The question is simple. Should Israel exist. I know that this subject is very controversial so I am setting some "ground rules." 1. Because Israel is so tied into Judaism, NO ANTI-SEMETIC COMMENTS 2. Please back up your reasoning with facts 3. Respect other's opinions. I cannot tell you how many times I have been on CNN and seen people flinging mud at each other. BE RESPECTFUL!
I am looking forward to seeing the posts and logic behind the opinions.
Dude, Liam, have you even read any pages of the thread? I am agreeing with Chicken on here that if you want to post, please read the thread/do some research and THEN post. Not before.
the point that people cannot rebuild their houses as all building material has been blocked
They will be able to build their houses as soon as Hamas stops using the building material to build bunkers to keep their rockets safe.
@grimmi, I have never said that Israel targets civilians as a matter of policy, but because of the nature of the conflict it is a widespread problem that is not be addressed by you or Israel, and also I think your trying to tell me that Palestinian war crimes are horrific, don't tell me the obvious I already know this
@zakyman, so your saying that its ok to effectively punish civilians for the crimes of an army many of them have nothing to do with, I believe this was a tactic often employed by the Nazis, and was in fact the birth of many great partisans, by employing these tactics all Israel does is drive more people to join Hamas
so your saying that its ok to effectively punish civilians for the crimes of an army many of them have nothing to do with
I am not saying that. I am saying that if Hamas didn't steal the supplies to rebuild the houses, or if Israeli engineers were allowed to build the houses for the Palestinians, then Israel would be happy to build the homes. However, if Hamas keeps stealing the supplies, then Israel won't risk sending in lumber and concrete and whatnot if it means that Hamas will use them to build bunkers to hide in after INTENTIONALLY targeting civilians as a matter of policy.
stop talking to me like I am disputing the fact that Hamas targets civilians, I know that, and I'm not disputing that
would you care to provide a link where Israel has ever officially stated that they would build the houses, because I can provide you with many saying that they are the ones who knock them down, intentionally, as a matter of military tactic
I can provide you with many saying that they are the ones who knock them down, intentionally, as a matter of military tactic
I'm sure that their tactics of knocking down houses only applies when there is sufficient evidence that the owners were harboring an official or hiding weapons. I would love to see your links.
Don't get me wrong. I do not completely agree with the actions of the Israeli government/army. I just want to say that it is naive to only blame Israel for the problems.
you people seem to think that because i think it was a mistake to make israel in the first place, and that its tactics are questionable that i also condone all of what hamas does, I DO NOT! that is the last time i am going to state that, stop telling me hamas is just as bad to justify what israel does
@grimmi who conducted that survey? an israeli? anyway supporting something isnt a crime, acting on it is, i could just as easily justify the rockets by saying that most israelis belive invading GS was a good idea
and actually at no point have i said the conflict is all israels fault
as for links: read the IDFs reasons, disgusting
id like to see you call this bias since its an israel site
Chicken, I read the article and I must admit that the top reason somewhat disturbs me. I honestly think that that one will only lead to trouble. But if that one were removed as a matter of policy, than the others would be just fine.
Sorry for the DP, but I have just read that Egypt has permanently opened up their border with Gaza. I only fear that this could lead to another 6 Day War type situation, with another invasion of the GS. I just hope that no one decides to do anything stupid.
yes so now you see what im saying, this is a matter of policy, and it doesnt look like its going to change any time soon, and although targeting civilians isnt a matter of policy its this kind of attitude that leads to wide spread civilian casualties
as for doing something stupid it looked inevitable when Ben Ali was deposed as the muslim brotherhood now has a lot more sway
oh and i never saw a link showing me where israel said they would build palestinian houses for them, or didi my link some what completely disprove that?!
Chicken, I completely agree with you on the disturbing list of IDF reasons to demolish, however you have to admit that the media sometimes completely overblows the entire thing out of proportion. I was on CNN the other week and I saw an article about how the Pals were mad about a mosque being demolished. The mosque in question was built without a permit, and the Israeli gov't knocked it down. Then, the pro-palestinian media Al-Jazeera posed a few crying people in front of the demolished mosque, to stir up anti-Israeli sentiments. Also, at funerals of dead "civilians" you can sometimes see people in the background with big Nikon cameras, snapping pictures of the funeral to stir up sympathy. Unfortunately, it works, and many people on the CNN forums just rail against everything Israel does. I would hope that no one visits those, as they are a cesspool of just hatred. And you could appreciate this Chicken, most of the people don't do research.
of course the media blows it out of proportion, that's how they make their money, but Israel demolishing a mosque because it doesn't have a permit is very hypocritical considering Jewish settlers are constantly encroaching on Palestinian land, and we haven't even covered the segregation wall arguably the biggest human rights violation since the holocaust
where was this mosque, in Israel or Gaza? do you have a link?
and yes i wouldn't even bother getting angry about people on CNN, in fact i wouldn't even bother bringing them up, their opinions are unfounded ignorant nonsense and should be treated as such
Pals were mad about a mosque being demolished. The mosque in question was built without a permit, and the Israeli gov't knocked it down.
How about 300,000 Israelis living on land that is not internationally recognized as Israeli territory and is, in fact, only an area that is militarily occupied.
I think it's a little unfair that a Mosque can't stand without a permit when 300,000 internationally illegal houses can.