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ForumsThe TavernWhat is your favorite thing about girls?

121 13743
452 posts

I know this is a rip off of what is your favorite thing about guys but still I want to know.

One rule... Nothing perverted.

Mine is their hair and body especially legs oh and the way they smile and kind of giggle.

  • 121 Replies
2,261 posts

Pfft. I fail at reading the OP or anything.

I just figured the "What is your fave thing about guys?" thread got changed.

Major fail on my part.

2,420 posts

Disagree with stuff in bold.

I read in Men's Health that fungus can grow there because water provides a breeding ground or whatever. Talcum powder has some property that prevents it from growing there or something. Plus, it makes it softer and smoother, it just overall feels nice. Especially under the armpits.
2,301 posts

Whoa, whoa, whoa. First you call me asexual, and now you say that you like girls a foot shorter than you? I'm 5'11 - 6'0 and my range is at least 5'3 to 5'7.
Oops, I meant 5'11''. My mistake. And I wasn't calling you asexual, I was calling you anti-feminist.

5'11 - 6'0
Based on what, whether you've taken your morning dump?
452 posts

OK I'm pretty sure talcum powder on your balls doesn't have much to do with chicks. I really like eyes that change in color. This one girls eyes almost look blue or green but then there hazel.

2,420 posts

Oops, I meant 5'11''. My mistake. And I wasn't calling you asexual, I was calling you anti-feminist.

5'11 for a girl is too tall. The average women is 5'5.

Based on what, whether you've taken your morning dump?

I'm basing it off of when I got my physical?

OK I'm pretty sure talcum powder on your balls doesn't have much to do with chicks. I really like eyes that change in color. This one girls eyes almost look blue or green but then there hazel.

Like I said, makes it softer and smoother.

Oh yeah, I don't really care about eye colour, but anything that isn't brown pops out at me and says, wow, she's pretty.

But it is not like you have to tell the whole world you do that.

just sayin'
3,386 posts

I really like eyes that change in color. This one girls eyes almost look blue or green but then there hazel.

Wewt! Lemme see if I can find it...
^ With flash on.
2,301 posts

5'11 for a girl is too tall. The average women is 5'5.
No accounting for taste. You do know that the singular of women is woman, right? I also like how you focused on the physical issue rather than the actual issue I brought up. Poetically exemplifies the problem.
5,061 posts

Intelligence is definitely a huge plus in my book, I'd rather a girl make me feel stupid then make me feel like I'm dealing with a child.

In the words of Ron White, "You can't fix stupid."

Personality, well it's hard to describe as it depends on the girl...

I don't really care about height, but I don't want to have stretch just to reach her shoulder or vice versa. Around 5' would be good. I think that's about it, everything is pretty much a variable.

2,420 posts

No accounting for taste. You do know that the singular of women is woman, right? I also like how you focused on the physical issue rather than the actual issue I brought up. Poetically exemplifies the problem.

Hmm. I make one grammatical mistake out of nearly two thousand posts and suddenly I'm an idiot? I like how I don't see you correct anyone else's horrid grammar.

Also, I would think it'd be very difficult to find a woman that's 5'11.
5,552 posts

Hmm. I make one grammatical mistake out of nearly two thousand posts and suddenly I'm an idiot? I like how I don't see you correct anyone else's horrid grammar.

Ahhh, grammar nazis, keeps the world turning.

Also, I would think it'd be very difficult to find a woman that's 5'11.

Not "That" hard. There's more than a few at my school. I don't see how height makes a difference honestly.
2,301 posts

Hmm. I make one grammatical mistake out of nearly two thousand posts and suddenly I'm an idiot? I like how I don't see you correct anyone else's horrid grammar.
Trust me, it's not your grammar that makes me think you're an idiot :3 Caring about grammar was 2009 Xzeno. This is 2011 Xzeno. I care about important things, like compassion, self-discovery and feminism. I only mentioned it because you made the same mistake in another thread you used to spout your '50's-esque views on women.

Also, I would think it'd be very difficult to find a woman that's 5'11.
I know four.
2,420 posts

Not "That" hard. There's more than a few at my school. I don't see how height makes a difference honestly.

I don't know. I used to take Tango classes and usually the tall women were hard to dance with. I can only imagine in bed, but anyway.

Tall women make me feel small, and I don't like feeling small.
5,552 posts


I'm all for equal rights and what not, but all those feminist campaigns strike me as either redundant, or just extremist in general. I already find it funny that we hear in gym class that girls/guys are equal, but girls have to do 20 less pushups to get an A. Equal as a human yes, but we all have our strengths/weaknesses, and such physical tests should be based on improvement, not set by a gender basis.
2,420 posts

Trust me, it's not your grammar that makes me think you're an idiot :3 Caring about grammar was 2009 Xzeno. This is 2011 Xzeno. I care about important things, like compassion, self-discovery and feminism. I only mentioned it because you made the same mistake in another thread you used to spout your '50's-esque views on women.

I'm old fashioned. Anyway, NHS does a bunch of fundraisers (I think you would know about that), and one of them was about breast cancer and the other was Women Suffering from Depression. Apparently women don't like being abused domestically, but anyway, women did not like being treated like a different being.

What I am trying to say is, women like to feel pretty. What's wrong with picking out the prettiest woman of the bunch?

I know four.

Too narrow. There are easily 300 girls I find attractive, and I'd say 99.9% of them are under 5'11.

Again, how many of those four girls do you have attractive or feel you could have a serious relationship?

I'm all for equal rights and what not, but all those feminist campaigns strike me as either redundant, or just extremist in general. I already find it funny that we hear in gym class that girls/guys are equal, but girls have to do 20 less pushups to get an A. Equal as a human yes, but we all have our strengths/weaknesses, and such physical tests should be based on improvement, not set by a gender basis.

Me too. I don't want to seem sexist, but when I get married, I don't want my wife to have a job if she doesn't need it. Hell, with the way my grades are going, I have a very high chance of getting into the top 20 universities in the country. Imagine how much money I would make after being accepted and graduating from any of them! I'm thinking a six figure salary.
5,552 posts

Again, how many of those four girls do you have attractive or feel you could have a serious relationship?

I find many girls at least somewhat attractive, but that's no basis (for me) to go up and start a conversation with them for that alone. Height has never even occured to me as something that would be more/less attractive, i'm sorta surprised that others think it is.

but when I get married, I don't want my wife to have a job if she doesn't need it.

That's sort of how I feel. There should be at least one parent who stays home with the kids, unless absolutely necessary. Doesn't matter to me whether it's the dad or the mom, but if you have kids you shouldn't be sticking them in a day care until they're 13 and then just leaving them alone at home while you go to work.
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