This game is inspired by Larmus' "Create Earth" and ZombieFreak77's "Planet Reborn! Protect and Destroy Game". Both have been dropped. I already run Destroy the Planet 4, but I want this to be something like a counterpart to it. This will also have a storyline, and there will be goals. Let the creating begin!
First planet: Earth Goal: Develop life
Earth, a giant molten rock, orbiting a young star, called Sun. Earth has been just created. But it is still a sphere of lava. The first task is to develop life. Can you do it?
Planet: Earth Heat: Too hot Atmosphere: 80% Nitrogen, 10% Carbon dioxide, 9% Water vapor 1% other gases Condition: Mainly liquid Life: Plants: None; Animals: None Goal: Develop first life, create oxygen Era: Precambrian
There is only one Continet.The Pangea.Which is like Japan but much bigger.Also it is located at almost at The Equator so which means it is always warm or hot there. Not cold.....
I temporarily freeze movement of the oceanic currents to induce a small ice age, freezing the bottom of Pangea, eliminating all dinosaurs, golems, etc that live down there.