ForumsWEPRShould Israel Exist

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The question is simple. Should Israel exist. I know that this subject is very controversial so I am setting some "ground rules."
1. Because Israel is so tied into Judaism, NO ANTI-SEMETIC COMMENTS
2. Please back up your reasoning with facts
3. Respect other's opinions. I cannot tell you how many times I have been on CNN and seen people flinging mud at each other. BE RESPECTFUL!

I am looking forward to seeing the posts and logic behind the opinions.

For the record, I think it should exist.

  • 339 Replies
5,552 posts
Jester you mean the religious significance? Or the place in general...

1,627 posts

I mean the sovereign country, based on either the pre-6 Day War borders, or the current ones including the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

554 posts

Why shouldn't. There is no reason why not. You could say why not get rid of the US or Saudi Arabia.

1,143 posts

qwerty no, research some history of israel it should clear things up, is rael should not exist, the british let jews flood in in the fourties and then decided it was their country not the arabs, so yeah maybe israel should exist but it should be the israelies lkiving in the are of the west bank, and the arabs with the rest of THEIR counrty, as it is and always was THEIR country, how would you feel, a foreighn people whos only claim to your land is an ancient religious book, flood into your land and start taking much of it by force, then a foreighn power forcebly evicts you to a tiny strip of land

as if this wasnt bad enough bisreal has repeatedly added insult to injury, taking more and more land from the west bank and the gaza strip, they have occupied them many times commiting various horrific war crimes (ironic since the jews past) such as denying red cross aid to starving children, parking tanks on graveyards, blockading aid to their ports, evicting and demolishing houses just because they can

and now the segreagtion wall, a giant wall around the gaza strip, which has is factualy by the definition against people human rights, not only this, if they get top close to the wall they are shot on sight

and i know they are not the only people doing bad things, Hamas and lebanon fire rockets regularly, which is wrong as thry are hitting civillian targets, but just imagine how incredibly anggry if all that the israelis had done to the palestinians had been done to you, sometimes i want to go out there and help the arabs, obviously stupid, but thats just how passionate i am about this

and DO NOT call me an anti semite, i am one of the most accepting people youll meeet, i hate the countries government, not itsvpeople or its religion, although if you report in the US say anything like this and you are branded as one

there was even a study in the seventies that pretty much proved most european jews werent even semitic, but of course it was in the US and was all hushed up

oh and by the way the israelis are antisemitic themsleves as the arabs from that are of the world are a semitic people, oh the irony

2,027 posts

I agree with Sproos. Though I don't think it's wrong that Israel exists as a country, it is wrong that they were given a part of an already existing country, and not by those who lived there either.

In addition, the situation in the Gaza Strip, where over a million Palestinian citizens are trapped, is nothing but a crime against human rights. They've got a blockade around the strip, and even resort to violence to make sure the Palestinians don't get supplies.

554 posts

Sproos, whether or not that happened it can't have happened in the people who lived there's lifetime and therefore it is not their fault. I'm sure that quite a lot of the countries nowadays have land which they invaded in the past that are now officially part of their country

1,558 posts


What? If you have a point, make it. Besides, if the user posts something not offensive to the other users the post stays.
2,027 posts

Sproos, whether or not that happened it can't have happened in the people who lived there's lifetime and therefore it is not their fault.

The blockade and oppression of Palestinian citizens happen today, as we speak. So "that was in the past" doesn't work here.
341 posts

Sorry did this in word than copy and pasted so hopefully theres no screwy text.

1) Israel is the only stable democratic nation in the Middle East at this time
a) According to the Democracy Index Israel still remains the only democratic nation in the middle east
b) It is always in the best interest for us as the United States to side with democracy over any other form of government.
c) Almost every single president and co siding Congress has sided in favor with Israel as an ally since 1967 until 2008 and US aid to Israel exceeds the amount of foreign aid that the US provides to any other country

2) The settlements are not the reason that peace hasnât been met
a) Israel is the one requesting negotiation on a two-state solution
b) Pakistan has refused to accept Israel as a nation on any of their borders
c) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has already stated in a conference in November of 2010 that Israel is open for negotiations with the terms that Palestine recognize Israel as a nation on all of its borders and Palestine waives it's right to return to the occupied land
d) Netanyahu has offered that Israel would be an open ethnic democracy allowing for Arabs and Jews to live and worship freely as pleased while creating a separate state for Arabs
e) Yet Palestine refuses to meet any of these terms or to meet further for negotiations they simply are using the settlements as a facade to appeal to other Arab nations and the UN

3) Israel has right to the land the Palestinians do not
a) Though both claim to have religious claims to the land, the Jewish population still holds the majority with 719,000 people living in Jerusalem; 465,000 were Jews (mostly living in West Jerusalem) and 232,000 were Muslims (mostly living in East Jerusalem) And the United states have declared policy that Israel has an unconditional right to exist post 1967.
b) Palestinians refugees according to the UN are citizens between June 1946 and May 1948, who lost both their homes and means of livelihood as a result of the 1948 Arab-Israeli conflict.
c) With the Two state solution the Arab inhabitants would be given citizenship by the new Palestinian state; Palestinian refugees would likely be offered such citizenship as well. Arab citizens of present-day Israel would likely have the choice of staying with Israel, or becoming citizens of the new Palestine.
d) But the Palestinians refuse for the refugees to not move back into Israel and that would negate the existence of Israel's ethnic Jewish majority. The giant contradiction which is not only intolerable but arrogant is while Israel's Palestinian Arab minority would not need to move, the majority of Palestinians are against West Bank Jews gaining Palestinian citizenship and not being expelled

4) Conclusion: As the great regulators of the free world and the rights of democracy I strongly believe that Israel has a right to exist.

Answers: The UN occupation has made them give sympathy to the palestinians, but the US has veto power in the UN Security Council and is able to block resolutions it opposes, and it has frequently vetoed resolutions critical of Israel's actions that do not comply with the Negroponte doctrine.

2,027 posts

1) Israel is the only stable democratic nation in the Middle East at this time

The fact that it is democratic doesn't change the fact that they're oppressing their neighbour, Palestine, who, by the way, was forced to give up most of their country for Israel.

a) Israel is the one requesting negotiation on a two-state solution

Wikipedia quotes:
The Arab Peace Initiative (Arabic: Ù...بادرة اÙسÙاÙ... اÙعربÙØ&copy was first proposed by Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia in the Beirut Summit. The peace initiative is a proposed solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict as a whole, and the Israeliâ"Palestinian conflict in particular.

A number of Israeli officials have responded to the initiative with both support and criticism. The Israeli government has expressed reservations on 'red line,' issues such as the Palestinian refugee problem, homeland security concerns, and the nature of Jerusalem.[16] However, the Arab League continues to raise it as a possible solution, and meetings between the Arab League and Israel have been held.

3) Israel has right to the land the Palestinians do not

a) Though both claim to have religious claims to the land, the Jewish population still holds the majority with 719,000 people living in Jerusalem

Yes, but that's only because the UN decided to give away half of Palestine to Israel after World War 2. Before that, it was just Palestine, no Israel. And now, Palestinians are either oppressed in what remains of their country, or refugees in other countries.

4) Conclusion: As the great regulators of the free world and the rights of democracy I strongly believe that Israel has a right to exist.

Israel didn't even exist until Palestine was forced to give up a part of their country for them, less than a century ago. And now Palestinians are being oppressed, the entire Gaza strip is pretty much sealed off from the rest of the world, and Israel controls all incoming supplies. Their actions are similar to those of Nazi Germany, but on a much, much smaller scale.

Imagine if someone suddenly decided that you would be forced to give up half of US. I'm sure you'd be pissed, I'm sure some people would fight back, and I'm sure that the rest of the world would support you. In Palestine's case, only the two first happened.
341 posts

Palestine was occupied pre-1967 so it's ridiculous to believe the statehood power that Palestine would have had regardless. It was land that could be given away and it was land that half the world agreed too. Not only that but the Palestinans still have an entire region where they can go to an Arab country. Israel is the only ethnic location where the Jews can call home for the first time in over 4 thousand years.

You qouted the Arab Peace Initiative which was also thrown out the door in conferences of '09 because both sides wouldn't budge, but that would have only been beneficial to the Arabs and Palestine would not have had to recognize Israel on it's own borders. The Two-State Solution is beneficial to both parties and gives them free routes to wherever they would like to go throughout Israel.

I'm sure some people would fight back, and I'm sure that the rest of the world would support you. In Palestine's case, only the two first happened.

You're claiming that Palestine is a victim but they have attacked multiple times, so the suppression was needed. It's common sense, if someone is attacking you self defence is neccessary. Israel was not going to let Palestine attack then say "Oh geez I really hope they stop that." The reason the rest of the world has not supported Palestine is because there is absolutely no reason to. Israel has rights to exist and the world in facts knows this, now the world is just trying to get negotiations out of the way so the conflict can subside.
1,143 posts

no just because they have a majority gives them no right what so ever to be there, thats an insane stupid conclusion, if every chinese person moved to america it would still be america they shouldnt just have it, and why should the palestinians recognise it as a countryt its their country that has been stolen from them, anyway why would they want to talk to the people who are murdering and opressing them on a daily basis, they are making a stand, and just because isreal wants talks doesnt mean they will make any sort of reasoable compramise

and since whne has america ever sided with democracy, vietnam and the entire cold war americ actively worked against democracy in soo many countries, and if america is the regualtor of the free world as you so righteously put it then they should be defending the rights and the homes and the freedoms of the palestinian people, just because a countryt is democratic doesnt make it immune from any wrong doing, and besides all this america has absolutely no right to stick its nose into foreighn affairs all america has done internationally has never done any good to anyone but the americans, youve obviously been a victim of american propoganda, look up some history youll see just how often americ ahas ebver been on the side of democracy or freedom! state some facts you moron dont go using your country arrogance and self importance and self interest as an exscuse to support an evil country

as for qwerty that point is so stupid, it makes literalkly no sense id ont even want to dignify itbwith response

1,558 posts

iteralkly no sense id ont even want to dignify itbwith response

Either that was irony, or you're trying to make a point. That is if I understand what you said.
1,143 posts

actually its been proven that nearly all jews are not semitic and you think you can take people land just because your ancient book told you some deity said you could have it, thats not how the modern world works

and to say that my goverment were right to give palestine away just because it wasnt free before is disgusting, you think because someone is opressed its then fine to let them be opressed by someone else NO! britain and the jewds have no claim on palestine, their not semitic its not their ethnic home europe is, why cant the jews live there where they wont be attacked

oh and they werent acting in self defence, the palestinians were defendidng their homes which were being sytematically knocked down by british and jewish forces, they were acting in self defense

oh and just because they may or may not have an ethnic histroiy traced to that area gives them no right to it, many americans have ethnic heritage in ireland, as many jews have ethnic heritage in palestine, if the entire american nation upped and moved to ireland and said right well the irish can find somewhere else to go, yet the jews did this in palestine, but because they did it in the name of religion ist somehow ok!!!?!?!?

considering the jews past i would have thought theyd be careful about their actions in trerms of opression and war crimes, yet thier the worlds leader, this whole sorry affair smack of a sick sense of horrific irony

2,027 posts

Not only that but the Palestinans still have an entire region where they can go to an Arab country. Israel is the only ethnic location where the Jews can call home for the first time in over 4 thousand years.

So why didn't they get a part of the US? You could just go to Canada instead, they had nowhere to call home. Oh, right, because it's YOUR country. You seem to think that the Arabs are the same and there's no real difference between the countries, but just because they share religion and/or ethnicity doesn't mean they're any more similar than, say, France and Germany.

You're claiming that Palestine is a victim but they have attacked multiple times, so the suppression was needed.

Of course there are people fighting back, but that does not justify isolating over 1.5 million people and refusing to let people send them supplies.

Israel has rights to exist and the world in facts knows this, now the world is just trying to get negotiations out of the way so the conflict can subside.

Of course they have the right to exist, but they don't have the right to steal the Palestinians' home to get their own country.
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