Example- D-day. it was supposed to show that the defender has the right to take lands from the agressor.
Why kind of example is that?!
D-Day was [I know there were other nations, don't bs here] primarily an AMERICAN Operation, defending FRENCH Lands, on the beach of Normandy, against German and Italian invaders who had, previously, pretty much conquered the region and were administering it from Vichy France.
Now, Explain how France is the defender here.
Also, it isn't even relevant, seeing as the land was Frenchland before, and was nominally accepted as such, whereas Israel was a pity give away from the UN, not because anyone deserved it, but because there was a possible hope for peace - they did this by assuming that the Jews would stay in their given area, and not expand outward into Palestinian land.
In 1947 Britain gave up on the region and gave the UN the desicion what to do with it.
The UN was also primarily influenced by the USA in those early years, along with many of its votes being from Europe -- Most of Europe was against Germany, whereas the area of Palestine, a previous Ottoman territory, was a hassle in WWI -- Of course they chose to make two states.
The former accepted the offer, while the latter started to shoot the jews in the streets.
I don't mean to sound rude, but you keep blatantly aiming the bad stuff at Palestine.
Of COURSE the former accepted the offer, the former didn't HAVE anything. It's like giving someone a house. Whereas the other, that had two houses, is now losing one to someone that is freely picking up pity points.
Most of the jews immigrated into palestine against british interests.
Zionism still had popular support throughout all of Europe.
But, Fine. I'll give that portion up. Israel fully defended itself and proclaimed independence and all the arabs pre-war were terrorists. Lets just assert that and move on.
Are you still going to argue that what Israel has done after achieving independence is at all excusable? They are one of the best economies in the world and yet they seek to isolate out Palestinians in their own form of ethnic cleansing, something that they, historically, and ironically, are used to.