ForumsThe TavernMost random thing ever happened at school?

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493 posts

The title says it all.i'll start.

at school, we had science and our science teacher was explaining what happens when you don't eat fat. a boy in my class is called nikita(he's estonian) and was talking to the russian boy vova or vladimir. The science teacher said "...Periods stop in women, NIKITA!".

you can imagine what happened next...

  • 198 Replies
317 posts

One time after first period s light fell on some kid and had to get 30 stitches to seal his head again. What I liked about I hated him and still do.

1,868 posts

Today it was kinda funny. A girl sitting right beside me was talking to another girl in the other side of the class but I was in the middle of the conversation so I listened to everything. They were talking quietly but I could hear though. The girl far away from me was saying "I need an absorbent" but the other girl didn't listen so she said louder "Absorbent!" so a lot of people heard that and started staring at her. They sent me a pencil case where the other girl could put the absorbent inside and sent it back. When the girl went to the bathroom to put that we all started laughing of that situation and even I got embarrassed of that.

493 posts

Today it was kinda funny. A girl sitting right beside me was talking to another girl in the other side of the class but I was in the middle of the conversation so I listened to everything. They were talking quietly but I could hear though. The girl far away from me was saying "I need an absorbent" but the other girl didn't listen so she said louder "Absorbent!" so a lot of people heard that and started staring at her. They sent me a pencil case where the other girl could put the absorbent inside and sent it back. When the girl went to the bathroom to put that we all started laughing of that situation and even I got embarrassed of that.

That deserves a gold star. The other day, I was in class and a girl was leaving.So we played a game called boneswag. if the number is a multiple of 3 or has 3 in it you say bone. if it is a multiple of 4 or has 4 in it you say swag. I wasn't paying attention so when my turn came, i was silent. " Were you paying attention?" a boy called Omar asked. " Kinda not." i replied. I saw his faced confused for a bit because i said it really fast. " Candle???" he replied. " I am sorry but that is not the right answer." so I had to sit fown while I lmfao'd
529 posts

wait why is that funny?

608 posts

Chased this fly around in a class.

493 posts

wait why is that funny?

Because me and my group would roflmao at it. Random also means funny and absorbent can only make me thik of one thing...
322 posts

Had this thing a few years ago that because I was sick and couldn't come to some long math test so I did it a few days later in some far away classroom that nobody ever goes to with a sleeping teacher watching over me. I was doing the test alone so not much people know about it.
During the time I did the test I started hearing voices from the nearby class, couldn't really understand the words but they sounded like girls. A little while later the voices got Lauder with lots of laughter started going on and I started to understand the words said. It was about half the girls from my class (about 10) talking about what boys they like and what they like about them. On their way out one of them noticed me doing the test right next room and gave me the weirdest look I've ever seen.
Was pretty funny. I think that girl i still somewhat afraid of me now.

266 posts

The only random thing I can think of is:

In 5th grade, during math class, there was a HUGE fly buzzing around the room. My teacher took one look, and said "big fly."

493 posts

In 5th grade, during math class, there was a HUGE fly buzzing around the room. My teacher took one look, and said "big fly."

*sniff,sniff* I don't think I have ever laughed this hard in my life. Haa...
493 posts

Once, we were in class and there was a girl sitting behind me. She was doing her history workon a separate piece of paper and after she finished, she found her book." Now I have to cop this all out." she said. I asked " Why don't you just stick it in?" and my frind said " Thats what she said!".

We laughed for two full minutes about that.

493 posts

Today,I was trying to explain how arabic letters are said and their forms to my friend so I said " This is how arabs do it"

We laughed our way through the last 2 minutes of geography class.

529 posts

1 time during school i was sick but my mom maid me go anyway i sit next to my guy friend Sam in class and I fell asleep then I woke up and he was looking at me and said U no u look dead right? i said shut it. and my teacher thought Sam was talking about her so we both got detention him for saying that and me telling him to shut up it was fun cause our detention teachers hates us so we always talk and through stuff all the time in detention

493 posts

In 5th grade jokingly i took two of those Bakugan (they were the fad back then) things and said to my friends "Ey guys...look at my balls" The teacher said if i want to talk about body parts go to the nurse. My dad found it Hilarious. 8vD


1 time during school i was sick but my mom maid me go anyway i sit next to my guy friend Sam in class and I fell asleep then I woke up and he was looking at me and said U no u look dead right? i said shut it. and my teacher thought Sam was talking about her so we both got detention him for saying that and me telling him to shut up it was fun cause our detention teachers hates us so we always talk and through stuff all the time in detention

Hahaha! Today, it was the end of german and my friends were sitting behind me. One of them said " i tried taking it out but it wouldn't come out. It was leaking." I piped in with " Thats what she said!" and the entire class cracked up so hard.
9,438 posts

My science teacher was talking about genetically altered organisms. He accidently said "genetically altered orgasms" but most of the class was bored and sleeping by then so I was probably the only one who heard it.

464 posts

In my computer class the teacher looked up FSU. There was a lot of inapropriate pictures. The best part is the fact that the principal was standing right there. it was near impossible to restore order. I never saw that teacher again.

Showing 136-150 of 198