Tomerthekng, You need to do some research and history.
You had a nice paragraph, but the start of it was off so I'm just going to address that one portion of it.
Israel took land from the English empire who gave it up freely.
I have no idea where you got that from. If you'd like, I can redirect you to Wikipedia.
That entire region was covered a by a little thing called the Ottoman Empire, you know, the thing that lasted for a few hundred years.
Following World War 1, The British captured Jerusalem, defeating the Turks both in Anatolia and the western side of the Arabian peninsula, as one of the last battles of the War.
Following this, the British
rejected their promise to give freedom to these lands, as many western countries adopted the ideas that they should be 'mandates' as they cannot govern themselves. As such, many arab states were subject to opposition.
It was at this point that Britain felt that Jews felt misplaced in the world, so it gave money to popularize the idea of returning to a long forgotten homeland and THEN carved up a hole for Jewish living.
Yes, Israel should exist? If it is a real tangible place, then it sort of has to exist right? It is a real place regardless of religious ties
hey had solviet armor, which was superior
Er... How much Soviet Armor? Following Syria's rejection to communism without further acceptance of it in the communist world, Syria was practically isolated from Western talks for a decade.
demand its lost land, killing civilians in the process. In the following talks, there were a few key points that neither side agreed ever to back on.
Sounds a lot like Jewish Zionists.
Except for the fact, this whole 'killing civilians' thing is of a few subjected and poor terrorist groups, and though the media conceptualizes them as extra Osama Bin Ladens, they themselves are nothing more than people fighting for what they believe is there homeland. So my question is, are you supporting the rule of a warmonger who was able to take cake from the UN and hold it?
Lets not forget, that, as we have before, that "Israel did not successfully block and defend". Without Western juice in their economy and military, they were doomed.
Lastly, the only Arabs there to cry were Palestinians. The rest were people with their own nationality, so that comment did not make much sense at all -- seeing as they didn't lose much land.
If so, then you're entire statement against America is a load of bullcrap.
But just to say so anyway.
Our War on Mexico followed the war between Mexico and Texas, which was a dispute over river boundaries -- Texas was completely neglected at the time, and the settlers realized that their overpopulation could not be controlled out by the few Mexicans there were in the area, and for that reason, a rebellion ensued, but Texas was not annexed until 1945.
With it's annexation, Mexico realized it's not coming back and a war ensued.
As for Slavery, it was a trademark of agricultural throughout the world, and I admit, it defied the constitution, but it does not take America's legitimacy away from itself.
And cut the BS on Nuking. Israel has Nukes and it isn't even a declaratory member of the five powers. Also, we Nuked to save lives. It's better than the radioactive waste in Russia.
Killed? I don't think I have argue against that.
Racist and Sexist -- A trademark of the world 200 years ago, not to mention, 200 years ago Jewish communities were so isolated it was unreal.
Own the world media? Not our fault we're good at giving news, and, not to mention, Jews own American media so... Yeah.
As for supporting dictators, that's the stupidest thing I've heard.
I'll just respond to that, your list of atrocities is too long.
Kind of like us stealing nazi territory during WW2.
I'd like to state another 'wtf'.