wondering what TTICA is, here's the link. This thread reached page 932 before it got locked. This is Gantic's post explaining the lock:

This thread is currently locked indefinitely. I have reviewed this thread and it does not look good. This thread is NOT a chatroom, which it has definitely devolved to. If you want a chatroom, go make a chatroom. The future of this thread is under deliberation.

The chatroom thing started at about page 900 when most of the users all had the same armatar. They did it for the panda, the snake, and the rat (some call it a mouse instead of a rat). Then, they impersonated moderators and administrators. After the panda thing, I gave a rant on it. Since it was long, here's a link to the page of the rant. My rant was the last post on that page. However, I got ninja'd by two pages! SupaLegit called it a record for biggest ninja. Apparently, there has been discussion of unlocking TTICA even though Gantic called it a chatroom. There have been several incidents in TTICA that would've locked any other thread, especially the image spam on page 737. TTICA has survived all of those, even the image spam. I started posting there shortly thereafter, so I was around for the last 200 pages of TTICA, which was created by Saving123 with the intent of determining the most active forum poster. That's my eulogy for this so-called awesome thread.
  • 98 Replies
26,677 posts

I would gladly take a permaban if it meant the unlocking of TTICA. If that does happen, please don't waste it.

canz i haz modzeratrz?

2,261 posts

It was this one. Why he posted it, ask him.

It was because he was talking about the lack of exercise in America. You brought it up :P

canz i haz modzeratrz?

Something tells me your request will be promptly granted.
644 posts

Ah, I remember my noob days on this thread :O
The Christmas/new years topic... Good time :P
OoOoOoOoh..... And the topic that made me starving: The Legacy of the Fourth Earl of Sandwich... Yummy goodness!

13,817 posts

Let's be honest here: I'm not pleased that TTICA was molested. Especially during that one week window where I'm offline. Hey, I'll spend the other fifty-one of the year on AG.

I knew ever since that explosion, that the thread had a chance of dying. Eh, if it gets revived I'll be there. Oh, and I'm giving up on the listings. I missed over a hundred pages.

I was there from the beginning. /elitist rubbish

13,817 posts

Did anyone actually believe I quit?

Well, AG is hectic these days and I missed the April Fool's gravy train. That's alright though. I was absent because I moved houses and my ISP was full of bull.

13,344 posts

Sometime last week, I logged in for the first time in 6 months, and thought to myself, "Wow, this forum is dead". But then I discovered the thread of all threads, and I realized I could turn that then-boring threadlike box of random chatter into the most awesomest thread ever.

Oh TTICA, I apologize sincerely to you. I hold myself mostly responsible for getting you off your feet and jump-starting you into your glory days, but I also hold myself responsible for your untimely demise. Had it not been for that boost of activity that I helped cause, you would have still been that dying thread you were around page 600.

But you would have still been unlocked.

26,677 posts

Ernie, everybody may hate you, but the blame is more mine than yours.

13,344 posts

No, this time it was almost completely my fault. Had I not started turning the boring discussions into an awesome but immoral posting madhouse, the thread would still be alive today.

I've posted 400 times in the past two weeks. Since this forum isn't incredibly active, and since I didn't even log in for half those days, I feel that I contributed to that thread too much in too little time.

26,677 posts

Yes, but I steered the thread towards its demise. I may not have started the fatal topics, but I started the fall.

703 posts

yeah, forget about the other thread this one is a eulogy.

15,595 posts

The topics you made were fine, Ernie. It was how many people posting nonsense in there was messing it up. I was getting angry with the thread and kind of wanted it locked because of how much spam it was getting. Some of the people that used to frequent that thread gave up on it a few days before it was locked due to it having gained so many pages every few hours. I didn't like waking up to see that fifty new pages were added to the thread. I enjoyed it when there was discussion in that thread. Good discussion.

But not that it is gone, I'll miss it a bit. I admit it was a fun thread while it lasted. But people need to learn on what to say and how to say it instead of all the senseless posts in there.

I tried to keep up with the topics you made, Ernie. But couldn't since I had to go through pages and pages to see them and I was going to give up on that thread since of how much spam it was attracting. It literally changed into a chat room instead of a discussion thread.

Now then, I hope that people learn from them mistakes. I admit that I made some mistakes in there too, but I tried to support the discussion a bit instead of just senselessly posting.

13,817 posts

No, this time it was almost completely my fault. Had I not started turning the boring discussions into an awesome but immoral posting madhouse, the thread would still be alive today.

Hey, it isn't your fault. As Matrix said, the people that flocked to it screwed it up. For some reason, your revival coincided with some crazy resurgence in Tavern activity. Very unfortunate. I'm certain the three dozen topics we were talking about before you returned were rather bizarre.

I was hoping people wouldn't continue to mob the thread as if it fulfilled everyone's dreams, but it did.
5,365 posts

Personally, I must admit, I have a bad habit of getting carried away. Especially when humor is involved. Had I known I'd lead the thread to being locked, I wouldn't have gone that far. TTICA, I hope you can forgive me, and I wish you the best in the afterlife.

I'm glad so many of you could come here and express your sympathy on our mutual loss.

Also, I think Ernie did incite us, so... :P

13,817 posts

I'm glad so many of you could come here and express your sympathy on our mutual loss

I'm not expressing sympathy, more like frustration. I'm not very pleased that you helped kill my favorite haunt.
5,365 posts

I'm not expressing sympathy, more like frustration. I'm not very pleased that you helped kill my favorite haunt.

Knight, I was making a joke. That's what the purpose of this thread is for: Eulogy. I'm upset that the thread was locked, too. Also, the thread was not killed; Gantic said it's fate was under deliberation.
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