I just thought up this topic. I know that W. is invincible and can regerate health, but his only weakness is Admantium bullet to head. Superman is also pretty much invinceble accept for krptonite and a very close nuclearblast to him: he gets most of his energy from the sun. Frank Miller exposed this weakness in Batman VS Superman comic in the 80's
I can think of two people/things that can beat Wolverine and Superman straight up; Apocalypse & Magus
Apocalypse is a mutant who possesses superhuman strength which he can augment by psionically drawing on outside energy sources. Apocalypse can alter the atomic structure of his body at will in order to change his form. He can even increase his size by taking on additional mass from a presumably extra-dimensional source. Through his ability to alter his form, Apocalypse can give himself virtually any superhuman physical power. Apocalypse's "costume" is actually part of his body, and he can psionically alter its appearance at will. He can levitate himself telekinetically.
Apocalypse has an extraordinarily long life span that has already lasted thousands of years. He can survive for weeks without food or water and can rapidly recover from injuries that would prove fatal to normal human beings. In the future, however, his physical form will eventually grow too aged and enfeebled to contain his vast superhuman energies. Hence, he will transfer his consciousness and powers into a succession of host bodies, abandoning each one when it too grows too old to contain his power.
Taken from
He could just drain their energy and powers then use the powers against them....That is just using one of his awesome arsenal of powers.:P
Can grow to super sizes, infect anything with the Techno-Organic virus and force them to do his bidding, he looks awesome, he eclipsed a star and ripped it in half, immortal, invulnerable unless he is human size as this is when he is weakest...
On topic:
Wolverine is by far cooler than Superman but, Superman does posses the ability to destroy him if they were to battle with nothing holding either of them back. But, Superman would not seek to kill Wolverine, just injure him severely. Whereas Wolverine, considering his short fuse, would quite probably give his best to fatally wound superman, which might give him an edge.
But, Superman would not seek to kill Wolverine, just injure him severely. Whereas Wolverine, considering his short fuse, would quite probably give his best to fatally wound superman, which might give him an edge.
I don't think that is enough of an edge. Superman has faces such situations before.
if its w/in human bounds to do something like this, then maybe it would be w/in wolverine's ability to do it faster and on his own w/o help. (organs can and are apparently already being regrown/recreated to some extent nao)
Something to note from Deathpool's profile.
"Regenerative Healing Factor: Deadpool possesses a superhuman healing factor derived from that of the mutant Wolverine that allows him to regenerate damaged or destroyed bodily tissue with far greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. Deadpool is able to heal injuries such as slashes, puncture wounds, bullet wounds, and severe burns within moments. His healing factor is significantly more powerful than Wolverines as he can regrow missing limbs and organs and has survived blades through his brain on several occasions."
I don't think that is enough of an edge. Superman has faces such situations before.
I guess it probably isn't, I think I just don't want to admit that Superman could beat him. Lol.
His healing factor is significantly more powerful than Wolverines as he can regrow missing limbs and organs and has survived blades through his brain on several occasions."
Yeah, Wolverine can't just regrow limbs from scratch but perhaps if he was to reattach said limb then it will heal back onto his body.
I think it might at this point be fair to say that superman would probably win against Wolverine - what about against Deadpool though (since Deadpool was raised as part of the topic earlier)?
I think that Superman would incinerate Deadpool into a pool of nothingness. Lol. Try and regenerate from that. Wolverine would cut him up into little pieces with his superior fighting skills and then put each part in a little jar made of diamond so he cannot recreate himself...Bit far fetched but so is the entire subject.
Superman would just heat laser his head off. He would be technically dead. but could just have his head reattached in a prison cell in wherever superman's base is.