ForumsWEPRUniversal Healthcare

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Since I just saw the Socialism thread stray into universal healthcare, I wanted to put it here.

How does universal have a negative effect on people?

  • 89 Replies
2,399 posts

Well... It doesn't have a negative affect on people. Although,because this stupid country I live in has the worst media (USA), many people are against it. I say this because many media outlets said things like 'government' Health Care and 'Socialism=Communism', which is just ridiculous.

Universal health care is no different from the rest of the worlds health care, it's free. It may cause a rise in Taxes, but compared to getting injured and having no healthcare, it is a huge bargain.

Health Care is not a bad thing, neither are Taxes. Which is why the Tea Party and Republicans are so stupid. Lower Taxes gets rid of lots of things we take for granted, and with republicans hitting education like they'd hit the taliban, it is just ridiculous. I can'r begin to explain how flawed and how terrible some human beings are to enjoy watching the future suffer for their short term personal gain.

I hate America. I want to move to Canada.

2,420 posts

I wanted Einfach to post, but sadly he hasn't.

5,043 posts

Stupid liberals believing they are entitled to other people's money. They always talk about how people will die if we don't tax people and how only heartless morons would be so selfish as to even hint towards keeping the cash that they worked for. The politicians raise taxes to cover entitlement programs, then they tell people they will create even more entitlement programs that will cost even more tax dollars just to get votes.

I do not vote against what is in my best interest, because I feel I know what is in my best interest more than the government. Even if national health care is in my best interest, which it isn't, I should still have a choice as to whether I want to benefit from the care or not, as well as if I want to pay for it or not. If I'm entitled to health care, then I am entitled to not have health care (and to not pay for it).

Calling national health care an entitlement is misleading, because one would think anyone who is entitled to something could also turn down the thing they are entitled to. If I am entitled to health care, I should also have the ability to turn it down.

Lastly, medicare and social security are also jokes. Both of them are worthless.

3,437 posts

I hate America. I want to move to Canada.

We have cookies!

Stupid liberals believing they are entitled to other people's money. They always talk about how people will die if we don't tax people and how only heartless morons would be so selfish as to even hint towards keeping the cash that they worked for.

I missed this...ah the good times, you argue your views I argue mine. We end up wanting to kill each other by the end...good times, good times.

Anyway, on topic now. Let's be reasonable, the system has to work one way or the other, especially in America where you either get one way or the other.

Now, I love my country. The Universal Healthcare system is, in my opinion, wonderful. It's a safety net, it's there if something unforseen happens. True I get taxed more, but those taxes are well invested. Last year I had to have surgery, if I had lived in America my parents would have been bankrupt. Several years ago my uncle died from liver cancer, if we had lived in America he wouldn't have been able to have the care that he needed. So you see it does help. I'm not saying it's perfect, but I realize the flaws, you don't seem to realize the flaws in your stance though.

Even if national health care is in my best interest, which it isn't, I should still have a choice as to whether I want to benefit from the care or not, as well as if I want to pay for it or not. If I'm entitled to health care, then I am entitled to not have health care (and to not pay for it).

So a poor family who lost their house durring the recession and many of their assets are not entitled to health care because they can't pay the over priced fees?
2,420 posts

Stupid liberals believing they are entitled to other people's money.

Yes, because it is stupid to be altruistic.

The politicians raise taxes to cover entitlement programs, then they tell people they will create even more entitlement programs that will cost even more tax dollars just to get votes.

What politicians do that? All they do is have lobbyists write bills, and then present it on the floor. Only lately have the politicians actually been focused on the floor.

I do not vote against what is in my best interest, because I feel I know what is in my best interest more than the government.

I vote in what my best interest is also, but I know that the US is a country, not a group of individuals.

Even if national health care is in my best interest, which it isn't, I should still have a choice as to whether I want to benefit from the care or not, as well as if I want to pay for it or not.

You want to have a choice of whether you benefit? That's like saying I want to choose if I have a good day or a bad day.

If I'm entitled to health care, then I am entitled to not have health care (and to not pay for it).

You are entitled to it, so why not use it?

Calling national health care an entitlement is misleading, because one would think anyone who is entitled to something could also turn down the thing they are entitled to. If I am entitled to health care, I should also have the ability to turn it down.

You should and will have the ability to turn it down. Why? Because, like education, there will be private hospitals so that you can pay those $95 000 up front.

Lastly, medicare and social security are also jokes. Both of them are worthless.

I agree. Social security needs reform. It drains our budget.
5,043 posts

Noname, let me guess, it's the poor people's fault for being poor, right?

Debating how fair it is for people to be fair is a moot point.

As for rich people paying taxes, truth is, they rarely pay or only pay part of it.

So? This doesn't mean I should start supporting taxes just because some people avoid paying them.

The real thing is, if you go over the last couple months of voting, Congress voted AGAINST defunding the infamous bridge to nowhere and to KEEP the billions of dollars in tax breaks the oil companies get from Congress.

Defunding the infamous bridge to nowhere? Are you saying that congress voted so that the government can continue to fund oil companies? The government shouldn't fund oil companies.

What I do know is, if the healthcare law hadn't allowed me to be on my parents insurance (which before insurance companies bulked at) I would have had to declare bankruptcy at age 20 simply because, as a full time student from a lower middle class family, I did not have a spare $5 grand just laying around like NoName.

The government ****ed school up as well. There's really no reason to go to college unless you actually plan on getting a high paying job. However, everyone has this mentality that you need college just to make a DECENT wage. Politicians give students tax breaks and student loans that increase taxes for everyone else. Why do politicians do this? They want votes, and what better way to win votes than to give students a &quotush" into school?

How to Fix Health Care Without Spending a Dime

I missed this...ah the good times, you argue your views I argue mine. We end up wanting to kill each other by the end...good times, good times.

Sorry, I admit, the language was supposed to reflect the response Krizaz made. But yes, those were the good ol' days.

So a poor family who lost their house durring the recession and many of their assets are not entitled to health care because they can't pay the over priced fees?

If someone wants to donate money to them, great, there are people out there willing to do so.

Medical care does not have to be so expensive, the same goes for insurance. I believe government intervention is the reason why medical prices are so high.

Yes, because it is stupid to be altruistic.

If you want to pay to help others, that is great! In fact, you don't need taxes, you can simply write a check yourself to whoever it is you want to help. However, it is not altruistic if you want to help others by using other people's money.

You should and will have the ability to turn it down. Why? Because, like education, there will be private hospitals so that you can pay those $95 000 up front.

You can turn it down, but you are still paying for it. Therefore, it is unfair to call it an entitlement when you have no choice but to pay.
3,437 posts

Politicians give students tax breaks and student loans that increase taxes for everyone else. Why do politicians do this? They want votes, and what better way to win votes than to give students a &quotush" into school?

*snorts* The government doesn't even pay out that much money to student through those programs. Trust me, I'm a student. Canadian, it's true, but the system is more or less the same. Politicians can ***** all they want about students not voting, but until they do something we can actually see, we won't vote as a whole.

The Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) is a joke. I'm in great financial need and yet the way the system works I may not get anything, even if I do the interest rate is worse than what my bank offers. Now, I don't agree with the whole "University is your only choice" policy, but that's the system I have to work with. I want to teach, that's six years of schooling, that adds up. Fast. I'll be lucky to pay off the debt by the time I'm 45.

Same thing when it comes to healthcare in America. You get thrown into debt and it build fast, especially those who need special care. And the private companies don't always cover what you NEED. Blabber on about business all you want, but I would rather have a country work together, work for each other. The American ideals have never made sense to me. Look at Denmark, they pay almost 60% in taxes, they seem to be doing fine.
1,434 posts

America was founded on the belief that everyone starts on the same playing field when they're born, and then, based on the decisions that the populace takes in jobs, investing opportunities, and government officials.

The system is based on the government system of the Greeks, who crafted the basis of Western Civilization. With this form of social-economical-political policy, the Greeks were able to not only push back an oppressing monarch twice, but also eventually conquer their known world.

In communism, everyone is mediocre. There is no chance for going up, nor going down. You maintain everything, never able to get ahead. Only the leaders live the life of luxury, and everyone maintains that level of mediocrity. Universal healthcare is just one step closer to communism, a system where everything is provided to the people who can give no effort into their occupation, leaving the nation in a state of suspended animation, never progressing, and being left in the dust of its rivals.

In America, people (generally) have to work for their success. Why do you work harder? So you can get a raise and eventually buy that flat screen. In response, the people who you helped by working harder will have easier lives because of your harder dedication. The flatscreen companies will have more money to be able to develop better, cheaper, more accessible televisions for the population as a whole. With the televisions being made accessible to the nation as a whole, the population can become more informed about the world, creating better educated voters who can elect the best leaders into positions of government that will lead the nation into prosperity.

Universal health care, as previously stated, is a communist idea that if some schmo wasted his life on booze and crack, the government should coddle him. Of course not, but should the government help some families get back on their feet after stumbling about? Of course, but only to a degree. Without the incentive to work harder, again, the monotony maintains, and the populace retains its ignorance as a mass.

And THAT, is why Universal Healthcare is the wrong idea for a capitalistic, democratic-republican nation.

3,437 posts

America was founded on the belief that everyone starts on the same playing field when they're born, and then, based on the decisions that the populace takes in jobs, investing opportunities, and government officials.

I think we both see how unrealistic this ideal is. That's why it's an ideal. Because what you BELIEVE is not always what your REALITY is. The system has changed over the centuries.

Universal healthcare is just one step closer to communism, a system where everything is provided to the people who can give no effort into their occupation, leaving the nation in a state of suspended animation, never progressing, and being left in the dust of its rivals.

Don't fearmonger.

In America, people (generally) have to work for their success.

And how many of those hard workers actually ACHEIVE success?
Not as many as could, why? Because the system doesn't allow it. There's always a poor sap looking for a job, but the system says "No job for you because you didn't pay tons of money for education. And why didn't you go to school? Because you weren't able to pay for it, and maybe your grades weren't that great."

In response, the people who you helped by working harder will have easier lives because of your harder dedication.

Just line the pockets of all those CEO's who don't give a **** about you folks.

Universal health care, as previously stated, is a communist idea that if some schmo wasted his life on booze and crack, the government should coddle him.

This Canadian "schmo" would like to point out he's worked hard to be where he is, and yet has seen nothing come his way.

And THAT, is why Universal Healthcare is the wrong idea for a capitalistic, democratic-republican nation.

Huh...funny how it works for all those other Western nations, but America, well no sorry, can't do it, the COMMUNISTS might win. We're not in the Cold War era buddy. The threat of Communism is ridiculous. This fearmongering is ridiculous. Frankly the whole debate is ridiculous.

No matter what system you choose, one way or the other the government is going to **** you over. Why? Because the government, for all it's political views is out for itself and not you. Some systems may work better for you, but when you boil it all down, whether they are republican or democrat they will **** you over given the chance. Bother systems have the benefits and drawbacks, just like everything in life.
3,722 posts

Universal Healthcare is an amazing idea for small countries with small populations. Like Sweden.

For a country of 300 million, a universal healthcare program would collapse under its own weight.

5,043 posts

How to Fix Health Care Without Raising a Dime.

Seriously, you have no clue what it is like being poor and until you do, get off your high horse.

My horse is amazing.
2,420 posts

Debating how fair it is for people to be fair is a moot point.

You mean how fair it is for people to be poor, right?
So? This doesn't mean I should start supporting taxes just because some people avoid paying them.

You should support having to pay taxes without any loopholes or refunds. The problem lies within the government not earning its supposed revenue.

I read that if we increase taxes by only ten percent, the government would have a surplus of $2 trillion in five years, maybe less.
The government ****ed school up as well. There's really no reason to go to college unless you actually plan on getting a high paying job. However, everyone has this mentality that you need college just to make a DECENT wage. Politicians give students tax breaks and student loans that increase taxes for everyone else. Why do politicians do this? They want votes, and what better way to win votes than to give students a &quotush" into school?

Maybe if universities weren't private like in other countries . . .
If someone wants to donate money to them, great, there are people out there willing to do so.

Medical care does not have to be so expensive, the same goes for insurance. I believe government intervention is the reason why medical prices are so high.

How often do you see rich people donating to poor families directly? Has a person who makes over $250 000 a year ever gone up to a person and donated $9 000 to them?

No. You expect the rich to donate all this money to people when they never do.

If you want to pay to help others, that is great! In fact, you don't need taxes, you can simply write a check yourself to whoever it is you want to help. However, it is not altruistic if you want to help others by using other people's money.

Have you ever done this, or anyone you know ever done this?
You can turn it down, but you are still paying for it. Therefore, it is unfair to call it an entitlement when you have no choice but to pay.

What are your opinions on gift cards?

ChillzMaster, how can you work harder when big businesses don't hire anyone?

My horse is amazing.

This is the type of attitude that causes wars.
3,437 posts

My horse is amazing.

Glad to see your American attitude has remained unfazed.

I've always wondered what would happen if someone like you had to live in somewhere like Denmark. Your attempts to say "taxes are too high OMG COMMIES!" are laughable.
5,043 posts

You mean how fair it is for people to be poor, right?

It's unfair that people who work for their money have to give to the poor.

If there's a 3 to 1 ratio, you see that the only fair thing to do is to take one from 3 and add it to 1 so that it is 2 to 2. However, the fact you took from 3 is in itself unfair because you are taking private property. Fair to you is unfair to me.

You should support having to pay taxes without any loopholes or refunds. The problem lies within the government not earning its supposed revenue.

The problem isn't that the government isn't rich enough lol.

[quote]The government ****ed school up as well.

Maybe if universities weren't private like in other countries . . . [/quote]

People should pay for their own college. If you're poor, make some money, get some scholarships, or borrow money.

Again, rather than finding a way to lower education costs, you propose we pay for inflated prices by using other people's money.

Remember, you don't need college for a decent paying job. If you feel this is the case, fight so that it's easier to get a job without needing college.

How often do you see rich people donating to poor families directly? Has a person who makes over $250 000 a year ever gone up to a person and donated $9 000 to them?

No. You expect the rich to donate all this money to people when they never do.


What are your opinions on gift cards?

ChillzMaster, how can you work harder when big businesses don't hire anyone?

I believe gift cards make crappy gifts.

If a big business isn't hiring, find someone else to work for.

If the government didn't make it so **** hard to compete against big businesses there would be more jobs opening up that could hire more people. Government can not create jobs, it can only replace them.

[quote]My horse is amazing.

This is the type of attitude that causes wars.[/quote]

Give it a lick.
2,420 posts

It's unfair that people who work for their money have to give to the poor.

If there's a 3 to 1 ratio, you see that the only fair thing to do is to take one from 3 and add it to 1 so that it is 2 to 2. However, the fact you took from 3 is in itself unfair because you are taking private property. Fair to you is unfair to me.

No . . . What CEO has to work from 5 to 9 very day just to make rent?

They don't work. They just collect money from the government.
The problem isn't that the government isn't rich enough lol.

Then what is? If the government is so rich, then why do we have a government deficit?
People should pay for their own college. If you're poor, make some money, get some scholarships, or borrow money.

Again, rather than finding a way to lower education costs, you propose we pay for inflated prices by using other people's money.

Remember, you don't need college for a decent paying job. If you feel this is the case, fight so that it's easier to get a job without needing college.

I think Libertarians are the biggest trolls. lol

Most people who do go to universities earn $1 million more than people who don't. What does that say? To become rich, you need to be rich.

It's a vicious cycle.
I believe gift cards make crappy gifts.

Not as gifts, but its purposes.
If a big business isn't hiring, find someone else to work for.

If the government didn't make it so **** hard to compete against big businesses there would be more jobs opening up that could hire more people. Government can not create jobs, it can only replace them.

What? The government gave bailed out companies so that it would hire workers and those companies just stuffed the money in their pockets and ran away.
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