Several users have called TTICA the awesome thread. In case you're wondering what TTICA is, here's the link. This thread reached page 932 before it got locked. This is Gantic's post explaining the lock:
This thread is currently locked indefinitely. I have reviewed this thread and it does not look good. This thread is NOT a chatroom, which it has definitely devolved to. If you want a chatroom, go make a chatroom. The future of this thread is under deliberation.
The chatroom thing started at about page 900 when most of the users all had the same armatar. They did it for the panda, the snake, and the rat (some call it a mouse instead of a rat). Then, they impersonated moderators and administrators. After the panda thing, I gave a rant on it. Since it was long, here's a link to the page of the rant. My rant was the last post on that page. However, I got ninja'd by two pages! SupaLegit called it a record for biggest ninja. Apparently, there has been discussion of unlocking TTICA even though Gantic called it a chatroom. There have been several incidents in TTICA that would've locked any other thread, especially the image spam on page 737. TTICA has survived all of those, even the image spam. I started posting there shortly thereafter, so I was around for the last 200 pages of TTICA, which was created by Saving123 with the intent of determining the most active forum poster. That's my eulogy for this so-called awesome thread.