ForumsWEPRShould Israel Exist

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The question is simple. Should Israel exist. I know that this subject is very controversial so I am setting some "ground rules."
1. Because Israel is so tied into Judaism, NO ANTI-SEMETIC COMMENTS
2. Please back up your reasoning with facts
3. Respect other's opinions. I cannot tell you how many times I have been on CNN and seen people flinging mud at each other. BE RESPECTFUL!

I am looking forward to seeing the posts and logic behind the opinions.

For the record, I think it should exist.

  • 339 Replies
1,143 posts

ok, i would like to firstly clear up any confusion, especially with master, as to what exactly my opinion on this is:

i belivev much like imogwai that britain and the un were wrong (just because people thought it was right didnt mean it was) to create israel in such an appalingly unfair way, i also believe that israel now has the right to exist as it has been for many years, it does however need to stop stealing more land from the palestinians, it neeeds to tear down the segregation wall stop blocking food supplies to palestine, it aslo needs to give back much of the land it has taken in the last few decades

now to clear a few things up, just because irael is supposedly not targeting civillians (debatable) does not mena it is ok to mow them down in the cross fire

the same principle applies to the segregation wall, and the balockade of aid, although this constricts the ability of hamas to attack and kill israeli civillians, it is alos causing horrific suffering, and major breaches of thier human rights

and agin yes israel is a flourishing young county making major advances in science and medicine, but nazi germany was aswell, there were on of the most advanced scientific nations on earth,because israel is doing this doesnt give them any sort of right to opress civillians in the name of attacking hamas, that is a moot point

1,627 posts

I can't help but wonder what will happen to the Israelis if the Arab countries unite against them

That has happened once, right after Israel was created. Israel whooped butt and they have only gotten stronger.
1,143 posts

hhhmmm , to say israel 'whooped butt' so not reallt correct, they lost alot of men, and at sevra points during the campaighn it looked as if they would lose, jst because they won doesnt mean they'whooped but'

and to say that would happen again is debatable, they didnt have hamas terrorising there civillians, if there military was on a campaigh mamsa would be left relitively unchecked and causew alot more hassle, and also many others of these countries have gotten stronger as well, so the only way we could ever know if israel would 'whoop butt' is if this actually happened which i hope to gods it does not, although it doesnt look likely as most of these countries have their own problems to deal with at the moment

1,143 posts

oh and it wasnt right after they were formed, it was in 1967 (at leats i think you are refferrring to the six day war) in which israel was the agressor taking golden heights from syria, jerusalem from jordan and the gaza strip and the sinai pennisula from egypt and then the UAR

this also adresses people argument earlier on that israel has made concession in giving away the sinai pennisula, which is a moot point as they took it from egypt in the first place

341 posts

hhhmmm , to say israel 'whooped butt' so not reallt correct, they lost alot of men, and at sevra points during the campaighn it looked as if they would lose, jst because they won doesnt mean they'whooped but'

That's like putting Manny Pacquiao against Muhammad Ali and seeing Pacquiao win. Israel is about the size of a pinky nail on the map, so there victory was in fact major. The ISF has the number 1 spot for special forces, above the SAS and the Seals. They have to have a good military to stay afloat against all the threats it faces.
1,627 posts

I was referring to the War of Independence, launched by Egypt, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, The Holy War Army, the Arab Liberation Army, and the Muslim Brotherhood.

However, the 6 Day War occurred because Israel attacked Egypt after Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser closed the Straits of Tiran, even thought Israel had already said that closing them would be considered an act of war. As to attacking Syria and taking East Jerusalem, Egypt had entered a defense treaty with Syria, and unless Israel wanted to fight on two fronts, then they would have to cripple Syria's army. East Jerusalem was taken when Moshe Dayan, knowing that it would be Israel's only chance to secure the holy sites such as the Kotel (Western Wall), entered the city after hearing the UN was about to declare a cease-fire. The Golan Heights were taken after a complete failure by the Syrian army to mobilize, and lack of preparedness (the tanks were too wide, some sank in the Jordan River, there was no communication between infantry and the tanks).
One does have to admit that the total destruction of the Egyptian Air Force was overkill, considering that the only planes left were 4 unarmed training flights.

1,143 posts

@redbedhead yes i am aware of israels effectiveness and there skills in counter terrorism, i wasnt disputing this, iwas simply saying that in the six day war at leats i dont know much of the other one being talked of, that they did not 'whoop butt' that is to say achieve all out victory at little cost to themselves

@zakyman, that was a slight waste of your time as i was already aware of all the facts that you just posted

1,627 posts

that was a slight waste of your time as i was already aware of all the facts that you just posted

sorry chicken. didn't know you were so worried about me
1 posts

Well, part of my family live in israel, so i gues it shoud exist, lol.

1,558 posts

Well, part of my family live in israel, so i gues it shoud exist, lol.

It's metaphorical, as in, not to be taken seriously. He means does Israel do more good or bad.

I, for one, believe it should exist because it helped shaped this world to make it the gleaming ball of gold it is today (sarcasm). I suppose I'm undecided for now.
1,482 posts

That's like putting Manny Pacquiao against Muhammad Ali and seeing Pacquiao win. Israel is about the size of a pinky nail on the map, so there victory was in fact major. The ISF has the number 1 spot for special forces, above the SAS and the Seals. They have to have a good military to stay afloat against all the threats it faces.

Excuse me? Get a chart of foreign aid for that time period, and look at Israel's battle tank. It looks like an M1 Abrams.
Also, Israel got an okay for Jewish Americans to fly over and fight for them. Extra F16's sounds kind of nice.
It's like putting Pacquiao in the ring vs. Ali, and then giving him a double barrel shotgun.

Personally, I feel it shouldn't have ever been put where it is. Genocide occurs everywhere, The west had no right to just impose it's will in the Middle East as a 'sorry' for being ignorant to Germany's rampage until time lead to an ill fated confrontation --

The area used to be 80% Palestinian, it is now 20%. They country has a population of 7 Million. Palestinian REFUGEE population is 4.82 Million. Cut from that 7 Million 2.3 Million Palestinians.

^ That's hypocrisy -- You get help because of an age old diaspora, and then you cause a new one for the hell of it.
2,226 posts

Other than being one of the holiest places on earth, there is really nothing of value in Israel. Most of the land, especially in the southern part, is desert. I don't get why people fight over such a small piece of land. Why can't they just learn to co-exist and share?

608 posts

I don't get why people fight over such a small piece of land.

Look what happened in WWII in the pacific theater. All the fighting was over small pieces of land.
608 posts

How about the people? They are rather different than others.

You can say that about most countries. Such as different cultures and traditions.
4,104 posts

How about the people? They are rather different than others.

How so?
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