ForumsWEPRShould Israel Exist

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The question is simple. Should Israel exist. I know that this subject is very controversial so I am setting some "ground rules."
1. Because Israel is so tied into Judaism, NO ANTI-SEMETIC COMMENTS
2. Please back up your reasoning with facts
3. Respect other's opinions. I cannot tell you how many times I have been on CNN and seen people flinging mud at each other. BE RESPECTFUL!

I am looking forward to seeing the posts and logic behind the opinions.

For the record, I think it should exist.

  • 339 Replies
1,627 posts


Hey guys, I was just checking CNN when this showed up. I read the article and I immediately became alarmed for not only Israel's safety, but for the Palestinian civilians which have nothing to do with Hamas. If this leads to more rockets being fired into Israel, then they would have no other choice but to launch another invasion, and possibly attack Egypt in order to close the militants off from a weapon supply.

1,751 posts

when did anyone ever steal nazi territory?

Example- D-day. it was supposed to show that the defender has the right to take lands from the agressor.

Israel took land from the English empire who gave it up freely.

What you missed in response:

After the British assumed the mandate, peace was restored until 1933, when the arabs started the pogroms. The British remained neutral while the local populace fought and killed each other. After some anger from both sides that the british did not help them and for occupying a semi-anatomious land, a triangle of violence started. In 1947 Britain gave up on the region and gave the UN the desicion what to do with it. They chose to divide it into two states- a jewish and an arab. The former accepted the offer, while the latter started to shoot the jews in the streets. After a prolonged civil war, on the 15th of May 1948 Israel declared its Independence. Egypt, Jordan, and Syria attacked Israel. By the end of the war, the arab state was divided up between Jordan, Israel and Egypt.

It was at this point that Britain felt that Jews felt misplaced in the world, so it gave money to popularize the idea of returning to a long forgotten homeland and THEN carved up a hole for Jewish living.

The british issued the white paper, in which only a small number of jews can enter palestine, even during Hitler's reign. Most of the jews immigrated into palestine against british interests.

Er... How much Soviet Armor?

Before the six days war, Egypt made a massive purchase and in the result had more armor than the rest of the middle east combined.

Without Western juice in their economy and military, they were doomed.

Israel got it's first american armor after the sinai war.

Racist and Sexist -- A trademark of the world 200 years ago

Less than 50 years ago king gave his speech "I have a dream". by that time, Israel has said that " it will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture; it will safeguard the Holy Places of all religions; and it will be faithful to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations."
1,751 posts

It was at this point that Britain felt that Jews felt misplaced in the world, so it gave money to popularize the idea of returning to a long forgotten homeland and THEN carved up a hole for Jewish living.

or the immigration phases that were happening, many of them illegally.

Now you're just plain contradicting yourself.
1,143 posts

you didn't address the point that the little territory left for Palestinians regardless of if they want more or not is still being encroached upon by Jews with their governments blessing

and your point about what Israel says is moot,i mean look at america, they declared freedom for all people and then became the biggest salve byers in the world

@zakyman i am worried for Palestinians, if Israel invades again it will cause more meaningless violence and indiscriminate killing of


watch the documntarys

do not look at this one if you have a weak stomach, alot of the photos could have been staged, but i think the one of the dead child and the dead woman are quite apt

this link is the best one, read what the annalist says half way down, the BBC has no reason to be biased, and nor does the commission that looked into this, it shows that both sides acted horribly, it also threw light onto the fact that Israel repressed any criticism of the war inside their own country, it also shows that the blockade of concrete and building materials is a breach of human rights as it means no one can rebuild after Israeli demolition

you must be very bad at using google

1,627 posts

Listen Chicken (or is it read?). Civilians in the GS are killed yes, I know that, and if you read my full post than I said I was worried for the civilians. However, in any war, there will be people who shoot at civilians no matter what they are doing. There are people like that in the IDF, Her Majesty's Armed Forces, and the US Army. You just can't cherry pick facts. The point I am trying to make is that not all soldiers try to kill civilians. Most just do their job and want to get back home like everyone else.

1,143 posts

in afghanistan ot iraq there have been cases of soldiers murdering civilians en mass, however these are rare occasions and in neraly all countries see it as in their best interest to examine these crimes and find the truth, however if you read the bb artile these things in the IDF are a lot more common than any other military, and the israeli military and government have both been as uncooperative as possible while investigating these crimes

1,143 posts

soory for the DP i dont know whats with your google master as i came up with several thousand pages of results, and when i said bb i meant BBC

879 posts

this link is the best one, read what the annalist says half way down, the BBC has no reason to be biased, and nor does the commission that looked into this, it shows that both sides acted horribly, it also threw light onto the fact that Israel repressed any criticism of the war inside their own country, it also shows that the blockade of concrete and building materials is a breach of human rights as it means no one can rebuild after Israeli demolition

Interesting, but I already posted a link about the goldstone report (Link). The report is NOT a vaild source for the "war crimes" of Israel.

Goldstone indicated in his Friday essay that had Israel cooperated with him at the time, it could have shown civilians were not deliberately targeted "as a matter of policy".

Israeli military investigations into cases of misconduct later shed light on civilian killings, Goldstone said.

"I regret that our fact-finding mission did not have such evidence explaining the circumstances in which we said civilians were targeted, because it probably would have influenced our findings about intentionality and war crimes," Goldstone said.
1,143 posts

im not saying that civillians are targeted as a matter of policy, but it is a widespread problem in the IDF, and its also amatter israel seem more eager to cover up than solve, as shown by their refusal to cooperate

the quote does nothing to disprove the report, it doesnt say that their facts were invalid, just that they could not get the israeli side of the story, in most cases i doubt this would have changed the verdict

anyhow at now point have i claimed israel has targeted civilians but they have made no effort to protect them either, which in many ways is also as bad, they have made no effort to not kill civillians just as they have made no effort ot kill them, although its not amtter of policy again it is a widespread problem and many units do seem to target civillians, israel needs to address this problem, but it just doesnt seem to care.....

1,143 posts

and it is starting to annoy me that when i make a valid point that no one can make a responds to that it is just ignored, you have not addressed the point about the blockade

1,627 posts

you have not addressed the point about the blockade

Yes I have! If you would look back a page or two, then you would see I explained that the reason that Israel has a blockade on the GS is because Hamas was smuggling in weapons and materials that could be used to make weapons and bunkers.
they have made no effort to protect them either

Again, you are wrong. Israel's rockets have targeting systems, and they aim at locations where Hamas militants are located. Unfortunately, that is more likely than not a mosque where weapons are also being held, and so the primary explosion kills all militants inside the building, but can also kill civilians in a 100-200 meter blast radius depending on the missile used, and the secondary blast from the weapons and rockets stored might kill another round of civilians. Also, when Israel bombs houses, that is because it is either the house of a Hamas leader who is high on the chain of command, or because they have received information that a smuggling tunnel is under that building, in which secondary explosions would be evident.
1,482 posts

Example- D-day. it was supposed to show that the defender has the right to take lands from the agressor.

Why kind of example is that?!
D-Day was [I know there were other nations, don't bs here] primarily an AMERICAN Operation, defending FRENCH Lands, on the beach of Normandy, against German and Italian invaders who had, previously, pretty much conquered the region and were administering it from Vichy France.

Now, Explain how France is the defender here.
Also, it isn't even relevant, seeing as the land was Frenchland before, and was nominally accepted as such, whereas Israel was a pity give away from the UN, not because anyone deserved it, but because there was a possible hope for peace - they did this by assuming that the Jews would stay in their given area, and not expand outward into Palestinian land.

In 1947 Britain gave up on the region and gave the UN the desicion what to do with it.

The UN was also primarily influenced by the USA in those early years, along with many of its votes being from Europe -- Most of Europe was against Germany, whereas the area of Palestine, a previous Ottoman territory, was a hassle in WWI -- Of course they chose to make two states.

The former accepted the offer, while the latter started to shoot the jews in the streets.

I don't mean to sound rude, but you keep blatantly aiming the bad stuff at Palestine.

Of COURSE the former accepted the offer, the former didn't HAVE anything. It's like giving someone a house. Whereas the other, that had two houses, is now losing one to someone that is freely picking up pity points.

Most of the jews immigrated into palestine against british interests.

Zionism still had popular support throughout all of Europe.

But, Fine. I'll give that portion up. Israel fully defended itself and proclaimed independence and all the arabs pre-war were terrorists. Lets just assert that and move on.

Are you still going to argue that what Israel has done after achieving independence is at all excusable? They are one of the best economies in the world and yet they seek to isolate out Palestinians in their own form of ethnic cleansing, something that they, historically, and ironically, are used to.
1,627 posts

they did this by assuming that the Jews would stay in their given area, and not expand outward into Palestinian land.

They also did this assuming that the Arabs wouldn't try to gang up against Israel, causing them to lose more land, and then cry like babies. I hope that this senario is simple enough for everyone.

Johnny the Camp Councilor (UN): Here, I want to give you this small Dum-Dum lollipop from this big bag of candy because a big meanie was beating you up.
Steve (the Jews): Okay. Thank you so much. It has been very long since I have had a lollipop. (Steve starts eating)
Gary (Arabs): Hey! That's my lollipop! (Starts beating up Steve)
Steve: NO! (Hits Gary smack-dab in the nose, and takes the candy from Gary for attacking him)
Gary: Johnny, Steve stole my candy!
1,143 posts

Johnny the Camp Councilor (UN): Here, I want to give you this small Dum-Dum lollipop from this big bag of candy because a big meanie was beating you up.
Steve (the Jews): Okay. Thank you so much. It has been very long since I have had a lollipop. (Steve starts eating)
Gary (Arabs): Hey! That's my lollipop! (Starts beating up Steve)
Steve: NO! (Hits Gary smack-dab in the nose, and takes the candy from Gary for attacking him)
Gary: Johnny, Steve stole my candy!

look we all know the facts here, putting them into pointless little skits and scenarios doesn't achieve anything, there is no possible way you can compare kids with candies to countries with military s

Yes I have! If you would look back a page or two, then you would see I explained that the reason that Israel has a blockade on the GS is because Hamas was smuggling in weapons and materials that could be used to make weapons and bunkers.

and i meant my second point about the blockade, the point that people cannot rebuild their houses as all building material has been blocked

and if you were to read my links you would see that they were talking about the invasion of the Gaza strip and had nothing to do with Israeli rocket strikes

D-Day was [I know there were other nations, don't bs here] primarily an AMERICAN Operation, defending FRENCH Lands

dont tell me not to BS and then state something that is completely incorrect! there no need to say it was primarily an american affair when it wasnt at all

and also there were no italians defending normandy and it wasnt part of the vichy zone it was part of the german military occupied zone, i would suggest looking into some fact before you try to corect other peoples
879 posts

the quote does nothing to disprove the report, it doesnt say that their facts were invalid, just that they could not get the israeli side of the story, in most cases i doubt this would have changed the verdict

Different article:

In his repudiation, Goldstone wrote that the "crimes allegedly committed by Hamas were intentional goes without saying - its rockets were purposefully and indiscriminately aimed at civilian targets." In stark contrast, Goldstone wrote about Israel that during Operation Cast Lead "civilians were not intentionally targeted as a matter of policy."

"I had hoped that our inquiry into all aspects of the Gaza conflict would begin a new era of evenhandedness at the U.N. Human Rights Council, whose history of bias against Israel cannot be doubted," wrote Goldstone. How sorely mistaken he was.

I wonder why people are much more upset about Israeli soldiers killing civilians by accident than about Hamas terrorists killing civilians on purpose.

and it is starting to annoy me that when i make a valid point that no one can make a responds to that it is just ignored, you have not addressed the point about the blockade

I'll look at it tomorrow if I'll find the time. It's to late now.
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