ForumsWEPRShould Israel Exist

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The question is simple. Should Israel exist. I know that this subject is very controversial so I am setting some "ground rules."
1. Because Israel is so tied into Judaism, NO ANTI-SEMETIC COMMENTS
2. Please back up your reasoning with facts
3. Respect other's opinions. I cannot tell you how many times I have been on CNN and seen people flinging mud at each other. BE RESPECTFUL!

I am looking forward to seeing the posts and logic behind the opinions.

For the record, I think it should exist.

  • 339 Replies
1,627 posts

tenicaly irasel was bought form th jews after world war 2 ( when i say bought i mean "you give as this land our we will invade" thats what the allies said)

ummmmm... no it wasn't. The land was a British Mandate, which was then originally split up into two states, one Palestinian, and one Jewish. The rest, as they say, is history.

Please do research before posting again on this thread.
322 posts

Oh, so they should just sit there and Palestinians should just leave? Those communities of Jews are rather larger, more glorious homes than the ones you see for Palestinians. So they take up more land, more space, more resources, and are usually isolated communities. Also, they should be evacuated. Why doesn't the public want to evacuate them? The idiots made the houses their themselves, illegally, without deed or warrant. Israel itself should kick them out if anything.

You are underestimating the West bank Palestinian economy but that's another story. Today there are areas only for settlers and areas only for Palestinians in the west bank, someone who just wants to build a larger home and therefore wanting larger land doesn't work that way. Settlers fight a lot for every small area they get and after they get it they try to make the most of it, often building high story apartment buildings.
As for Israeli law, most of them buy their land legally and can only do so when the government allows them.
For example: A few months ago there was a big terror attack in Israel where 2 Arab terrorists killed an entire family by knife as they slept, even the baby and small children. As a response the Israeli government allowed 300 new settler homes to be built.
Often some settlers don't want for permission and just build homes anyway. In most cases the government comes in and forces them out. From time to time they even clash. Although there are times the government stays away from them then it usually reaches the media. Those kind of settler homes are not much then fast made huts and there aren't much settlers of the sort so I think its stupid the government lets them go sometimes. I guess its because they are criminal like people and for some people in the government its a lot easier to not take care of their problem and just let them be.

You act as if they made some terror move by rejecting it. They had 100% of a piece. A group of people walk into your piece and then they just randomly happen to get a part of it.
^ Why on earth would you accept that?

Well its mostly about caring about someone other then you're self. Israel today agrees to give Palestinians a state with Israeli land, why couldn't Arabs feel the same in the 40's? Today about 70% of the Israelis agree there needs to be a palestinian state. Not to mention the fact that what the UN wanted to give Israel was about 10% of the Palestine mandate that did not include the good agricultural places and Arabs where to gain control of Jerusalem (by having all the land surrounding it).
Too bad the British gave the 70% of the Palestine mandate to some loyal Bedouin tribe and called it Jordan even when it had an overwhelming palestinian majority (and still does).
And btw, when the UN agreed to give land to Israel Jews made the majority in many places of the Palestinian mandate, including Jerusalem. Jerusalem had a Jewish majority going way back.

I don't have much time to answer all of that's gone on, I feel a little left behind.
But this is the most biased statement ever.
Mostly everything in this entire world that has moved towards progress has been, usually, due to an increase in money. With Money, people can look towards progress and not saving their own selves.
That's not biased at all. I hate the fact the West is so obsessed with Israel when there are genocide and many other crimes and extreme poverty happening elsewhere. With all the money spend on the Israeli-Arab conflict do you know how many lives could have been saved instead if it was spend where it should be places like Africa? In fact, most western people don't even know about those stuff and examples can be seen on this forum. And I promise you, the genocide going in Darfur will not solve itself with time without outside help and neither will other problems such as Kurdistan and tribal wars in Africa.

They see it as weird if someone was to come to them from Europe and talk about human rights.

Did you hear about what happened in Egypt and Tunisia? Libya? Its exactly what they want, just listen to the news. Now also in Syria, Yemen, Jordan, Morocco, Iran and others.

Aside from that, Israel is a shining economy based on some of the best exporting agreements in the world -- No where in the Middle East does such an economy thrive, especially on such a small amount of land -- And THAT is where you find human rights violations? That's why it's easy to call out.

I don't understand what you're trying to say. But the Israeli economy is based on solid economical steps done in Israel such as having a pension age of about 70 - much higher then any place in Europe or any other place in the world. Its also based on constant warfare that forces people to work harder in fear the country will be destroyed. Whatever is the "best export" thing you mention it sound like you're trying to deny we win our economy by hard work. If its something else then give a link to prove it.
322 posts

Arg messed up a quote in my last post, hope it still understandable.

1,143 posts

your on your own for a while Armed_Blade as idiots like muncher, huge amounts of religion threads and this moron calling me a racist have pissed me off no end, so im taking a break from it all for a while

call me a racist again and i will report you to the mods as it is technically spam as it has no evidence and is just an insult designed to bait me

322 posts

I'm calling you a racist because you hate Israelis and have said that many times. There are people that say Israelis are brainwashed, some people who say Israel has an evil government but instead, you say Israelis are demons and evil to the core. That's racism pall. And its funny you got so fired u by my post that you accused me of racism when I never said anything racist about Arabs or anyone else. Hell, I even mentioned that I don't think all the Arabs support Hamas's evil ways.

1,143 posts

please quote me any place where I have ever ever said that I think Israelis are evil or that they are demons, I haven't said either of those things, I don't know where your getting this from, are you literally just making it up?

I haven't said a single time that I think Israelis are evil or that they are demons! where are you getting this from, because you are yet to provide on single quote that say I'm a racist, you've clearly interpreted something wrong (I don't know what) because at no point have I exclaimed any desire to kill Israelis, never have I expressed any hatred of the Israeli people, (in fact look back at one of my very very first posts in this thread where I expressly said that I hate the government of Israel not the people)

if i have said something you have misinterpreted (i dont know how you could have) then i apologise, but in the depths of my soul i am no racist and for you to accuse me of a heinous crime hurst me deeply, surely if i have said something you think is racist that you can realise that it was not intentionally racist by my complete denial of any racist comments or intentions

unless of course you are trying to bait me or looking for a reason to discount what i say

322 posts

israel is harmful for world
we have a world and we cant go anywhere.


322 posts

also i dont see how you can brush off the SW so easily, how can you possibly defend any of the actions of a country that sues this kind of evil evil evil digusting tactic, he says your not demons from hell, this works to convince me otherwise

now as for your hospital situation I guess most Israelis would take secret option umber four and air strike the entire area regardless of the civilian casualties

if it wasn't for this barbaric act of violence against all freedom i could almost believe that Israel really wasn't a disgusting cesspool of racism arrogance repression oppression and barbaric violence

If I would switch every time you say Israeli with Jew Id get classic material from the 1930s.

And just flaming:

I just had to go and take a shower to calm myself down after reading that, you keep telling me your not a demon, but then you come out with one of the most arrogant, racist posts I have ever had the displeasure of reading.

Whenever you hear something you don't like to hear you answer with flaming and hatred. Say you where right about everything, flaming everyone who thinks otherwise is a better option then a civil debate?
Learn to except other people's opinions.
322 posts

Israel is harmful for world
we have a world and we cant go anywhere.

Who is we?

How is anyone supposed to answer this? Saying Arabs are harmful to the world? If you want a flame war go somewhere else.
1,482 posts

Nope its a moarning day in Israel

I'm pretty sure that 1973 war is referred to as the Yom Kippur War -- which is a Jewish holiday. They fast for 25 hours and stuff?!

-- Interesting to note: Israel knew about the attack beforehand, but chose not to make a preemptive attack to get as much foreign support as possible to not look like the bad guy (This is not to call Israel out, but to show that they do have friends elsewhere)

Israel accepts all religions into their country, thus showing the fact that they are infact promoting multicultralism. In fact, 20.8% of Israel's population is are "Arabs" and 83% of those are Sunni and 8.3% are Druze.If they did not respect other religons, they would have knocked down the Mosque on the Temple Mound.

The Mosque itself was made after the Umayyad's victory over the Byzantine Empire, and the Al-Aqsa Mosque is a long standing symbol of Jerusalem. I'm not too sure whether they would have knocked it down, but I'm sure they wouldn't have done it back in the day seeing as they were still being watched by the British, and something that catastrophic would have pissed off not only the nations that attacked them, but those from even further regional landscapes which would be a lot to handle.

Also, look at past numbers of how many Muslims there were. Palestinians are clearly being moved out.

Most of the Arabs living in East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, occupied by Israel since the Six-Day War of 1967, were offered Israeli citizenship, but refused... They became permanent residents. They are entitled to municipal services and have voting rights.

But not the West Bank and Gaza.
Also, look at Syrian History, it's kinda rough. I'm sure the Arabs didn't like the idea of losing a war and then just picking up pity points by taking Jewish citizenship [no offense]

I'll answer the rest later, gotta eat.
1,627 posts

I'm pretty sure that 1973 war is referred to as the Yom Kippur War -- which is a Jewish holiday. They fast for 25 hours and stuff?!

Yom Kippur is the Jewish Day of Atonement, not Yom HaZikaron, or the Day of Remembrance, which is an Israeli holiday akin to our Memorial Day.
322 posts

Ah I thought you meant about the war. Yom Kipur is a day we fast but after the war it was also sort of an unofficial memorial day for soldiers who died in that war.

322 posts

The Mosque itself was made after the Umayyad's victory over the Byzantine Empire, and the Al-Aqsa Mosque is a long standing symbol of Jerusalem. I'm not too sure whether they would have knocked it down, but I'm sure they wouldn't have done it back in the day seeing as they were still being watched by the British, and something that catastrophic would have pissed off not only the nations that attacked them, but those from even further regional landscapes which would be a lot to handle.

Also, look at past numbers of how many Muslims there were. Palestinians are clearly being moved out.

Not sure much could happen in that view. I mean all the Arab league was already sending in soldiers to help Israel's Arab neighbores. For other non Arab Muslim countries that Masque isn't that important anyway because they are almost all Shias and Shias don't really care about Jerusalem.
Actually I'm not sure if Turkey is Shia or not but if its built after defeating the Byzantine empire then I'm sure Turks don't like it that much either.
The British where leaving anyway I don't think they could have done much but it could have been a pain for Israels politics in the West. But even that didn't seem that important at the time because everyone was sure Israel is going to be on the Soviet side in the Cold War.

For Palestinian numbers, they only keep on growing. It would be silly to think their slowly dissapearing from here. I mean, until very recently that had something like a 6-7 births per woman...
1,143 posts

For Palestinian numbers, they only keep on growing. It would be silly to think their slowly dissapearing from here. I mean, until very recently that had something like a 6-7 births per woman...

mnay are emigrating however due to lack of land, what with the 300,000 settlers on their land, and dont say that its fine because there are other arab nations, just because they are of the same ethnicity doesnt mean that each arab nation doesnt have its own national identity
1,627 posts

mnay are emigrating however due to lack of land

Yes, but for all of those who are emigrating, the Palestinians still have the largest population growth in the world.

PS. Glad you're back buddy.
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