The question is simple. Should Israel exist. I know that this subject is very controversial so I am setting some "ground rules." 1. Because Israel is so tied into Judaism, NO ANTI-SEMETIC COMMENTS 2. Please back up your reasoning with facts 3. Respect other's opinions. I cannot tell you how many times I have been on CNN and seen people flinging mud at each other. BE RESPECTFUL!
I am looking forward to seeing the posts and logic behind the opinions.
although i ful agree with your point Armed-Blade, its not like they had everything going for them, i mean the Iraqis were involved supporting the six day war and the Syrians also had Abrams (from what i know, correect me if im wrong) and many other american made weapons
and just because a country doesnt have much in the way of natuiral resources doesnt mean its worthless, it means alot to all the people living there, britain for example, doesnt hav emany natural resources (any more) lets igonore farming for the skae of this analogy, but if somoen tried to take the landscape and places ive come to love i would be mad as hell,
Syrians also had Abrams (from what i know, correect me if im wrong) and many other american made weapons
Everyone has American weapons. The thing is, they pay for them. Israel just gets the tech. from us/we give them cash/loan them stuff at extremely low rates, they're our new territory in the Middle East that's supposed to be indebted to us.
And also, many countries have a lack of natural resources. It's not like that makes them worthless, Israel is, for one, not landlocked, which is a huge reason as to why, when the country was partitioned, the Palestinian Arabs felt so betrayed -- They'd lost a boatload of Economy to some people that were just randomly immigrating because the British thought they should.
Not to mention, I think Israel has proved it's ability to be just as much of a terrorist as anyone else -- If 5 Million Americans were displaced from their homes I'm sure we'd drop a nuke. I'm pretty sure that I'll never support anything we do for Israel, an example being our military aid.
Let us not forget June 6, 1968 where senator Bobby Kennedy was assissinated after a debate where he stood in favor for Israel. It's not right for an American to die for their support over any issue.
Armed_Blade, I hope that you realize the strategy behind giving Israel our newest weapons. Because they actually have a use for the newest hardware, they test them out basically for us so we know what the weapons can do in combat. Plus all the aid we give them is sent right back to us for the weapons.
Armed_Blade, I hope that you realize the strategy behind giving Israel our newest weapons. Because they actually have a use for the newest hardware, they test them out basically for us so we know what the weapons can do in combat. Plus all the aid we give them is sent right back to us for the weapons.
That doesn't make sense. We don't sell them weapons, we just give them aid. On terms of our strategy of how to use the weapons, Israel has no place to test them out any better than we do. They haven't been in a war for a long while, and I doubt they ever will unless the MIddle East gets Saudi Arabia into the game. All Israel can do with a fighter jet is blow sand in the Negev, we could do the same in Arizona.
The only 'strategy' we have is that we want a western base in the middle east because we like oil and we want to control those with oil, because if we went in there and just tried to snag it it'll all get burnt. It's also very easy to do so when this question is sent to a mass media -- 'omg the ppl that died in WW2 we've gotta help them.'
Armed_Blade, all of what we give Israel, is then spent by Israel for military hardware. And currently, Israel is in a state of a whatchamacallit with Hamas, so they do need this technology incase they are forced to invade Gaza again.
Armed_Blade, all of what we give Israel, is then spent by Israel for military hardware. And currently, Israel is in a state of a whatchamacallit with Hamas, so they do need this technology incase they are forced to invade Gaza again.
Invade Gaza? The last time they did it they caused a freaking humanitarian crisis. Hamas isn't some military dictatorship ruling the area, it's a freaking group of people that are probably pissed off about seeing 5 million people displaced from the country. Something which you haven't really answered about. The last 'invasion' just resulted in poor people dying.
Also, I don't get why Israel's need of military hardware has anything to do with the United States. They can buy and build their own weapons.
oh for gods sake! israel has never been forced to invade gaza or the west bank, did it help them destroy hamas? NO! they are an underground terrorist organisation, it was an exscuse to flex their military muscle, all it actully achieved was to opress harass bully kill maime and sdisplace the citizens and to turn world opinion against them
If 5 Million Americans were displaced from their homes I'm sure we'd drop a nuke.
Good, now if you will be kind, clear up some space in Arizona for the Palestinians. It would be cheaper for you.
Israel took land from the English empire who gave it up freely. The UN chose to divide the land between the Jews and the Arabs. The Arabs didn't agree and decided to attack. In the ensuing fight (in which the neighboring countries took part in) , the Jews got the upper hand and conquered. In the following wars, the Arabs continued to threaten Israel, which it successfully blocked and conquered. Then, the aggressive Arabs started to cry like a baby and demand its lost land, killing civilians in the process. In the following talks, there were a few key points that neither side agreed ever to back on.
America, you have no right to exist. You were never voted upon in a collection of world leaders, you killed the local populace and declared an unfair war upon Mexico so that you can seize its lands. You go contradictory to your own constitution, sold millions into slavery, nuked, killed, acted extremely racist and sexist, own the world media, use the bible to prove your points, support dictators, ignore oppression and massive genocides, sell weapons, fight local wars, get involved in world affairs, and hold veto power in the UN.
most countries shouldnt exist, but that doesnt mean its right to continue with the smae misguided princaples, isarel stole land from people who already lived there, other countries acted in defence of those people and then the isrealis took more land tha was never nad should never have been theirs
the fact that america is abad guy does nothing to support your point since they are israels chief financier and closest ally, and you make out like its only the arabs killing civillians, here are some figures:
a child living in the gaza strip is three times more likely to have seen twice as many traumatic events as a child living in israel
israel has one of the worst human rights and war crimes records of the 20th century
a child living in the gaza strip is three times more likely to have seen twice as many traumatic events as a child living in israel
A child in the gaza strip is more likely to be connected to the cause of the traumatic events, like his father shooting rockets and the air force relitating.
[quote]isarel stole land from people who already lived there, other countries acted in defence of those people and then the isrealis took more land tha was never nad should never have been theirs
The people who lost their land were attacking Israel. Kind of like us stealing nazi territory during WW2.
israel has one of the worst human rights and war crimes records of the 20th century
when did anyone ever steal nazi territory? they returned nearly all of it to its rightful owners not to random people from another continent that had no claim to it, mistakes were made but most of them have been ironed out
and i say, and any other intelligent free thinking person can see, oh yeah and the red cross, but i bet they are anti semite racists as well are they? as this seems to be the standard protocol for dealing with anyone who is anti israel