(1973). Oh well, at least a lot of Jews died so lets make this a national holiday.
Isn't that a Jewish Holiday?
Not to mention, in this one, The USA helped Israel so much that the Arab countries launched an oil crisis.
Arabs can still attack Israel, Egypt for example is heavily armed with modern weaponry and Syria still wants to make "Israel pay".
I think you should know.
That out of everything in this world.
Starbucks chooses to give around 4-12 Million dollars to the Israeli army each year.
Top that off with all of America, all of Europe, and possibly Turkey -- and Egypt and Syria look like flies. Just saying.
Furthermore, MIddle Eastern debt is held more by the west than the east, MIddle Eastern economy is more heavily influenced by the West, etc. etc. etc. -- They can't piss off the west.
The public in Israel doesn't want to evacuate all of them and if you know a thing or two about democracy you will know it makes it almost impossible.
Oh, so they should just sit there and Palestinians should just leave? Those communities of Jews are rather larger, more glorious homes than the ones you see for Palestinians. So they take up more land, more space, more resources, and are usually isolated communities. Also, they should be evacuated. Why doesn't the public want to evacuate them? The idiots made the houses their themselves, illegally, without deed or warrant. Israel itself should kick them out if anything.
The Arabs REJECTED the original partition plan, and now they have their tails in between their legs asking for the original plan
You act as if they made some terror move by rejecting it. They had 100% of a piece. A group of people walk into your piece and then they just randomly happen to get a part of it.
^ Why on earth would you accept that?
Again, if you want to see what a lack of human rights is, look at Africa, southern Asia or better - almost all the rest of the Arabian countries.
I don't have much time to answer all of that's gone on, I feel a little left behind.
But this is the most biased statement ever.
Mostly everything in this entire world that has moved towards progress has been, usually, due to an increase in money. With Money, people can look towards progress and not saving their own selves.
The people in Africa, Arabian countries, and especially Southern Asia, are pretty much, all poor. There isn't much of a Middle Class. Now, in Saudia Arabia, you could argue there is one -- but there's also a group of exceptionally wealthy people that control everyone by giving them welfare oil money for being citizens to lead their disfigured Islamic regime, but screw them. Aside from that, these areas are poor, agricultural, tribal, and mostly isolated. They see it as weird if someone was to come to them from Europe and talk about human rights.
You can't say 'Oh the Vietnamese are worse' -- They're communist, agricultural, and isolated from the entire world. They haven't had a progressive/liberal idea in ages.
Aside from that, Israel is a shining economy based on some of the best exporting agreements in the world -- No where in the Middle East does such an economy thrive, especially on such a small amount of land -- And THAT is where you find human rights violations? That's why it's easy to call out.