ForumsWEPRShould Israel Exist

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1,627 posts

The question is simple. Should Israel exist. I know that this subject is very controversial so I am setting some "ground rules."
1. Because Israel is so tied into Judaism, NO ANTI-SEMETIC COMMENTS
2. Please back up your reasoning with facts
3. Respect other's opinions. I cannot tell you how many times I have been on CNN and seen people flinging mud at each other. BE RESPECTFUL!

I am looking forward to seeing the posts and logic behind the opinions.

For the record, I think it should exist.

  • 339 Replies
879 posts

the worst war crime since the holocaust

Nazi voters werent tried with war crimes, the Nazis were

but then you come out with one of the most arrogant, racist posts I have ever had the displeasure of reading

Ok, it's really starting to remind me of Godwin's law. You won't make a point with statements like this. Let's stop comparing people or groups to the Nazis or calling them racist.

Personally, I think there won't be no peace. Especially if I read stuff like this. It was said by the Hamas Foreign Liaisons chief Osama Hamdan

"I think that we are entering the phase of the liberation of Palestine. When we talk about the liberation of Palestine, we are talking about the notion of Return: the return of the refugees to their homeland, and the return of the Israelis to the countries from which they came."
1,143 posts

Wow, so all of a sudden you are willing to accept the original plans from the 1947 charter? That will never happen, because Israel has no reason for it to happen. The Arabs REJECTED the original partition plan, and now they have their tails in between their legs asking for the original plan. Well, that's what happens when you get your butt kicked. If they didn't want it before, than they might as well just take what they can get. Also, calling Goblin racist is a bit overkill don't you think? I mean, there was no mention of race inside the post you were referencing.

do you realize how barbaric you sound? punishing the Arabs for what their ancestors did is just stupid, live and let live, let the Arabs have the original plan, it might end some of the violence which is a good thing for Israel, what about the children of Palestine? how long are you going to punish a nation for something many of them had no part in, for something many of them weren't even alive to see, when are you going to stop punishing people for what they're parent did
1,143 posts

all I am doing when I talk about the Nazis is using the most useful comparison I can think of, not calling anyone a Nazi

it would be nice if goblin would stop twisting what I say

Personally, I think there won't be no peace. Especially if I read stuff like this. It was said by the Hamas Foreign Liaisons chief Osama Hamdan

"I think that we are entering the phase of the liberation of Palestine. When we talk about the liberation of Palestine, we are talking about the notion of Return: the return of the refugees to their homeland, and the return of the Israelis to the countries from which they came."

what's wrong with that statement, I would agree that is a good goal to aim for eventually
879 posts

what's wrong with that statement, I would agree that is a good goal to aim for eventually

Okay, I'll quote it again, but only the important part:

and the return of the Israelis to the countries from which they came

What does that mean? That the Jews should go back to Europe... And if you think that my interpretatino is worng then look at this quote (same source):
I think that politically, the two-state solution is over. The people who suggested this notion are the ones who say so. Therefore, trying to talk about a two-state solution again is like talking about something that is over and done with.
1,627 posts

Not exactly. The way I see it Arab governments needed a way to unit the Arabs that where already extremely hostile to each other so they started uniting against a common enemy. That decision was followed by massive racist propaganda that had grown hatred in many Arab minds regarding Jews and Israel in particular. And no I don't think you understand this from our view by the way you answered my hospital question. That sort of answer was baseless and can only be true if assumed Jews are evil to the core.

Zakyman I think will tell you that I am in no way on the side of Hamas, you cans say what you want about what Arabs believe, what they do is very different, you cannot persecute people for their beliefs

I didn't post that...

punishing the Arabs for what their ancestors did is just stupid

Yes, however, that is the way the world works. People do stupid things like reject perfectly reasonable plans to give a persecuted people under .05% of the Middle East, and give the Arabs another country. Plus, it isn't punishment. You say live and let live, but until the Arabs live and let live, Israel won't. Returning to the 1947 lines is completely out of the question, considering that it almost cuts Israel in half, a complete strategic disadvantage in case the new Egyptian government rips up the peace treaty they had with Israel, and then they declare war along with Syria (just a hypothetical). This would mean that Israel is attacked on two separate fronts, with only a 10 km stretch to move troops in between north and south. If the Palestinians wanted to, then they could join in this theoretical war, and cut the North from the South, sort of what the Union did in the American Civil War, where they used the Mississippi River to cut the Confederacy in half. Plus Israel has no reason to accept that, considering that they are the ones who currently have that land.
1,482 posts

(1973). Oh well, at least a lot of Jews died so lets make this a national holiday.

Isn't that a Jewish Holiday?
Not to mention, in this one, The USA helped Israel so much that the Arab countries launched an oil crisis.

Arabs can still attack Israel, Egypt for example is heavily armed with modern weaponry and Syria still wants to make "Israel pay".

I think you should know.
That out of everything in this world.
Starbucks chooses to give around 4-12 Million dollars to the Israeli army each year.
Top that off with all of America, all of Europe, and possibly Turkey -- and Egypt and Syria look like flies. Just saying.

Furthermore, MIddle Eastern debt is held more by the west than the east, MIddle Eastern economy is more heavily influenced by the West, etc. etc. etc. -- They can't piss off the west.

The public in Israel doesn't want to evacuate all of them and if you know a thing or two about democracy you will know it makes it almost impossible.

Oh, so they should just sit there and Palestinians should just leave? Those communities of Jews are rather larger, more glorious homes than the ones you see for Palestinians. So they take up more land, more space, more resources, and are usually isolated communities. Also, they should be evacuated. Why doesn't the public want to evacuate them? The idiots made the houses their themselves, illegally, without deed or warrant. Israel itself should kick them out if anything.

The Arabs REJECTED the original partition plan, and now they have their tails in between their legs asking for the original plan

You act as if they made some terror move by rejecting it. They had 100% of a piece. A group of people walk into your piece and then they just randomly happen to get a part of it.
^ Why on earth would you accept that?

Again, if you want to see what a lack of human rights is, look at Africa, southern Asia or better - almost all the rest of the Arabian countries.

I don't have much time to answer all of that's gone on, I feel a little left behind.
But this is the most biased statement ever.
Mostly everything in this entire world that has moved towards progress has been, usually, due to an increase in money. With Money, people can look towards progress and not saving their own selves.

The people in Africa, Arabian countries, and especially Southern Asia, are pretty much, all poor. There isn't much of a Middle Class. Now, in Saudia Arabia, you could argue there is one -- but there's also a group of exceptionally wealthy people that control everyone by giving them welfare oil money for being citizens to lead their disfigured Islamic regime, but screw them. Aside from that, these areas are poor, agricultural, tribal, and mostly isolated. They see it as weird if someone was to come to them from Europe and talk about human rights.
You can't say 'Oh the Vietnamese are worse' -- They're communist, agricultural, and isolated from the entire world. They haven't had a progressive/liberal idea in ages.

Aside from that, Israel is a shining economy based on some of the best exporting agreements in the world -- No where in the Middle East does such an economy thrive, especially on such a small amount of land -- And THAT is where you find human rights violations? That's why it's easy to call out.
1,627 posts

Aside from that, these areas are poor, agricultural, tribal, and mostly isolated. They see it as weird if someone was to come to them from Europe and talk about human rights.

Yeah, but they still understand if they are being screwed...
1,482 posts

Yeah, but they still understand if they are being screwed...

So? You can't just tell a bunch of women they're being screwed and watch a revolution happen. Many men wouldn't go with it because its outside their cultural norms or what their religious beliefs are.
On the other hand, Israel is a modern, first world nation, with an exceptionally high GDP, connection to the entire world and it's media, and legislation that is not only derived from it's on Torah, but English common law and Civil law as well.

All i'm saying is -- It's not a fair comparison. America can't kill a bunch of Muslims and say 'Well.. The Serbs did it, Too! '
322 posts

your the one that brought it into this

No I never said anything racist or will. You just deeply hope to expose me as a racist that I am not. You however expressed racism quit often against Israel with you're demonization of my people. But ok if you want to keep flaming out then I'll just ignore whats past said.

Zakyman I think will tell you that I am in no way on the side of Hamas, you cans say what you want about what Arabs believe, what they do is very different, you cannot persecute people for their beliefs

It was my post, not Zakyman and I've looked a little back on the thread so I know you don't like Hamas either. But I don't get where the persecution part is replying to.

read the first post, don't try to insinuate that I am in any way racist towards Jews, at no point have I said anything of the sort, and that kind of desperate tactic (I.e playing the racism card because I disagree with Israel's actions) doesn't help your cause in any way, my response was simply highlighting the lack of preparation for minimising civilian casualties in Israeli operations

Ofc you are not racist against Jews, you are racist against Israelis. The way you claim how Israelis act like Demons makes me think nothing less of you then a racist who will hate me before I say even say a word.

once upon a time yes, however the cold war has ended in case you hadn't noticed

Common misstake. Syria, Iran and Lebanon are equipped with hightech Russian weapons. That's why Hizbullah was armed so nicely in the 2nd Lebanon war and that's why Russia is acting against Western intervention in Syria today when the government is massacring its people. In a way you can say the cold war never ended in the middle east.

sorry but I work on logic, and I don't consider some ancient holy books as any kind of reliable evidence, and if your descended for European Jews then no you aren't Semitic

Don't be silly. It was proven easily through genetic studies, source to prove:

Recently published research in the field of molecular genetics â"- the study of DNA sequences â"- indicates that Jewish populations of the various Diaspora communities have retained their genetic identity throughout the exile. Despite large geographic distances between the communities and the passage of thousands of years, far removed Jewish communities share a similar genetic profile. This research confirms the common ancestry and common geographical origin of world Jewry.

Jewish men from communities which developed in the Near East â"- Iran, Iraq, Kurdistan, Yemen -- and European Jews have very similar, almost identical genetic profiles.

the Arabs do want war, how does the SW help, all it does it trap people in one giant prison, no matter what the military benefits it is a violation of people human rights, it has no right to exist

There is a consept in human rights that I don't know its name in english but it means that human rights can colide and you would have to make a choice what to chose. If a group of criminals conspire to kill the mayor and the police want to listen to their conversation at home, it would be invading their right for privacy in order to save the right for security. In this case, the right of security is in risk due to the terror attacks threat and it can be saved by limiting the right of movement. Nothing is black and white.
And the West bank isn't "one big prison". If you look into the West bank economy, you will see its rocketing up as we speak.

again your trying to twist my words and it make s you look like an idiot, all I was doing was drawing parallels in the way the Nazis and Israelis use collective punishment

I did not twist you're words. I support the blockade on Gaza and I support the occupation today of the West bank. By all you just said you're calling me nothing less then a demon and a Nazi. If it was a misinterpretation then sorry in advance but that's how it seems right now.

again trying to twist my words, why do you keep doing that, that's not how we do it here in AG, we respond to each others argument with reasoning and logic, not slander and lies.

I don't know. You say the protections for the settlers should be put down because its not that bad when they die just because they shouldn't be there in the first place... Or at least that's how that post of you're s looked.

also just because Israel isn't the baddest of the bad, doesn't mean that they can do what they want, I don't care what's happening in other parts of the world, we are debating Israel,

You said:
"how do any of you justify the humanitarian atrocity, the disgusting monstrosity, the worst war crime since the holocaust, the segregation wall, any country that would commission such a work of horrific oppression clearly has no interest in freedom, in peace, in an end to war and racism, it clearly has no interest in openness or healing, if it wasn't for this barbaric act of violence against all freedom i could almost believe that Israel really wasn't a disgusting cesspool of racism arrogance repression oppression and barbaric violence"
Yes you compared Israel to the world. That shows you know nothing about much worst crimes done as we speak.

the wall is a violation of human rights, its not right to sacrifice their human rights, to imprison them, to humiliate them, to leave them trapped behind a wall unable to leave their homes for fear of being shot, who cares how many lives it saves, its not the right thing to do, if you start sacrificing human rights you lose your morality, your humanity, it doesn't matter how many lives it saves, it just isn't right

I addressed this earlier this post but about the humanity part:
You way overestimate what the limitations on the human rights are and underestimate the value of human lives saved. Without nothing to stop terrorism dousns of Israelis could die every day from bombings and shooting attacks.

what do you mean by that? please explain

I mean both Israelis and Arabs feel like they payed with so much blood in attempts to take it that it would seem unfair to many if not most of Israelis and Arabs to just give it to a 3rd side. Sharing it between the 2 sides is something else entirely.
1,482 posts

I addressed this earlier this post but about the humanity part:
You way overestimate what the limitations on the human rights are and underestimate the value of human lives saved. Without nothing to stop terrorism dousns of Israelis could die every day from bombings and shooting attacks.

Why do Jews have to be so isolationist? Why can't they just integrate these people into their society and go multicultural? That's the best way of fighting terrorism. Have you noticed Terrorism is prevalent in poor areas? North Pakistan, Southern Afghanistan, the Gaza Strip, Central Asia? [Let's exclude the whole Irish thing because it's domestic terrorism and it's not as explosive]
322 posts

sn't that a Jewish Holiday?
Not to mention, in this one, The USA helped Israel so much that the Arab countries launched an oil crisis.

Nope its a moarning day in Israel. We remember we won that war and therefore were still here but its a very sad day because of the high number of people who died to achieve it. That's why Arabs name it a success and celebrate it - the war that gave them their lost honor in the 6-day war and got a lot of Israelis killed.
For the USA, its part of the cold war. Arabs received just as much and perhaps even more aid from USSR. Israel didn't even have the upper technological edge.

I think you should know.
That out of everything in this world.
Starbucks chooses to give around 4-12 Million dollars to the Israeli army each year.
Top that off with all of America, all of Europe, and possibly Turkey -- and Egypt and Syria look like flies. Just saying.

Furthermore, MIddle Eastern debt is held more by the west than the east, MIddle Eastern economy is more heavily influenced by the West, etc. etc. etc. -- They can't piss off the west.

Didn't know about the starbucks but nice to know - probably some very strong republican people running the place. Still it would be better if the money went to starving people in Africa... But maybe starbucks made this deal with someone that forces them to do this, IDK.
For the flies thing, its wrong to inderestimate them when you compare them to Israel's strength. The 2nd Lebanon war proves that and now when Egypt is a new growing enemy theres an even larger danger because Egypt has hightech American weapons after long years of extremely heavy American investment. Unlike Israel, Egypt doesn't pay the debts back you know.
The west doesn't have so much power over the middle east. Russia and Turkey are fast growing economies and countries like China and India keep getting more and more power. But not that its much needed for the Arabs, aside from USA no major Western country supports Israel in the Israeli-Arab conflict. And now even USA is moving further away slowly, under Obama. Its noteworthy to mention that sense Obama, Israel has rapidly increased relations with Russia and China.

gtg anyway, was a long reply. I'll answer the rest some other time. sory.
879 posts

Have you noticed Terrorism is prevalent in poor areas? North Pakistan, Southern Afghanistan, the Gaza Strip, Central Asia? [Let's exclude the whole Irish thing because it's domestic terrorism and it's not as explosive]

Funny, I recently watched an interesting interview from CNN on Youtube. It's about a study which says:

Combating militant violence - particularly within South Asia and the Middle East - stands at the top of the international security agenda. Much of the policy literature focuses on poverty as a root cause of support for violent political groups and on economic development as a key to addressing the challenges of militancy and terrorism. Unfortunately, there is little evidence to support this contention, particularly in the case of Islamist militant organizations. To address this gap we conducted a 6000-person, nationally representative survey of Pakistanis that measures affect towards four important militant organizations. We apply a novel measurement strategy to mitigate item nonresponse, which plagued previous surveys due to the sensitive nature of militancy. Our study reveals three key patterns. First, Pakistanis exhibit negative affect toward all four militant organizations, with those from areas where groups have conducted the most attacks disliking them the most. Second, contrary to conventional expectations poor Pakistanis dislike militant groups more than middle-class citizens. Third, this dislike is strongest among poor urban residents, suggesting that the negative relationship stems from exposure to the externalities of terrorist attacks. Longstanding arguments tying support for violent political organizations to individualsâ economic prospects - and the subsequent policy recommendations - may require substantial revision.
1,482 posts

The study is asking what other people think about these areas.
Of course, if you are an urban poor, and terrorists are ruining your city -- chances are whatever money you were collecting before is gone, or people find it too dangerous to come outside -- your shop is screwed.
So of course, the urban poor do not like these militant organizations.

As for all Pakistanis exhibiting negative affect towards all of the organizations, that still makes sense. If you are a non-terrorist Pakistani, you're wondering why there are these morons ruining your country.
But this doesn't disprove the idea that the majority of terrorists come out of/do reside in areas of low socioeconomic potential.

Also, Many poor Pakistanis have a longstanding idealistic thought about how to give away inheritance to sons. Usually, if there's only enough bank to send one to school, the other is put off in the path of Islamic studies -- Who he studies from can be a big deal. If it is in a more isolated area, like a village, then chances are prevalent that his teacher isn't going to be the most pro-western guy, because all he knows about is American soldiers and their infidelity.

The study makes sense, but it is still fact that most terrorist organizations are based in poorer areas.

1,304 posts

[quote]I addressed this earlier this post but about the humanity part:
You way overestimate what the limitations on the human rights are and underestimate the value of human lives saved. Without nothing to stop terrorism dousns of Israelis could die every day from bombings and shooting attacks.

Why do Jews have to be so isolationist? Why can't they just integrate these people into their society and go multicultural? That's the best way of fighting terrorism. [/quote]

multiculturalism approximates to respect for ethnic diversity

Israel accepts all religions into their country, thus showing the fact that they are infact promoting multicultralism. In fact, 20.8% of Israel's population is are "Arabs" and 83% of those are Sunni and 8.3% are Druze.If they did not respect other religons, they would have knocked down the Mosque on the Temple Mound.

In fact;
Most of the Arabs living in East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, occupied by Israel since the Six-Day War of 1967, were offered Israeli citizenship, but refused... They became permanent residents. They are entitled to municipal services and have voting rights.


Some of the many reasons why Israel can't return to pre-1967 borders.

After the 6 day war in 1967 when Israel was attacked by 4 armies on 3 fronts, United Nations Security Council: Resolution 242 stated that Israel are entitled to new defensible borders to replace to replace the previous fragile line's from which it was attacked.

To Defend itself, Israel must retain control over the Jordan Valley
As it provides a natural defensive wall that spans 4200ft preventing infiltration from it's eastern borders from enemy armies.

The mountain range to the east of Israel's coastline, is 3000ft above sea level and if it were to fall out of Israel hands, Israel's only International Airport would be in the range of even primitive land to air rockets. This includes SHOULDER LAUNCHED ANTI-AIRCRAFT MISSILES. With the rising amount of Jihad near Israel's borders it would not be suprising if this were to happen.
132 posts

tenicaly irasel was bought form th jews after world war 2 ( when i say bought i mean "you give as this land our we will invade" thats what the allies said)

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