ForumsWEPRShould Israel Exist

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The question is simple. Should Israel exist. I know that this subject is very controversial so I am setting some "ground rules."
1. Because Israel is so tied into Judaism, NO ANTI-SEMETIC COMMENTS
2. Please back up your reasoning with facts
3. Respect other's opinions. I cannot tell you how many times I have been on CNN and seen people flinging mud at each other. BE RESPECTFUL!

I am looking forward to seeing the posts and logic behind the opinions.

For the record, I think it should exist.

  • 339 Replies
1,143 posts

and because of Israel, Palestine literally does not exist, and its common practice to not recognise a country, ist not that they just think oh well thats just not there, its more that they refute its right to exist

and i dont understand? do you think Israel should make peace, your views seem contradictory

also i dont see how you can brush off the SW so easily, how can you possibly defend any of the actions of a country that sues this kind of evil evil evil digusting tactic, he says your not demons from hell, this works to convince me otherwise...

322 posts

did you guys even read the post you just quoted! i am not such a complete moron i would compare the holocaust to opertaion cast lead, the segreagtion wall!

THE SEGREGATION WALL! do you know what that is!? ive brought it upo enough times and its been ignored, read my post again, i was talking about the bloomin segraegtion wall! adress the point! its been brought up enough!!

as you can tell this is starting to annoy me as your basically calling me a moron because of something i didnt say, a comparison i didnt make, THE SEGREGATION WALL!

as for the BBC please post a link or video, i watch their news every day and can say that in all matter apart form british politics they are completely impartial, as for your media i am talking about television news, post alink to a report on amain channel talking about an Israeli crime

You're trying to get us debating everything in the same time. That would be a mistake, it would make every post of ours too long for other people to want to read it and it would just be a wast of time. Not to mention exusting for us.
So before we move on I want to make sure, are we done with the tactics thing?
And please try to keep a little less emotional here, I can already see this going down to a flame war.
1,304 posts

I think it's a little unfair that a Mosque can't stand without a permit when 300,000 internationally illegal houses can.

The various agreements reached between Israel and the Palestinians since 1993 contain no prohibitions on the building or expansion of settlements. -Link

In March 1971 the Dutch newspaper Trouw published an interview with Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) executive committee member Zahir Muhsein. Here's what he said. "The Palestinian people do not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel and for our Arab unity. In reality, today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians, and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people.
1,143 posts

wow well if you were aiming to post something ignorant and racist then you have succeeded

anyways i think we are done on the tactics thing, agree to disagree, now the only reason i was so emotional is because ive brought it up so many times and been ignored and its starting to become tiresome especially when you people try to make it seem like im saying things im not

and dont try to regulate the thread its been working fine for 20 pages before you got here, just let the argument run as it will

1,627 posts

wow well if you were aiming to post something ignorant and racist then you have succeeded

Let's not get personal...

and i dont understand? do you think Israel should make peace, your views seem contradictory

Yes, I do think Israel should make peace. However, as long as the PA and Hamas don't recognize the country, and the latter keep calling for its destruction, then there is no tangible reason for Israel to make peace. The only thing that would be accomplished is a piece of paper signed, and then more rockets launched, with Israel then being able to actually declare war on the new Palestinian country.
1,143 posts

wow well if you were aiming to post something ignorant and racist then you have succeeded

Let's not get personal..

well if were gonna get racist i dont really care

Yes, I do think Israel should make peace. However, as long as the PA and Hamas don't recognize the country, and the latter keep calling for its destruction, then there is no tangible reason for Israel to make peace. The only thing that would be accomplished is a piece of paper signed, and then more rockets launched, with Israel then being able to actually declare war on the new Palestinian country.

finally something we agree on

however you are still yet to post about the segregation wall
322 posts

It wasn't ignored, I responded to it in my two last posts.
And I've seen this kind of threads before. When you debate everything in the same time it will be a mess. If that's what you want then its fine with me but I'll respond to certain parts at a time, I just don't have the time to spend 20min writing a post each time.
For the tactics issue I didn't expect anything less as a response but what I'm hoping to achieve is to let you see how our side sees the issue so if you think we are mistaken and brainwashed then fine but know we are human beings and not demons from hell. Were not lying to you here, were telling you our side and this is how we see it.

Unless you want otherwise, I'll go ahead and respond to the wall and occupation thing:
The wall is not built to make a punishment for the Palestinians in the West bank or anything like it. Its a mistake to think so. Its meant to prevent terror attacks and smuggling of weapons. In fact, it succeeded in stopping countless terror attempts and saved a lot of lives. Its built around main settlements and it protects the settlers as well as give Israel more legitimacy to that part of the West bank. That covers around 10-15% of the West bank, as seen in the link I brought.
On the Palestinian side its a disaster because it gives Israel more legitimacy to part of the West bank and East Jerusalem, something they want to keep. Also, it lengthens the distance needed to pass between certain areas and therefore hurts the economy. But if you look at the picture, you will see the economy part is minor because its only troubling the Western most part of the West bank. And the West bank economy is rocketing up in the recent years (mostly by Western donations).

Why does Israel want part of the West bank?
1. Historic right. Weather you think it's right or wrong, its a fact that both people feel a historic bound to the place and nothing can change that no matter how hard you try. Its just something that needs to be excepted.
2. Israel won it in a war. Like almost every war, the winner takes land as a prize. In this case, the 1967 6-day war, the war was even started by the Arabs in an a attempt to destroy Israel and &quotush the Jews back into the sea".
You can find the same when: USA bit Mexico in a War and had taken half their country, the Entente taking about half of Germany when they won WW1, China taking 100% of Tibet when they bit them in a war, etc. Wherever you are from I'm sure I can give you an example for you're country too. You can say this is bad but that's reality - winners take prizes and there's no reason for this case to be the exception.
In fact, you can say it has a good effect because it makes Arabs think twice before declaring a war on Israel. Because they DO have something to lose from it. And I remind you that human lives isn't a calculation for them when thinking about starting a war, at least not back then it wasn't.
3. Israel NEEDS the land for its defensive ability. Before 1967, the boarder between countries hostile to Israel and its main cities was about 10km. Anyone who knows a thing or two about war will know that's extremely problematic. Not to mention the West bank has the high ground advantage. With the current boarders, Israel has the Jordan vally on the eastern boarder and that allows Israel to survive any attack that could come from there.
How did Israel win the 6-day war anyway? A lot of reasons that had to do a lot about luck and even more about mistakes done by the Arab side and the fact that just before the Arabs struck, Israel struck first.
4. Its extremely difficult for Israel to evacuate 300,000 settlers from the West bank and some more from East Jerusalem. Both because of the people themselves, the democratic people's opinion and the religious places over there that while they where in Arab hands, no Jews could ever go visit. Even our most important religious places. Only under Israeli rule where the places in Jerusalem open to all the religions.

1,627 posts

Only under Israeli rule where the places in Jerusalem open to all the religions.

You bring up a good point Goblin. And speaking of Jerusalem, what's going to happen to the peace talks after they actually sit down and someone mentions Jerusalem?

Okay, I'm adding something to the debate. Who do you think should have control over Jerusalem, considering that Israel is pretty much there to stay.

PS I say Israel considering that it is the holiest site for Jews, and only the 3rd holiest place for Muslims.
322 posts

Jerusalem was part of the negotiations but it was usually something so hard to negotiate that it was put aside for later. Wikileaks shows negotiations about Jerusalem where still held through.
The main question is should the Palestinians gain East Jerusalem or not. Currently, East Jerusalem was annexed into Israel so for now it's part of Israel and Israeli governments say its going to stay this way bu you never know.
For the religions part, Jerusalem isn't even the 3rd holiest place. Its 3rd holiest only by Sunnis but by Shia Muslims it's almost nothing. Its noteworthy to mention Jerusalem was never mentioned in the Koran and I think this video shows exactly what I mean:

The association with Islam and Jerusalem is based on an interpretation that its the place were Muhammad left the earth.

1,143 posts

I just had to go and take a shower to calm myself down after reading that, you keep telling me your not a demon, but then you come out with one of the most arrogant, racist posts I have ever had the displeasure of reading.

For the tactics issue I didn't expect anything less as a response but what I'm hoping to achieve is to let you see how our side sees the issue so if you think we are mistaken and brainwashed then fine but know we are human beings and not demons from hell. Were not lying to you here, were telling you our side and this is how we see it.

i can see your side fully, you were given the land and have lived there peacefully, then you were attacked by Arabs who wanted to destroy you because of your religion, then the world turns round and accuses you of war crimes, but why don't you try to see it from a Palestinian point of view:

You were living in an area that has been part of various empires for years, a war rages across the globe that you have nothing to do with, all the while more and more European Jews flood into your country, the war ends and you are promised by Britain that you will have your own country, before you know it however half your country has been given to the Europeans, other Arab countries attack on your behalf but are defeated, your land now begins to be constantly encroached on, with numerous military operations attacking people you have nothing to do with but somehow managing to destroy your house and kill your family members, however you have no right to be angry apparently!?!

1. Historic right. Weather you think it's right or wrong, its a fact that both people feel a historic bound to the place and nothing can change that no matter how hard you try. Its just something that needs to be excepted.

HOW DARE YOU! that is arrogance at its height, its been proven nearly all European Jews are not Semitic, your 2 bit holy book has no sway in this its a book that the Arabs have no belief in at all, your religion has no proof or historic evidence to say you are from that part of the world, you have no reliable evidence! you have no right or reason to that area of the world! that is what you need to accept!

2. Israel won it in a war. Like almost every war, the winner takes land as a prize. In this case, the 1967 6-day war, the war was even started by the Arabs in an a attempt to destroy Israel and &quotush the Jews back into the sea".
You can find the same when: USA bit Mexico in a War and had taken half their country, the Entente taking about half of Germany when they won WW1, China taking 100% of Tibet when they bit them in a war, etc. Wherever you are from I'm sure I can give you an example for you're country too. You can say this is bad but that's reality - winners take prizes and there's no reason for this case to be the exception.
In fact, you can say it has a good effect because it makes Arabs think twice before declaring a war on Israel. Because they DO have something to lose from it. And I remind you that human lives isn't a calculation for them when thinking about starting a war, at least not back then it wasn't

you talk like were in the middle ages! just because someone a few decades ago declared war on you for arguably justified reasons gives you no right to hold on to land that isnt yours, thats not how the modern world does business, you say you arent demons from hell yet you come out with drivel like this, a lost war is no exscuse to punish a nation of children that didnt participate in the war, to punish people for something they may have supported but had nothing to do with

Nazi voters werent tried with war crimes, the Nazis were

3. Israel NEEDS the land for its defensive ability. Before 1967, the boarder between countries hostile to Israel and its main cities was about 10km. Anyone who knows a thing or two about war will know that's extremely problematic. Not to mention the West bank has the high ground advantage. With the current boarders, Israel has the Jordan vally on the eastern boarder and that allows Israel to survive any attack that could come from there.

Israel has the might of America behind it, it has funds and goods from America, and it has Americas political power, the Arab nations are no longer in a position to attack Israel

4. Its extremely difficult for Israel to evacuate 300,000 settlers from the West bank and some more from East Jerusalem. Both because of the people themselves, the democratic people's opinion and the religious places over there that while they where in Arab hands, no Jews could ever go visit. Even our most important religious places. Only under Israeli rule where the places in Jerusalem open to all the religions.

well it was pretty difficult to get them in there in the first place, who cares if they're to stay, if someone moves into your house and you come back and say this is mine, and they say well we've moved the furniture in now you don't just oh well OK then

and has it ever occurred to you that its quite hard for an entire nation to live in a tiny area that is alos filled with 300,00 people who don't belong there

The wall is not built to make a punishment for the Palestinians in the West bank or anything like it. Its a mistake to think so. Its meant to prevent terror attacks and smuggling of weapons. In fact, it succeeded in stopping countless terror attempts and saved a lot of lives. Its built around main settlements and it protects the settlers as well as give Israel more legitimacy to that part of the West bank. That covers around 10-15% of the West bank, as seen in the link I brought.
On the Palestinian side its a disaster because it gives Israel more legitimacy to part of the West bank and East Jerusalem, something they want to keep. Also, it lengthens the distance needed to pass between certain areas and therefore hurts the economy. But if you look at the picture, you will see the economy part is minor because its only troubling the Western most part of the West bank. And the West bank economy is rocketing up in the recent years (mostly by Western donations).

i dont care whatever the hell the reasoning is, its a violation of their basic human rights, people have to suffer behind a massive ugly wall that is protecting people who have no right to be there, you have no defense for that evil piece of repressive architecture

Okay, I'm adding something to the debate. Who do you think should have control over Jerusalem, considering that Israel is pretty much there to stay.

PS I say Israel considering that it is the holiest site for Jews, and only the 3rd holiest place for Muslims.

it should fall under the control of the UN as an international city, as per the origional plans fro the region, it seems the only option that is fair
1,627 posts

your religion has no proof or historic evidence to say you are from that part of the world

Actually, grave sights have been proven to be those of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in Me'arat ha-Machpela (Cave of the Patriarchs).

Israel has the might of America behind it, it has funds and goods from America, and it has Americas political power

Yes that is true, for the pre-Obama administrations. Obama has since revoked all promises Bush made to Israel, including those that said that America wouldn't support any agreement based on the pre 1967 borders.

just because someone a few decades ago declared war on you for arguably justified reasons gives you no right to hold on to land that isnt yours

Actually, the reasons that Israel declared war was because of the internationally illegal closing of the Suez Canal to Israeli shipping, and the Egyptian removal of UN Peacekeepers from the area. Israel then launched an attack on the bordering nations, and gained almost 200% more land then they originally had. They have then given up most of the land won, including the Sinai Peninsula, and now the only things Israel has left of the 6 Day War are the Golan Heights, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem.
1,143 posts

why would Israel want to hold on to these areas it just causes more conflict, and by your logic the Arab world should really now be attacking Israel as the SW is a violation of international law

Actually, grave sights have been proven to be those of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in Me'arat ha-Machpela (Cave of the Patriarchs).

wonderful, however that provides no prooof that jews around today have any claim to that area of the world
322 posts

I just had to go and take a shower to calm myself down after reading that, you keep telling me your not a demon, but then you come out with one of the most arrogant, racist posts I have ever had the displeasure of reading.

Lets keep racism out of this. Was it a flame war you wanted all along?

i can see your side fully, you were given the land and have lived there peacefully, then you were attacked by Arabs who wanted to destroy you because of your religion, then the world turns round and accuses you of war crimes, but why don't you try to see it from a Palestinian point of view:

You were living in an area that has been part of various empires for years, a war rages across the globe that you have nothing to do with, all the while more and more European Jews flood into your country, the war ends and you are promised by Britain that you will have your own country, before you know it however half your country has been given to the Europeans, other Arab countries attack on your behalf but are defeated, your land now begins to be constantly encroached on, with numerous military operations attacking people you have nothing to do with but somehow managing to destroy your house and kill your family members, however you have no right to be angry apparently!?!

Not exactly. The way I see it Arab governments needed a way to unit the Arabs that where already extremely hostile to each other so they started uniting against a common enemy. That decision was followed by massive racist propaganda that had grown hatred in many Arab minds regarding Jews and Israel in praticular. And no I don't think you understand this from our view by the way you answered my hospital question. That sort of answer was baseless and can only be true if assumed Jews are evil to the core.

As for the Palestinian point of view, you got part of it right:
Arabs gained this land by war in the middle ages and conquered the Jewish parts of by force and built a masque on top of the temple mount. From then on this land was ours and the Jews could go somewhere else. WW2 was a war that had nothing to do with us, yes Jews really really need a new place to go and they want to defend themselves with their own country. I don't care. The UN wants to give them about 10% of Palestine that include only the bad agricultural parts and we get to keep Jerusalem even if it has a Jewish majority - sounds like a bad plan so we will attack the Jews tomorrow. We need this land because the British gave about 70% of our land to a loyal Bedouin tribe and named it Jordan. We can't fight Jordan but we Can fight the Jews. **** we lost, better call out friends from nearby Arab countries. **** they lost too and this Jordan is now occupying whatever we had left along with Egypt. We can't fight our Arab brothers so we will fight the Jews using terrorism and soviet weapons. **** Arab countries lost again (1967) now Jews occupy us and want part of our land. They say they want to give us a county with only the 1967 boarders, no we want all of it so we will wait. **** we lost again! (1973). Oh well, at least a lot of Jews died so lets make this a national holiday. Now the Jews want to keep an even larger part of the West bank! We should have taken that previous offer, damen. Lets try to get it anyway using the UN.

HOW DARE YOU! that is arrogance at its height, its been proven nearly all European Jews are not Semitic, your 2 bit holy book has no sway in this its a book that the Arabs have no belief in at all, your religion has no proof or historic evidence to say you are from that part of the world, you have no reliable evidence! you have no right or reason to that area of the world! that is what you need to accept!

I dare. I take this as a personal insult btw, guess who I am. If you think I'm not Semitic prove it. There are also historic evidence I'm from here and without going stupid and googling it you can open a bible. And again all this emotion... And btw, even the Koran says this land was given to the Jews by god. Again, you can google it.

you talk like were in the middle ages! just because someone a few decades ago declared war on you for arguably justified reasons gives you no right to hold on to land that isnt yours, thats not how the modern world does business, you say you arent demons from hell yet you come out with drivel like this, a lost war is no exscuse to punish a nation of children that didnt participate in the war, to punish people for something they may have supported but had nothing to do with

Almost every example I showed you was from modern history. For more examples from more modern history you can look at the Balkan wars. And you ignored what I said about keeping Arabs from making wars. The only way you can justify that is if you think Arabs don't want war but it seems you don't believe that either. I'm confused.

Did you just call me a Nazi? Are you really a moderator here?

Israel has the might of America behind it, it has funds and goods from America, and it has Americas political power, the Arab nations are no longer in a position to attack Israel

Arabs can still attack Israel, Egypt for example is heavily armed with modern weaponry and Syria still wants to make "Israel pay". Again not to mention Hamas, Hezbollah and other possible rebel takeovers in Jordan and Iraq. Israel has USA backing? Arabs have Russian backing. That's how it always went.
But Arabs don't even need a real war for this to work, all they have to do is have a few Hamas men go up the West bank mountains and easily fire at the most populated part of Israel, forcing Israel to invade the West bank again. Just like happened in Gaza.

well it was pretty difficult to get them in there in the first place, who cares if they're to stay, if someone moves into your house and you come back and say this is mine, and they say well we've moved the furniture in now you don't just oh well OK then

and has it ever occurred to you that its quite hard for an entire nation to live in a tiny area that is alos filled with 300,00 people who don't belong there

Its difficult both politically and economically. Point 4 was about practical reasons the 1967 boarders can happen, not moral reasons. The public in Israel doesn't want to evacuate all of them and if you know a thing or two about democracy you will know it makes it almost impossible.

i dont care whatever the hell the reasoning is, its a violation of their basic human rights, people have to suffer behind a massive ugly wall that is protecting people who have no right to be there, you have no defense for that evil piece of repressive architecture

Not much basic human rights lost compared the amount of lives saved. If you think all the settlers need to die then I'm taking the wrong approch with you. Again, if you want to see what a lack of human rights is, look at Africa, southern Asia or better - almost all the rest of the Arabian countries. What Israel does is a piece of cake compared to what those guys are/where through. As shown in the recent events.

it should fall under the control of the UN as an international city, as per the origional plans fro the region, it seems the only option that is fair

Too late for that, too many non christian blood was spilled there recently for that to happen. Although I do agree that could have been a good idea would it be practical.
1,627 posts

it should fall under the control of the UN as an international city, as per the origional plans fro the region, it seems the only option that is fair

Wow, so all of a sudden you are willing to accept the original plans from the 1947 charter? That will never happen, because Israel has no reason for it to happen. The Arabs REJECTED the original partition plan, and now they have their tails in between their legs asking for the original plan. Well, that's what happens when you get your butt kicked. If they didn't want it before, than they might as well just take what they can get. Also, calling Goblin racist is a bit overkill don't you think? I mean, there was no mention of race inside the post you were referencing.
1,143 posts

Lets keep racism out of this. Was it a flame war you wanted all along?

your the one that brought it into this

Not exactly. The way I see it Arab governments needed a way to unit the Arabs that where already extremely hostile to each other so they started uniting against a common enemy. That decision was followed by massive racist propaganda that had grown hatred in many Arab minds regarding Jews and Israel in particular. And no I don't think you understand this from our view by the way you answered my hospital question. That sort of answer was baseless and can only be true if assumed Jews are evil to the core.

Zakyman I think will tell you that I am in no way on the side of Hamas, you cans say what you want about what Arabs believe, what they do is very different, you cannot persecute people for their beliefs

read the first post, don't try to insinuate that I am in any way racist towards Jews, at no point have I said anything of the sort, and that kind of desperate tactic (I.e playing the racism card because I disagree with Israel's actions) doesn't help your cause in any way, my response was simply highlighting the lack of preparation for minimising civilian casualties in Israeli operations

Arabs have Russian backing

once upon a time yes, however the cold war has ended in case you hadn't noticed

I dare. I take this as a personal insult btw, guess who I am. If you think I'm not Semitic prove it. There are also historic evidence I'm from here and without going stupid and googling it you can open a bible. And again all this emotion... And btw, even the Koran says this land was given to the Jews by god. Again, you can google it.

sorry but I work on logic, and I don't consider some ancient holy books as any kind of reliable evidence, and if your descended for European Jews then no you aren't Semitic

Almost every example I showed you was from modern history. For more examples from more modern history you can look at the Balkan wars. And you ignored what I said about keeping Arabs from making wars. The only way you can justify that is if you think Arabs don't want war but it seems you don't believe that either. I'm confused.

the Arabs do want war, how does the SW help, all it does it trap people in one giant prison, no matter what the military benefits it is a violation of people human rights, it has no right to exist

Did you just call me a Nazi?

again your trying to twist my words and it make s you look like an idiot, all I was doing was drawing parallels in the way the Nazis and Israelis use collective punishment

Are you really a moderator here?

no, I never said I was? where did you get that from?

Its difficult both politically and economically. Point 4 was about practical reasons the 1967 boarders can happen, not moral reasons. The public in Israel doesn't want to evacuate all of them and if you know a thing or two about democracy you will know it makes it almost impossible.

who the hell cares what the Israeli public want, who cares if its hard, they need to leave its not there land, they are attacking what little the Palestinians have left

Not much basic human rights lost compared the amount of lives saved. If you think all the settlers need to die then I'm taking the wrong approach with you. Again, if you want to see what a lack of human rights is, look at Africa, southern Asia or better - almost all the rest of the Arabian countries. What Israel does is a piece of cake compared to what those guys are/where through. As shown in the recent events.

again trying to twist my words, why do you keep doing that, that's not how we do it here in AG, we respond to each others argument with reasoning and logic, not slander and lies.

also just because Israel isn't the baddest of the bad, doesn't mean that they can do what they want, I don't care what's happening in other parts of the world, we are debating Israel,

the wall is a violation of human rights, its not right to sacrifice their human rights, to imprison them, to humiliate them, to leave them trapped behind a wall unable to leave their homes for fear of being shot, who cares how many lives it saves, its not the right thing to do, if you start sacrificing human rights you lose your morality, your humanity, it doesn't matter how many lives it saves, it just isn't right

Too late for that, too many non christian blood was spilled there recently for that to happen. Although I do agree that could have been a good idea would it be practical.

what do you mean by that? please explain
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