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ForumsPopular MediaSuperman VS Wolverine

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62 posts

I just thought up this topic. I know that W. is invincible and can regerate health, but his only weakness is Admantium bullet to head. Superman is also pretty much invinceble accept for krptonite and a very close nuclearblast to him: he gets most of his energy from the sun. Frank Miller exposed this weakness in Batman VS Superman comic in the 80's

  • 115 Replies
9,462 posts

Let's compare both of there powers and abilities.

Superman's Powers

Kryptonian Physiology: Superman's cellular structure is more dense, resilient and biologically more effective than human tissue. Superman's body also stores energy actively within his bio-cellular matrix as an energy pattern that is linked to his body's electromagnetic field. This energy powers most of Superman's electromagnetic capabilities such as flight and heat vision. It also supplements his physical strength by a factor of 12,000 times or so.

Solar Energy Absorption: Technically, this is the main source of Superman's powers. Superman's powers are greatly due to exposure to Earth's yellow sun, his powers have been affected by extreme absorptions of solar power, whether voluntary or involuntary.

Superhuman Strength: Superman's strength, like his other powers, has fluctuated over time but his strength should effortlessly range into the multi-megaton level at the very least. While the exact magnitude of Superman's strength is unknown, it is generally accepted that his strength easily surpasses the capacity to lift 1,000,000 tons, but how much more is not known exactly.

Invulnerability: Superman's body is nigh-invulnerable. He has taken a blast equivalent to a million nuclear war heads point blank and remained conscious. He has entered the Sun and emerged completely unharmed, he has even traveled through Krypton's Red Sun and survived physically unharmed, even though Red Solar Radiation depowers and weakens him. Superman was able to survive the nuclear destruction of the entire moon in the year 2995 when he was stuck in the future. Currently he is even more durable than in the past. Most likely his greatest feat of durability recently, is that he was recently able to withstand the destructive power of a Sun exploding and going Nova (A result of Brainiacâs technology.) at point blank range to the planet he was on (Which was eradicated by the force of the explosion with the rest of the surrounding system.) and survived without any visible physical damage although the explosion did knock him out. In addition, his immune system protects him from all toxins and diseases. The most common explanations for his invulnerability are Superman having a super-dense molecular structure and/or a supercharged bio electric "aura" which acts as an invisible "force field" around his body within a few millimeters from his skin, and presumably within his body as well.

Longevity: Superman can live almost indefinitely.

Superhuman Stamina: Superman has the ability to maintain continuous strenuous physical action for an undefined period. Theoretically, most incarnations of the character has unlimited stamina as his enhanced nourishment is produced from the solar energy his cells process.

Flight: Under one Earth gravity Superman is capable of flying at faster than light speeds. He tends to fly at speeds of Mach 10 in the atmosphere.

Superhuman Speed: Superman is capable of enhanced reflex action and the ability to move at incredible speeds by sheer force of will. While not nearly as fast as the Flash (Wally West), Superman can move at speeds much faster than light and is one of the fastest beings in the Universe. Superman can also run at incredible speeds and even keep up with most speedsters; he was seen running steadily alongside the flash at a speed of 2000 miles per second (mach 9350).

Superhuman Hearing: The ability to hear any sound at any volume or pitch. The only Earth creature who can detect sounds at the frequency he can is a blue whale (0.01-200,000 Hz). He has shown enough control to block out ambient sounds to focus on a specific source/frequency.

Super Smell: On various occasions, Superman has demonstrated that his sense of smell is significantly enhanced to the point he can smell odours across the entire planet without any problem.

Super Scream: In one instance, Superman was shown to have the ability to project a "super scream" from his vocal cords. He used this ability to cancel out the impending threat of an already exploding nuclear detonation.

Self-Sufficiency: Doesn't need to eat and sleep so long as he's under the effects of yellow sun radiation. His body stores the energy necessary to negate eating and sleeping for an indefinite period.

Healing Factor: In the extreme event that Superman is harmed, either by an alien matching his own strength or other occurence, he has been shown to have the ability to heal almost instantaneously from any wound, assuming that the process is not impeded from some outside factor i.e. Kryptonite. This "healing factor" is supplemented by his stores of solar energy and also seems to be an unconscious ability, as Superman does not seem to have the ability to control when he heals and when he doesn't. Much like a human has no control over their immune system.

Super Breath: The ability to create hurricane force winds by blowing, and to chill his breath in order to freeze a target (this latter ability has also been called "freeze breath" and "arctic breath&quot. Superman can also breathe in large amounts of air.

Heat Vision: The ability to fire beams of intense heat at a target by looking at it with the conscious act of activating this power. Visually, the power is typically depicted as two beams of red light firing from his eyes. These beams can be made invisible, allowing Superman to work undetected. His heat vision is so powerful that they are able to power up the giant ion planet moving engines with his heat vision alone, annihilate an entire army of Doomsday clones in one blast, and has even been stated to rival the heat of a Star. The area of effect can be consciously determined by Superman, down to the microscopic level. Recent stories imply the precision is so exact it can bypass a target's outer shell (not causing damage to a person's skull for surgical purposes).

Super Vision: He also possess a superior sensory arrangement of microscopic, telescopic, infrared and ultraviolet visual capabilities. He is able to see the entire spectrum.

Abilities: Master Combatant, Genius-Level Intellect, Indomitable Will, Torquasm Vo and Torquasm Rao (Kryptonian disciplines), Leadership


Kryptonite: Since the destruction of Krypton, its remains (rendered radioactive by the explosion) have been spreading throughout the universe as Kryptonite, a crystalline substance whose specific radiation is lethal to Kryptonians native to this reality.

Magic: Superman's biomatrix is his most powerful asset, but the strength of this field is also its greatest weakness. It's permeability to certain wavelengths makes Superman vulnerable to certain radiations, particularly magical energies whose chaotic electromagnetic or extradimensional signatures disrupt this forcefield.

Kryptonians: On the rare occasions where he has battled other Kryptonians, they seem more easily able to harm one another as well.

Lead: Superman cannot see through lead with his vision powers.

Solar Energy: Superman abilities will eventually weaken without replenishing his energy reserves with normal (yellow) sun radiation. When exposed to the same red solar radiation as Krypton's red sun Rao, it causes Superman to lose his powers within a large amount of exposure until the exposure to yellow sunlight will reverse this effect.


Wolverine's Powers

Regenerative Healing Factor: Wolverine's primary mutant power is an accelerated healing process that enables him to regenerate damaged or destroyed tissue with far greater efficiency than an ordinary human. The full extent and speed of Wolverine's healing factor isn't known. He has been shown to fully heal from numerous gunshot wounds, severe burns covering most of his body, and regenerate missing eyes within a matter of seconds. Among the more extreme depictions of his accelerated healing factor involves him having his skin, muscles, and internal organs incinerated from his skeleton only to fully regenerate the tissue within minutes. Adamantium plays a crucial role in the speed of Wolverine's healing as well because of the fact that it produces a poison that his immune system fights off regularly. It is said that without the adamantium his healing rate increases. This power even amends psychological wounds inflicted as a result of traumatic experiences. However, Wolverine's healing powers force his mind to suppress the memories, sometimes resulting in amnesia.

Foreign Chemical Immunity: Wolverine's natural healing also affords him the virtual immunity to poisons and most drugs, except in massive doses.

Immunity To Disease: Wolverine's highly efficient immune system, which is part of his accelerated healing factor, renders him immune against all known Earthly diseases and infections.

Superhumanly Acute Senses: Wolverine possesses superhumanly acute senses that are comparable to those of certain animals. He can see at far greater distances, with perfect clarity, than an ordinary human. He retains this same level of clarity even in near total darkness. His hearing is enhanced in a similar manner, allowing him to detect sounds ordinary humans couldn't hear at a greater distances. He is able to recognize people and objects by scent, even if they are well hidden. He can track a target by scent, even if the scent has been greatly eroded by time and weather factors, with an extraordinary degree of success. Wolverine can also use his keen sense of smell to detect lies due to chemical changes within a person's scent.

Superhuman Strength: Wolverine's mutant healing factor enables him to push his muscles beyond the natural limits of the human body without injury, granting him some degree of superhuman strength. His natural strength is augmented by the demand placed on his musculature due to the presence of over 100 pounds of Adamantium bonded to his skeleton, which also removes the natural limitations of the human skeletal structure by allowing him to lift weights that would damage a human skeleton. Wolverine's strength is enough to allow him to press somewhere in excess of 800 lbs but no more than 2 tons.

Superhuman Stamina: Wolverine's mutant healing factor grants him high immunity against lactic acid and other fatigue toxins generated by his muscles during physical activity. Wolverine can sustain himself at peak capacity for several days.

Superhuman Agility: Wolverine's agility, balance and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels beyond the natural physical limits and capabilities of the finest human specimen. Wolverine's agility is sufficient to allow him to dodge Scott Summers' (Cyclops) optic blasts at near point blank range. Other times able to jump extremely high and evade several yards.

Superhuman Reflexes: Wolverine's reflexes are similarly enhanced and are superior to those possessed by the finest human specimen.

Insulated Weather Adaptation: Wolverine's body is highly resistant to certain elemental extremes, particularly cold, to the extent that he can sleep nude in subarctic conditions with no apparent injury.

Retarded Aging: In addition, Wolverine's healing factor provides him with an extended lifespan by slowing the effects of the aging process. Wolverine was born sometime during the late 19th Century. Although well over 100 years of age, Wolverine retains the appearance and physical vitality of a man in the physical prime of his life.

Animal Empathy: Wolverine has the ability to sense the emotional state of animals on a basic level such as fear, anger, happiness or pain. He can even communicate with them to make the animal aware of his actions and or his intent.

Bone Claws: Wolverine's skeleton includes six retractable 12-inch long bone claws, three in each arm, that are housed beneath the skin and muscle of his forearms. Wolverine can, at will, release these slightly curved claws through his skin beneath the knuckles on each hand. The skin between the knuckles tears and bleeds, but the blood loss is quickly halted by his healing factor. Wolverine can unsheathe any number of his claws at once, although he must keep his wrists straight at the moment his claws pass from his forearms into his hands. When unsheathed, the claws are entirely within his hands, allowing him to bend his wrists when they are extended. The bone claws are sharp and dense enough to slice through substances as durable as most metals, wood, and stone.

Psionic Resistance: Wolverine reveals that his mind is highly resistant to telepathic probing and assault due to the high level psionic shields implanted in his mind by Professor Charles Xavier.

Abilities: Master Tactician, Master Martial Artist, Advanced Covert Ops Expert, Skilled Mechanic, Multi-lingual


Muramasa Blade: Wolverine's only specific vulnerability known to date. Created by having his soul infused into the katana, the efficiency of his mutant healing factor is decreased dramatically if he sustains injury from the Muramasa Blade. Wolverine has been wounded once with the blade and, though the injury was very minor, it did not heal completely for several days.

Carbonadium Digestion: Wolverine's healing factor is also affected, though to a far less degree, if he ingests Carbonadium.

Sensitivity: Wolverine's only other "weakness" is the fact that his heightened senses can be taken advantage of. For instance, when he was fighting the Bruce Banner (Hulk), he was nearly killed by the Hulk's thunder claps due to his heightened sense of hearing.

Decapitation/Severe Spinal Damage: Professor X once stated that Wolverine could be killed if his head becomes separated from his body, causing his brain the inability to send signals to the section(s) of his body that needs healing. But because of the addition of his adamantium-laced skeleton, the idea seems very unlikely.

Adamantium Poisoning: Adamantium has proven to secrete poison which stunts Wolverine's healing factor and feral rage by a very small degree. Even though he has it laced throughout his entire body it has not made a significant change in his abilities. However, the poisoning will endanger Wolverine's life if his healing factor fails on him, such as when an inhibitor field cancels out his mutant powers.

Admantium Allotropes: Adamantium has thirteen different allotropes (variants) that are very unstable compared to adamantium because of their different molecular configurations and thus physical properties. Some have caused Wolverine to become dizzy or weak just by being in close contact with these adamantium specimens.

26,677 posts

Very good work Mage. Thank you very much.

Since neither would ever be in the possession of the other's power negators, we can exclude them. Lets assume this fight happens on Earth so Superman will get 12 hours a day of energy from the sun. It would also be very likely neither of them knows the other's powers or weaknesses beforehand. Any objections to these conditions?


Aslong as Superman doesn't punt Wolverine into space, Wolverine should last the whole week of stamina or until he is beaten/killed. Given Superman's strong opposition to killing , it is unlikely he would send Wolverine into orbit unless he thinks he has no choice. This should give them enough time to land atleast a few good blows each. Wolverine is almost promised the first hit due to his temper, but it would most likely be without claws. Superman's retaliation would be minor at best. The fight would probably escalate into a barefist brawl with Superman holding back and Wolverine keeping his claws sheathed. After Superman loses his temper and punches him across the room and through a wall, still holding back, Wolverine would draw his claws and attack. If Wolverine gets a hit in, Superman would get a very severe wound as if a normal human was cut with steel. Unless Superman throws Wolverine into the sun or Wolverine slices Superman in half, the fight will last the whole week of Wolverine's stamina. Once Wolverine gets tired, he will have no chance to hit Superman and we could call that a technical loss for Wolverine. I say unless Wolverine misses almost every attack for a week or Superman takes the fight into space, Wolverine will win the fight.

3,371 posts

Superman could knock him unconscious. After that the fight is technicaly over.

6,672 posts

superman is practically god on earth. not only would superman win, but it wouldnt even be close to a fair fight.

330 posts

ummm, wolverine could not even stand a chance. superman is not my favorite superhero, but come on, superman can do a but load of craup and still be invincible, with the exception of kryptonite, while wolverine has claws and is invincible. i would probably choose wolverine over most other superheros, but wolverine just can't beat superman.

6,672 posts

Quite frankly i dont think any super hero could beat superman

330 posts

exectly delossantosj, you just can't compare to superman, espcially not wolverine.

26,677 posts

Superman is not invincible. Adamantium can cut through anything, including Superman.

9,462 posts

I did notice Superman does possess the ability to exploit one of Wolverines weaknesses. Superman's ability to produce a super scream. It's also a likely move he would use on Wolverine given he could disable him without killing him using it.

1,747 posts

Wolverine is best. Even if he can't fly, he can jump high.

26,677 posts

But is a seldom used tactic he wouldn't know to exploit.

9,462 posts

Another things if Superman's invulnerability is aura based, then it's possible that he could block Wolverines claws with it.

26,677 posts

But if the aura is electromagnetically based, Wolverine's skeleton may be able to siphon it. Besides, Superman has been injured by brute strength before and the PSI of the blow would be less than if Wolverine were to jump and punch with his claws. 800 lbs focused on less than one hundreth of a square inch with a hardness beyond anything known to man could probably puncture the feild.

8 posts

Superman is "Super" and Wolverine is not) Superman will win)

1,322 posts

I think its kinda like the whole batman v. superman thing

"who'd win if batman fought superman and batman didn't have kryptonite?"


"WRONG!!!... Batman always has kryptonite"

its totally circumstantial but what if Wolverine coated his claws in kryptonite?... i mean if he's a master tactician then he's not stupid.. the only way to beat Superman for any earthling would be to acquire some of that radioactive rock... (and I'm not a marvel universe expert so there may or may not be one of those deity'esque peoples who are Superman's caliber) ...maybe melt it down if it melts and dip the claws into it and let it cool/harden and retract them?.......or wear a necklace of it...

@that point Logan would have to get close enough to use it effectively... (being all close combat and such).... superman could then just heat vision him from a long distance away and that'd be all she wrote...

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