now as for your hospital situation I guess most Israelis would take secret option umber four and air strike the entire area regardless of the civilian casualties
That's baseless. Why would anyone do that?
1. We are human beings, not demons from hell.
2. No strategic advantage in that.
3. We are not demons from hell.
For the semitic thing. Its a long disscution about the dictionary meaning of it. Its about Europeans making the name when they still hated Arabs and Jews together. Whatever, to spare some misunderstandings I will say racist anti Jewish propaganda. It even includes some classic historical Nazi crap.
For media, I can give you an example for what I mean about BBC but It's late so I'll save it for some other time. Maybe tomorrow, but it would turn into a long disscution so I warn you this will go offtopic.
About Israel's media. Thats bull****. We have leftist medias just like everyone else. We even have the completely koko leftist medias.
But their not the only ones broadcasting Palestinian stuff. Myself I get informed from a lot of sources and I can tell you this: no major media in Israel is hiding anything about the Palestinians. Don't believe me? Google the websites and get informed daily.
As for the undefended question of yours. I thought it was meant specifically for someone but I wouldn't mined answering. But again, this can easily go down to a long disscution so I'd rather we stay away from that for now. Just so we don't have to post about 10 topics in the same time. The wall occupation points you brought up is included here.
the disgusting monstrosity, the worst war crime since the holocaust,
Hold you're horses. Yes there were some crimes going on in the Arab-Israeli conflict by Israelis but its inevitable in wars. Instead, I suggest you look at how the government reacted to them - apologies for them, put criminals to trail, take actions to prevent it from happening again, condemning them.
And really the "disgusting monstrosity, the worst war crime since the holocaust" is completely out of proportions. If you want to see worst stuff look into African conflicts today and may I recommend Darfur.
For racism in Israel: Lots of steps are done to prevent racism and its actually low. I'm an Israeli that traveled all over my small country lots of times, I know what I'm saying.
All that 'Barbaric' and 'disgusting' talking doesn't help no one and I find that offensive.