I am a Christian. And there is no one who can turn me away from my faith. so if you post on page your wasting your time.
What a logical and rational point of view. And @fantasy4life, it can easily be proven tat he is worng and until that happens he keeps his point of view. Saying I shall never change my mind and since you can't be PROVEN wrong you are being close minded. They are different beliefs.
That isn't nice, but I see that you are convinced of your own beliefs. Somebody could insult you the same way you insulted him. Think before you post something unthoughtful and inconsiderate. Everybody has his own beliefs
The difference is that Avorne is open to other opinions if they're founded, or would accept something else if provided with proof, whereas stormwolf just declared himself irrational and blind; and this is not an insult, this is a fact.
the difference between him and I is that if I was presented with compelling scientifically-grounded evidence of a viewpoint that was contrary to or different from mine then I would re-evaluate my own opinions and beliefs to reflect this new evidence rather than rejecting the external reality of a situation in favour of protecting my weak beliefs.
all these topics are basically pointless though, atheists call others closed minded when often many are themselves and religious people say they are not open to new ideas as that is the nature of faith they believe despite evidence despite logic despite rational arguments, but thats what religion is, its the immovable object and atheism is the irresistable force, religion may seem mad to you (and me at times) and atheism may seem stupid and wrong to religious types, but your never gonna convert each other
*yawns* so dear atheists, you have again showed your true face. One named a Christian "throwing tantrums", another said "closed-minded", and yet another said "roven wrong". And neither gave a point to back their words. So far I have heard tantrums from qwerty1011, attempts at trolling from Avorne, accusations of closed-mindedness from E1337, and restrained self from replying with a hostile tongue. So I should warn you, even God does not have infinite patience.
but thats what religion is, its the immovable object and atheism is the irresistable force, religion may seem mad to you (and me at times) and atheism may seem stupid and wrong to religious types, but your never gonna convert each other
wow, an interesting opinion. You have basically reliterated the old philosophical question, "what will happen if an all-crushing cannonball will collide with an unbreakable wall". So far my position here that wall will stand, since the cannonball isn't indestructible, the same with the whole atheism vs religion.
if I was presented with compelling scientifically-grounded evidence of a viewpoint that was contrary to or different from mine then I would re-evaluate my own opinions and beliefs to reflect this new evidence
but when it comes to matter of divine, you grasp to the word "scientifical" and say "no proof made", as others seem to do. I can be turned in regard of the mundane if I'd be presented a scientific explanation of something, but you haven't yet given me anything to shake the grounds of my belief, and you haven't given any to other believers around this topic or Christianity FTW.
Unfortunately if his stay is long-lived he will come to bitter terms eventually methinks.
an interesting point fantasy but i doubt agnostics will take the words and opinions of us for very much, if they are really interested in finding what they believe, they will most likely do the research for themselves, and there in lies my point, unless people on these threads(mainly theist naming no names) can stop bickering and try to learn something from eachother these threads really serve no purpose but to debase humiliate and annoy each other
thats what religion is, its the immovable object and atheism is the irresistable force, religion may seem mad to you (and me at times) and atheism may seem stupid and wrong to religious types, but your never gonna convert each other [quote]wow, an interesting opinion. You have basically reliterated the old philosophical question, "what will happen if an all-crushing cannonball will collide with an unbreakable wall". So far my position here that wall will stand, since the cannonball isn't indestructible, the same with the whole atheism vs religion.
That was one of the better points i have seen. When you made that statement you assumed that both sides are true. Religion isn't necessarily "the immovable object" and Atheist aren't necessarily "the irresistable force", it could even be the other way around. Also " your never gonna convert each other" isn't true at all. It's not going to happen over the forums on a website but it happens often enough.
i definately did not assume both points are true, the point was that religion will never go away or be silenced and atheism can never be stopped or made to go away, and by saying that it wont ahppen over this forum is agreeing with what i said, of course people are converted from both atheism and theism (thepyro being agood example) but i was saying no one here will ever convert eachother
That was one of the better points i have seen. When you made that statement you assumed that both sides are true. Religion isn't necessarily "the immovable object" and Atheist aren't necessarily "the irresistable force", it could even be the other way around.
True, one can interpret this as one wants, even changing the objects in any other metaphoric direction.
*yawns* so dear atheists, you have again showed your true face.
You hopefully aren't putting all atheists all behind one face, are you?
an interesting point fantasy but i doubt agnostics will take the words and opinions of us for very much,
Your use of agnostics fails. I guess what you wanted to say was undecided people. Because, agnostics can be theists as well as atheists, and can be very certain of their own position. It doesn't say anything about how undecided they are.
sorry if am wrong i ahve always been taught that that was the meaning of agnostic, provide a link please? but yes if that is the wrong meaning then i did mena people who are undecided
Your use of agnostics fails. I guess what you wanted to say was undecided people. Because, agnostics can be theists as well as atheists, and can be very certain of their own position. It doesn't say anything about how undecided they are.
Calm down. What exactly are agnostics so sure of? The fact that they're unsure?
Calm down. What exactly are agnostics so sure of? The fact that they're unsure?
Sorry. What are agnostics sure of? That their point is their opinion, but not irrefutable truth. Gnostics say they have true knowledge about their standpoint. That's why I am an agnostic atheist, I don't believe in any religion but there's still the possibility of something existing somewhere out there; we can't be 100% sure. I just don't think so.
Ultimately, when he broke down the word, he stated that agnosticism was the lack of spiritual knowledge, as in, wondering if God exists. The only assertion made by that is that they don't know, thus my statement, and I quote, "What are agnostics so sure of? The fact that they're unsure?"